7 research outputs found
Agribusiness development strategy of papaya calina (carica papaya l.)
Papaya Calina (Carica papaya L.) is one of the main commodities in Cidolog Village, Cidolog District, Sukabumi Regency. Since 2020, Papaya plantation in Cidolog has remained static, and production has even decreased in 2020-2021 while national production increased. The research was conducted in December 2021 to identify the internal and external conditions in papaya agribusiness in Cidolog, and formulate strategies to develop the business. Internal and external environment mapping was obtained through observation and in-depth interviews with the farmer group. Assessment of the IFE and EFE matrices, and strategy formulation using SWOT Matrix, were obtained from interviews with five experts. Environment analysis shows that the papaya agribusiness in Cidolog Village has prospects for further development with an IFE value of 2.51 and an EFE of 2.64. The position of Calina's papaya agribusiness in IE matric is in cell 5 with a “guard and sustain” strategy. SWOT Matrix formulates 8 strategies namely 1) Expansion of land, 2) Increasing the role and dynamics of farmer groups, 3) Strengthening capabilities and access to networking, 4) Processing of inferior papaya into processed products, 5) Expansion of information and promotion of Papaya Calina Cidolog on the village website, District website, social media, and exhibitions, 6) Training on pest and plant disease control and cultivation practices in general, 7) Proposing road repairment to the relevant local government, and 8) opening the new market to supermarkets and a fruit shop
This research aims to describe the implementation of the Program Kampung Iklim in Padang Panjang City, which focused in 2019 only. Program Kampung Iklim in Padang Panjang City has been implemented since 2018 and has a legal basis for implementing the program since 2016, namely the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation Number 84 concerning the Program Kampung Iklim. However, in the program implementation process, there are still obstacles to be faced. With this program, it is hoped that it can increase understanding of climate change and its impacts as well as real action in dealing with climate change.
This research used a qualitative descriptive method through interviews with selected informants through a purposive sampling technique and documents related to the Program Kampung Iklim. The theory in this study is the Implementation Theory by Donald Van Meter and Carl Van Horn, consisting of six variables: which are policy standards and objectives, resources, communication between organizations, characteristics of implementing agents, disposition of implementers, and social, economic, and political conditions.
The results showed that the implementation of the Program Kampung Iklim in Padang Panjang City had gone well, but there were still several obstacles, such as the absence of special regulations and the non-specific duties in the Advisory Team's Decree causing unclear roles for each of the implementers. Besides, not all implementors understand the program which is affected by poor communication between implementors because they come from different agencies and are tied to their respective main tasks and functions
Padang Water Company, Gunung Pangilun Branch is a provider of clean water for the community in the Padang city, especially the downtown part. In carrying out its duties, the Padang Water Company, Gunung Pangilun Branch has several problems that often occur. One of them is the high value of water loss that is in production, causing low value of water sales. This research uses the Theory Of Constrain (TOC) method used as a problem solving approach. TOC is used to identify constraints that become a constrain in the production process. In calculating the capacity used data sales forecasting water and after the calculation of capacity for each workstation there are 2 workstations that have a bottleneck, in the Workstation 2 and Workstation 3. This makes the company need to focus on making repairs in two working stations that have a bottleneck
DHF case are diseases caused by four types of dengue virus, where each type has its own characteristics and pattern of spread. The purpose of this study is to make predictions on DHF cases in the future. This study uses the Multiplicative Decomposition method, in which this method breaks down time series data into four patterns, namely trend, seasonality, cycles and error. This research was conducted at RSU Haji Medan using DHF case data from January 2017 to December 2021. The results showed that the Multiplicative Decomposition method has an MSE value of 0,0012 and a MAPE value of 0,23%, which means it has a very good accuracy value because less than 10%. The conclusion of the study is that the Multiplicative Decomposition method is a method in the good category in predicting future DHF case
Molecular docking study of sea urchin (Arbacia lixula) peptides as multi-target inhibitor for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) associated proteins
Context: Lung cancer is a type of cancer that causes the most deaths worldwide. The most common type of lung cancer is non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Sea urchin (Arbacia lixula) has high potential as an antiNSCLC agent.
Aims: To analyze the anticancer activity of peptides from A. lixula coelomic fluid in inhibiting the activity of NSCLC-related proteins.
Methods: Peptide modeling was performed using the PEP-FOLD3 web server. Proteins that have a crucial role in NSCLC progression were determined using KEGG pathway database. 3D protein structures such as EGFR, PI3K, BRAF V600E, and JAK3 were taken from the RCSB PDB database. Docking was performed using Autodock Vina software. Docking results analysis was carried out using Discovery Studio 2019 software.
Results: Some peptides bind to the active sites with low binding affinity.
Peptide 10 binds to the active site of the EGFR with a binding affinity of -9 kcal/mol. Peptide 5 binds to the active sites of PI3K and BRAF V600E with binding affinity of -8.2 and -8.1 kcal/mol, respectively. Peptide 11 binds to the active site of JAK3 with a binding affinity of -8.1 kcal/mol. All of these peptides have lower binding affinity than ATP as the native ligand. Besides, these peptides also produce more hydrogen bonds than ATP, so they are predicted to be more stable.
Conclusions: Peptides 10, 5, and 11 have high potential as anti-NSCLC agents because they can inhibit the activity of proteins that play an essential role in the growth of NSCLC, namely EGFR, PI3K, BRAF V600E, and JAK3 through the competitive ATP inhibitor mechanism
Kematian ibu merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang penting di atasi di negara berkembang. Penyebab kematian Ibu disebabkan dua faktor yakni penyebab langsung (direct obstetric) dan penyebab tidak langsung (indirect obstetric). Sesuai dengan Penilaian Kinerja Puskesmas Aur (PKP) tahun 2020 menunjukkan bahwa target K1 ialah 93% dan K4 ialah 85% sedangkan pencapaian K1 hanya 79,3% dan K4 hanya 50,2%. Penyebab langsung seperti faktor medis dapat dipastikan seperti perdarahan, eklamsia, partus tidak normal, sedangkan penyebab kematian tidak langsung (indirect obstetric) tidak mudah dipastikan penyebabnya dan membutuhkan pemeriksaan khusus oleh tenaga medis. Tujuan kegiatan ini melakukan upaya peningkatan kunjungan kehamilan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Sungai Aur agar mencapai target, sehingga penyebab tingginya angka kematian ibu dapat dicegah. Metode dari kegiatan ini adalah dengan mengimplementasikan penyuluhan untuk meningkatkan kunjungan ibu hamil ke puskesmas dan memenuhi peningkatan target yang diharapkan baik K1 dan K4. Penyuluhan berkesinambungan dengan meningkatkan partisipasi serta kesadaran ibu terhadap pentingnya pemeriksaan kehamilan di fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan oleh tenaga kesehatan dilaksanakan di puskesmas, meningkatkan pencapaian K1 dan K4. Ibu hamil yang membutuhkan pertolongan segera, apalagi saat covid 19 masih berlangsung, dilaksanakan inovasi dengan menjemput langsung ke rumah pasien. Hasil dari kegiatan ini terlaksananya penyuluhan mengenai pentingnya kunjungan kehamilan, dan terlaksananya pembagian leaflet ke ibu hamil, serta mengegah resiko meningkatnya AKI. Saran penyuluhan tetap dilakukan, kesiapan tenaga dan sarana mengatasi masalah persalinan ibu dilestarikan