6 research outputs found

    Models and methods of software configuration management

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    The paper provides collection of experience of developing models and methods for implementation of software configuration management process. Nowadays, during the age of agility, startup of new software development projects is like an explosion. Sometimes, in a few days a customer is willing to get the first release, but formalized and reusable process for its creating is not ready yet. Software configuration management controls the evolution of software items and supports building and deployment process for product releases. Models and methods for implementation of software configuration management are presented in the paper. Unlike other approaches, the provided models and methods are related to decrease software configuration management implementation time in new projects. The paper provides a simplified use case to illustrate practical application of the mentioned methods and models


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    Urban planning in the interwar Lithuanian republic is still lacking a wider research. National school of the discipline was developing in difficult conditions, without most of the needed resources. A theoretical and critical basis was developing parallelly, which was in search of it’s own ideal model of urban planning. Article looks at the genesis of theoretical aspect of urban planning in the interwar specialized periodical press, reviews different periods of it’s development and tries to find the main problems it faced and the ideals it favored. Throughout the research the development of urban planning theory is split into four distinct chronological periods, that correlated with physical processes. The big break was the new generation of those interested in urban planning – the 30’s saw emergence of criticism of chaotic development processes that were taking place in Lithuanian cities and also the new ideas that were reminiscence of theoretical tendencies of contemporary Europe. A wider form of theoretical discourse has formed until the start of occupations, that could be seen as a rudimentary polemic field of national school of urban planning. The idea of garden city can be seen as a constant of the whole interwar period, which, while varied from author to author, nevertheless always included the main, simplified elements of the simplified concept. Santrauka Lietuvos tarpukario urbanistika iki šiol tyrinėta nedaug. Nacionalinę urbanistikos mokyklą reikėjo kurti itin sunkiomis sąlygomis, neturint didžiosios dalies reikalingų išteklių. Paraleliai formavosi teorinė ir kritinė terpė, ieškojusi savito urbanistinio kelio. Straipsnyje apžvelgiamos teorinės minties užuomazgos tarpukario periodikoje, periodizuojama jos raida, vyravusios problemos ir idealai. Tyrimo metu Respublikos laikotarpio urbanistikos teorijos ir kritikos raida išskiriama į keturis periodus, tarpusavyje koreliavusius su vykusiais fiziniais procesais. Urbanistinės minties lūžiu laikytina nauja specialistų karta, aktyvesnę teorinę veiklą pradėjusi ketvirtuoju dešimtmečiu ir gausiai kritikavusi ankstesnius miestų plėtros procesus bei atspindėjusi Europoje vyravusias tendencijas apie planavimo procesus. Iki okupacinio laikotarpio periodikoje susiformavo platesnio pobūdžio teorinis diskursas, kurį galima laikyti nacionalinės urbanistikos mokyklos poleminio lauko užuomazgomis. Pagrindiniu tarpukario laikotarpio urbanistikos teorijos rišamuoju elementu galima laikyti pagal autorius varijavusias miesto-sodo idėjos interpretacijas. Reikšminiai žodžiai: urbanistika, profesinis diskursas, tarpukario Lietuvos Respublika, miestai-sodai

    Programmable systems for intelligence in automobiles (PRYSTINE): Final results after Year 3

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    Autonomous driving is disrupting the automotive industry as we know it today. For this, fail-operational behavior is essential in the sense, plan, and act stages of the automation chain in order to handle safety-critical situations on its own, which currently is not reached with state-of-the-art approaches. The European ECSEL research project PRYSTINE realizes Fail-operational Urban Surround perceptION (FUSION) based on robust Radar and LiDAR sensor fusion and control functions in order to enable safe automated driving in urban and rural environments. This paper showcases some of the key exploitable results (e.g., novel Radar sensors, innovative embedded control and E/E architectures, pioneering sensor fusion approaches, AI-controlled vehicle demonstrators) achieved until its final year 3

    Programmable Systems for Intelligence in Automobiles (PRYSTINE): Final results after Year 3

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    Autonomous driving is disrupting the automotive industry as we know it today. For this, fail-operational behavior is essential in the sense, plan, and act stages of the automation chain in order to handle safety-critical situations on its own, which currently is not reached with state-of-the-art approaches.The European ECSEL research project PRYSTINE realizes Fail-operational Urban Surround perceptION (FUSION) based on robust Radar and LiDAR sensor fusion and control functions in order to enable safe automated driving in urban and rural environments. This paper showcases some of the key exploitable results (e.g., novel Radar sensors, innovative embedded control and E/E architectures, pioneering sensor fusion approaches, AI-controlled vehicle demonstrators) achieved until its final year 3