9 research outputs found


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    The difference between Japanese and Indonesian is quite diverse, one of which is about 'mo' and 'jugaā€˜. 'Mo' includes affirmation particles in Japanese and 'jugaā€˜ includes adverbs in Indonesian. This study aims to compare the two linguistic elements by looking for similarities and differences. The Japanese theory used is the theory of the structure and meaning of the affirmation particle 'mo', while the Indonesian theory used is the theory of structure and the meaning of adverbs 'juga'. The results obtained from this study are 'mo' and 'juga' used in the form of equalization adding an element into other similar elements, can be attached to the class of nouns, noun phrases, verbs, and adjectives. The difference is that 'mo' is after the element it adds, while 'juga' is more flexible in position can be before or after the element it adds


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    The tittle of this research is "Analisis Alih Kode dan Campur Kode Pada Video Jerome Polin di Saluran Youtube Nihongo Mantappu (Kajian Sosiolinguistik)ā€. The purpose of this reasearch is to identify the types of code-switching and code-mixing used by Jerome Polin's video on Nihongo Mantappu's youtube channel. In this study, researcher implemented three videos of Jerome Polin on Nihongo Mantappuā€™s youtube channel as researched data. The code-switching theory used by Hoffman's theory and the code-mixing theory used by Muysken's theory. The method used in this research was descriptive qualitative with method consisting of three stages; the data collection stage, the data analysis stage and the presentation stage of data analysis results. The methods and techniques of data collection used in this research were listening to video downloaded from youtube. Researcher listened to the video repeatedly until found the code-switching and code-mixing in the conversation, then wrote in a notebook. The methods and techniques of data analysis used were intralingual method and determining element sorting technique. The method used in the presentation of data analysis results was an informal method. The results of this research showed that there were three types of code-switching; inter-centential (8 data), intra-centential (28 data) and emblematic / tag switching (6 data). And three types of code-mixing; insertion (17 data), alternation (5 data) and congruent lexicalization (10 data)


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    The aims of this research is to describe the single translation technique and the multiple translation technique applied to the lyrics of the song 'Uchiage Hanabi' covered by Andi Adinata's song into Indonesian. In this research, the data are taken from video of Andi Adinata. The theories of translation technique used is the theory of Molina and Albir . The method used a descriptive qualitative method which consists of three stages, namely, the data collection stage, the data analysis and the presentation of the data analysis results. The data collection methods and techniques used are the listening method and the note-taking technique. Data analysis methods and techniques used are intralingua matching methods and determining element sorting techniques. The method used in presenting the results of data analysis is an informal presentation method. The results of this study indicate that there are 5 types of single translation techniques, namely 1 data literal translation technique,  2 data of modulation translation techniques, word to word  is 5 data translation techniques, common equivalent translation techniques 2 data and 2 data amplification translation techniques, and the types of multiple translation techniques, namely amplification translation techniques with 4 data literals, amplification translation techniques with 1 data modulation, modulation translation techniques with 3 literals data and modulation translation techniques with the usual equivalent 2 data

    Peningkatan Pola Pikir Individu Dengan Metode Pemberian Feedback Bagi Siswa Kelas X Smk Batik Perbaik Purworejo

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    Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah rendahnya pola pikir individu siswa untuk melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran. Hal ini dapat ditunjukkan bahwa siswa menyepelekan materi pelajaran Fisika, sehingga ketika siswa menghadapi ujian semester mereka masih bergantung kepada siswa lainnya untuk menyelesaikan soal-soal ujian tersebut dan tidak memiliki rasa percaya diri untuk menjawab dengan hasil pemikirannya sendiri. Selain itu siswa cenderung diam dan pasif dalam kegiatan pembelajaran.Oleh karena itu, penelitian bertujuan menerapkan metode pemberian feedback untuk meningkatkan pola pikir individu siswa bagi kelas X SMK Batik Perbaik Purworejo. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK).Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMK Batik Perbaik Purworejo. Subyek penelitian adalah 31 siswa dari kelas X jurusan Teknik Jaringan Komputer II (TKJ II). Penelitian ini pada pokok bahasan usaha dan daya. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan empat metode, yaitu : metode angket, metode observasi, metode tes, dan metode dokumentasi. Setelah data diperoleh kemudian dianalisis menggunakan skala persentase. Hasil dari penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan penerapan metode pemberian feedback dapat meningkatkan pola pikir individu bagi siswa kelas X SMK Batik Perbaik Purworejo. Hal ini dilihat dari hasil observasi pola pikir individu siswa, diperoleh persentase rata-rata 44,99% pada pra siklus, meningkat menjadi 60,48% pada siklus I dan menjadi 74,19% pda siklus II. Hasil belajar siswa juga mengalami peningkatan, dari nilai rata-rata awal 62,25 menjadi 71,85 pada siklus I dan menjadi 85,32 pada siklus II

    Japanese Slang on The Nihongo Mantappu Youtube Channel (Morphosemantic Study)

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    Language is a means of communication and interaction among humans to share information from all over the world, therefore language has a very important role in human life. Slang is a variety of non-formal language used by people aged 10-30 years. Slang can also be used as a secret form by using words that can be understood by certain circles and are temporary. By using this slang, it means that we are people who follow the times. Slang can also be modified and can create new vocabulary. The purpose of this study is to examine and describe the form, meaning, and process of forming Japanese slang words found on the Nihongo Mantappu Jerome Polin youtube channel. The method of data collection used the method of observing with note taking techniques, and the method used in the analysis was a qualitative descriptive method. The research data is in the form of slang that appears on the Nihongo Mantappu Jerome Polin Youtube channel. The data collected were 19 Japanese slang data with various variations of forms and meanings. The theory used to analyze is the theory proposed by Kageyama (2016) regarding the process of word formation. The results obtained according to Kageyama's theory (2016) are the process of forming Japanese slang words consisting of compounding (C), affixation (A), conversion (K), reduplication (R), blending (B), clipping (C), and acronyms. or initials (I)

    Konsep Lanskap Linguistik Desa Karyawangi Parongpong

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    Fenomena Lanskap Linguistik (LL) ruang publik yang terdapat pada wilayah tertentu berupa penggunaan bahasa yang digunakan di Desa Karyawangi, merupakan latar belakang dalam penelitian ini. Lanskap Linguistik (LL) ini berfungsi untuk memberikan informasi yang jelas kepada seluruh warga masyarakat dan pengunjung Desa Karyawangi. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan penggunaan ragam bahasa, pola penamaan yang dipakai di papan identitas instansi, papan gang-gang jalan, nama masjid yang dipakai di Desa Karyawangi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan kajian lanskap linguistik (LL). Adapun langkahlangkah yang dilakukan yaitu dengan teknik koleksi, reduksi, display data (penyajian data), dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tiga kontestasi penggunaan bahasa dalam lanskap linguistik Desa Karyawangi, yaitu Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Sunda dan Bahasa Arab. Bahasa-bahasa yang digunakan dalam ruang publik di Desa Karyawangi ini dominan menggunakan monolingual, dimana bahasa Indonesia lebih banyak digunakan sebagai nama-nama bangunan/instansi, dan jalan di lingkungan Desa Karyawangi, sedangkan untuk namanama gang yang terdapat di Desa Karyawangi ini banyak menggunakan bahasa Sunda sebagai bahasa penutur aslinya. Sementara itu, bahasa asing (bahasa Arab) masih dominan digunakan untuk nama-nama masjid di Desa Karyawangi

    Plant Shops Naming Pattern at Cihideung Village, Bandung : A Linguistic Landscape Approach

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    This study discusses the naming pattern of plant shops in Cihideung Village in terms of Linguistic Landscape (LL). LL is a discipline that examines the use of language in public spaces. The purpose of this study is to describe the form and explain the informative function and symbolic function (LL function) in the naming of plant shops in Cihideung Village. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method which produces photographic data from the results of documentation and direct observation. The research object was taken from the names of plant shops located in Cihideung Village. The signs present in the photographic data will then be analyzed using the Landry and Bourhis (1997) model of linguistic landscape theory which divides LL into six levels, namely microlinguistic analysis, language code type analysis, language behavior analysis, psychological analysis, socio-cultural analysis. psychological, and sociological analysis. The conclusion results indicate that the plant shop in Cihideung Village is dominated by shop names that explicitized the type of product using the word florist/florist/flower stall and most of them are composed of Indonesian (monoligual) with the type of lingual unit, namely phrases. Meanwhile, the name of the shop which does not explicitized the type of product is dominated by the identity of the shop owner's name which is composed of Indonesian (monolingual) and in the form of a phrase

    The Effectiveness Project Work Teaching Techniques Of Sakubun Teaching Collaboration With Kaiwa

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    This research is focused on collaborative learning between sakubun (writing) and kaiwa (speaking) subjects. In the subjects of sakubun and kaiwa, the teacher must look for the right teaching method or technique so that the teaching and learning process is not monotonous and boring for learners. In sakubun courses, the teacher must have thoroughness in terms of examining the results of student writing and having insight into vocabulary and culture. Whereas in speaking courses (kaiwa), the teacher must have creativity in preparing the teaching material and techniques because of the teaching that all learners are required to actively speak. The ultimate goal of teaching Japanese is so that learners are able to communicate their ideas or ideas using Japanese both verbally and in writing. The methods and techniques used in learning are thematic methods with the technique of teaching project work. The purpose of this study is to provide a renewal in the teaching pattern of the sacred and kaiwa so that it can improve the effectiveness of teaching and the ability of students in writing and speaking is expected to increase.    Collaborating writing (sakubun) and speaking (kaiwa) courses is one of the treatments carried out by the author to create a learning environment that is not boring. From the results of data processing, it can be concluded that collaboration between teaching writing and teachingspeaks using project work techniques is quite effective to improve student achievement. in addition to teaching using project work techniques, learners also get a pleasant learning experience