25 research outputs found

    Improving Protein Conformational Sampling by Using Guiding Projections

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    The ability of a protein to perform its function is mainly dened by the spatial shape it exists in and the way the protein alternates between several stable shapes. To prevent or cure diseases related to protein malfunctioning we study the conformational space of proteins. Sampling-based motion planning algorithms from the eld of robotics have been very successful at this task. However, studying the conformational space of large proteins with hundreds or thousands of Degrees of Freedom remains a big challenge. In this work we investigate how the dimensionality curse can be mitigated by means of low-dimensional projections. Our experiments demonstrate that incorporating the information available on the studied protein into the projection can benefit the conformational exploration process. The techniques we developed to generate efficient low-dimensional projections can enable sampling-based planners to study protein systems, such as viruses, that are currently too large to be investigated by other methods

    Supernova search with active learning in ZTF DR3

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    We provide the first results from the complete SNAD adaptive learning pipeline in the context of a broad scope of data from large-scale astronomical surveys. The main goal of this work is to explore the potential of adaptive learning techniques in application to big data sets. Our SNAD team used Active Anomaly Discovery (AAD) as a tool to search for new supernova (SN) candidates in the photometric data from the first 9.4 months of the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) survey, namely, between March 17 and December 31 2018 (58194 < MJD < 58483). We analysed 70 ZTF fields at a high galactic latitude and visually inspected 2100 outliers. This resulted in 104 SN-like objects being found, 57 of which were reported to the Transient Name Server for the first time and with 47 having previously been mentioned in other catalogues, either as SNe with known types or as SN candidates. We visually inspected the multi-colour light curves of the non-catalogued transients and performed fittings with different supernova models to assign it to a probable photometric class: Ia, Ib/c, IIP, IIL, or IIn. Moreover, we also identified unreported slow-evolving transients that are good superluminous SN candidates, along with a few other non-catalogued objects, such as red dwarf flares and active galactic nuclei. Beyond confirming the effectiveness of human-machine integration underlying the AAD strategy, our results shed light on potential leaks in currently available pipelines. These findings can help avoid similar losses in future large-scale astronomical surveys. Furthermore, the algorithm enables direct searches of any type of data and based on any definition of an anomaly set by the expert.Comment: 22 pages with appendix, 12 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The Influence of Host Galaxy Morphology on the Properties of Type IA Supernovae

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    In this work we determine the correlation between host galaxy morphology and light curve parameters of Type Ia supernovae. The analysis is based on the data from Pantheon cosmological sample of 1048 supernovae. We confirm that the stretch-parameter depends on the host morphology, but there is no any correlation for the color. We stress the importance of including the host morphology term to the standardization procedure of Type Ia supernovae.В работе определяется корреляция морфологии родительской галактики с параметрами кривых блеска сверхновых типа Ia (СН Ia). Анализ основан на данных выборки космологических СН Ia Pantheon. Подтверждено наличие зависимости параметра растяжения от морфологии родительской галактики, но с цветом никакой корреляции нет. Мы подчеркиваем необходимость учета морфологического типа родительской галактики в процедуре стандартизации сверхновых типа Ia.Исследование выполнено за счет гранта Российского научного фонда (проект № 18-72-00159) и при поддержке Программы развития МГУ «Выдающиеся научные школы МГУ: Физика звезд, релятивистских компактных объектов и галактик»

    Terms-eponyms in scientific language

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    The article is devoted to the problem of using proper names in terminological systems of such sciences as philosophy, physics, chemistry, geology, etc. The author considers terms-eponyms, or eponymic names, which of different historical period, structure and meaning. The author recommends using terms-eponyms with relevant meanings for scientific purpose


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    В статье рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с повседневной жизнью крестьян во второй половине 1940–1950-х гг., акцент делается на быт и жилищные условия. Актуальность исследования состоит в возросшем интересе в современной науке к истории «простых людей», так как данный подход способствует формированию реальных знаний о конкретном историческом периоде. Выбор периода связан с тем, что послевоенные 40-е и 50-е гг. ХХ в. остаются для историков малоизученными в плане вопросов крестьянской повседневности. Исследованиеосновано на материалах в основном «устной истории». Региональный подход к проблеме способствует изучению специфических черт. Основываясь на собственных исследованиях и проводимых сравнениях с предшествующим периодом, автор приходит к следующим выводам. В большинстве своем крестьянский быт и дом не изменились, так как продолжали носить архаические черты и зависеть не только от потребностей, но главное от возможностей крестьянина. Конечно, изменения проникали в крестьянский быт, но они носили до середины 50-х  гг. эпизодический характер.Some issues connected with peasants’ everyday life in the second half of 1940–1950-s are considered in the article. Their way of life and housing conditions are emphasized. The actuality is in growing interest in modern science to the history of “common people” as it contributes to real knowledge accumulation about the actual historical period. The choice of this period is caused by the fact that the postwar period and 50-s are still poorly-studied by historians in terms of peasants’ everyday life. The research is mainly based on “oral history”. The regional approach to this problem helps us to study specific features. Taking into account her own research results and making comparisons with the previous periods the author comes to the following conclusions. Mainly, peasants’ way of life and housing conditions remained unchangeable as they had the same archaic characteristics and depended not only on peasants’ needs but generally on their possibilities. Surely, some changes penetrated into peasants’ life but up to mid-50-s they were of episodic character


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    В исследовании предпринята попытка реконструировать важные в социально-экономическом плане со-бытия первых послевоенных лет -подготовку денежной реформы и отмены нормированного распределе-ния товаров первой необходимости. Цели и задачи исследования состоят в описании конкретных событий через поведение и высказывания людей -«свидетелей событий». Работа основана на анализе документов, содержащих личное отношение простых людей к рассматриваемым событиям -это архивные документы, содержащие докладные и информационные записки о «настроении людей» -простых горожан и сельских жителей. Показана сложность переходного периода, выразившаяся в таких обстоятельствах, как повышение цен на пайковые продукты, сокращение категорий лиц, находящихся на пайковом снабжении, трудности с выплатой заработной платы, нарушения со стороны работников сферы торговли и пр. В результате автор приходит к выводу, что такие феномены социальной и экономической сферы, как «нормированное распреде-ление», «дефицит», «спекуляция» а также «низкая зарплата», не вписывались в схему представлений «про-стого человека» о мирной жизни, хотя и продолжали оставаться ее смыслом. Ключевые слова: исторические события, советские люди, реформа, отношение к происходящему SOVIET PEOPLE AND POSTWAR PROBLEMS: ATTITUDE TO THE EVENTS RUNNING Novinskaya T.Y. Penza State Technological University, Penza, e-mail: [email protected] There is an attempt to restore the main postwar events from the social-economical view point, namely, the monetary reform preparation and cancellation of normalized distribution of essential commodities in the article. The aims and tasks of the research are to describe specifi c events via people&apos;s behavior and statements -&quot;events witnesses&quot;. It is based on the documents analysis containing personal attitude of common people to the events under consideration. These are archival documents including memoranda and information notes about &quot;people&apos;s mood&quot; -common citizens and farmers. Transition period diffi culty is discussed in the article. It is expressed by such conditions as price increase on ration products, reduction of categories of people being provided by ration products, problems with salaries and wages, violation of trade sector workers. As a result the author came to the conclusion that such social and economic phenomena as &quot;normalized distribution&quot;, &quot;defi cit&quot;, &quot;speculation&quot;, &quot;low salaries and wages&quot; were not included into the scheme of images of &quot;common people&quot; about peace life but continued to be its sense

    How We Can Account for Type Ia Supernova Environment in Cosmological Analysis

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    International audienceAmong the other types of supernovae, Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia) have less luminosity dispersion at maximum light and show higher optical luminosities. These properties allow to use them as cosmological distance indicators that led to the discovery of the accelerating expansion of the Universe. However, even after the luminosity correction for stretch and color parameters—“standardization”, there is a remaining dispersion on the Hubble diagram of ~0.11 mag. This dispersion can be due to SN environmental effects—progenitor age, chemical composition, surrounding dust. In this work we study the impact of SN galactocentric distance (376 Pantheon SNe Ia) and host-galaxy morphology (275 Pantheon SNe Ia) on the light curve parameters. We confirm that the stretch-parameter depends on galactocentric distance and host morphology, but there is no significant correlation for the color. In the epoch of large transient surveys such as the Vera Rubin Observatory’s Legacy Survey of Space and Time, a study of environment and other possible sources of systematical uncertainties in the cosmological analysis is of high priority

    The dependence of Type Ia Supernovae SALT2 light-curve parameters on host galaxy morphology

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    International audienceType Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia) are widely used to measure distances in the Universe. Despite the recent progress achieved in SN Ia standardization, the Hubble diagram still shows some remaining intrinsic dispersion. The remaining scatter in supernova luminosity could be due to the environmental effects that are accounted for as mass step correction in the current cosmological analyses. In this work, we compare the local and global colour (U − V), the local star formation rate, and the host stellar mass to the host galaxy morphology. The observed trends suggest that the host galaxy morphology is a relevant parameter to characterize the SN Ia environment. Therefore, we study the influence of host galaxy morphology on light-curve parameters of SNe Ia from the pantheon cosmological supernova sample. We determine the Hubble morphological type of host galaxies for a subsample of 330 SNe Ia. We confirm that the salt2 stretch parameter x_1 depends on the host morphology with the p-value ∼10^−14. The supernovae with lower stretch value are hosted mainly by elliptical and lenticular galaxies. No correlation for the salt2 colour parameter c is found. We also examine Hubble diagram residuals for supernovae hosted by ‘early-type’ and ‘late-type’ morphological groups of galaxies. The analysis reveals that the mean distance modulus residual in early-type galaxies is smaller than the one in late-type galaxies, which means that early-type galaxies contain brighter supernovae after stretch and colour corrections. However, we do not observe any difference in the residual dispersion for these two morphological groups. The obtained results are in the line with other analyses showing environmental dependence of SN Ia light-curve parameters and luminosity. We confirm the importance of including a host galaxy parameter into the standardization procedure of SNe Ia for further cosmological studies

    Optimization of recirculation processes

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