63 research outputs found

    IS-18 Cardiac Radiology

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    Colonoscopy to diagnose chronic ulcerative colitis in an 11-years-old Maltese

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    An 11-year-old castrated male Maltese was examined for increased frequency of defecation, mucus in feces, and chronic diarrhea with hematochezia. The dog was referred to Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, IPB University for further evaluation. Ultrasonography and colonoscopy were performed to further diagnose. Abdominal ultrasonography was taken using a linear probe with frequency 6-11 MHz. Colonoscopy was performed using colonoscope with tube length 700 mm and diameters 10 mm under anesthesia. Abdominal ultrasonography showed that the dog had a mucocele gall bladder, cholecystitis, hepatitis, slight-mild splenitis, nephrolithiasis, urolithiasis and thickened of the duodenal wall due to inflammatory bowel diseases. Colonoscopy showed ulceration and hemorrhage along the surface of the colon, whereas hyperemia only seen on the ascending colon. Based on endoscopic examination, the dog was diagnosed with severe and chronic ulcerative colitis. The authors recommended that the colonic biopsy should be undertaken in the dog presented with chronic ulcerative colitis

    Sonogram features of myxomatous mitral valve disease and abdominal organ dissorders in a senior mini pomeranian

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    A 12-years-old mini pomeranian with clinical symptom of coughing was referred to Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor Agricultural University for evaluation. The radiogram showed difus interstitial nodular pattern on the lungs and enlargement of the spleen. Abdominal ultrasonography and echocardiography was performed to further diagnose the dog. Abdominal ultrasonography was taken using linear probe with frequency 5-11 MHz. Echocardiography was perfomed with right parasternal and left apical views using microconvex probe, with frequency 6-8.8 MHz. Abdominal utrasonogram showed that the dog had billiary sludge, mild splenitis, nephrolithiasis, and urolithiasis. Two dimensional Brightness-mode echocardiography showed thickened and prolapsed mitral valve. Two-dimensional M-mode echocardiography showed increasing of left ventricle lumen dimension (LVID) at systole, decreasing of fractional shortening (FS), and enlargement of left atrial. Color Flow Doppler-mode revealed there was mild regurgitation at the mitral valve. These results lead diagnosis to dilated cardiomyopathy and myxomatous mitral valve diseas

    Penilaian Fungsi dan Dinamika Kerja Jantung melalui Ekokardiografi terhadap Pengaruh Kombinasi Anestesia Umum pada Babi Domestik (Sus domesticus)

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    Protokol perawatan kardiovaskular yang baru diusulkan harus diuji pada hewan laboratorium, sebelum diterapkan oleh obat manusia. Untuk tujuan ini, hewan laboratorium yang banyak digunakan adalah babi. Menggunakan babi dalam penelitian ini seringkali memerlukan prosedur anestesi. Alat diagnostik yang paling banyak digunakan untuk kardiovaskular adalah ultrasonografi jantung atau ekokardiografi. Ekokardiografi dapat digunakan untuk mengevaluasi aliran volume darah dan kemampuan kontraksi jantung dengan perhitungan ekokardiografi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pemberian kombinasi injeksi anestesi umum untuk fungsi dan dinamika jantung babi dengan menggunakan ekokardiografi. Pengamatan meliputi detak jantung (kali / menit), curah jantung (L / mnt), volume stroke (ml / mnt), fraksi ejeksi (%), dan pemendekan fraksional (%). Dalam penelitian ini, digunakan 9 babi jantan dan betina, usia 3-4 bulan dengan berat 25-30 kg, dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok kombinasi anestesi (ketamin dan acepromazine (KA); ketamin dan medetomidine (KM); tiletamine-zolazepam dan xylazine (ZX)). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak satu pun dari tiga kelompok anestesi menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan dalam kinerja jantung. Kombinasi anestesi ZX paling baik diterapkan untuk operasi jantung babi karena kombinasi anestesi ini menghasilkan frekuensi denyut jantung yang stabil dan rendah dibandingkan dengan kelompok KA dan KM tetapi masih menunjukkan volume stroke yang tinggi, curah jantung, fraksi ejeksi dan nilai sortasi fraksional

    Antimicrobial susceptibility of coagulase-negative staphylococci isolated from red-tailed racers (Gonyosoma oxycephalum)

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    Antibiotic resistant coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) have been reported around the world. The aim of this study was to determine the antimicrobial susceptibility of CoNS isolated from red–tailed racers. Samples were swabbed from the oral cavity of 5 wild caught red–tailed racers, and were identified with biochemical test using the Kirby–Bauer disc diffusion test interpreted by referring to Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. The results obtained 4 species of CoNS isolated from swab samples including S. sciuri, S. xylosus, S. lentus, and S. kloosii. The antibiotic resistance test of S. xylosus, S. sciuri, and S. lentus showed susceptibility to amoxicillin, gentamicin, erythromycin, bacitracin, vancomycin and oxacillin, but resistance towards penicillin G.  S. sciuri isolated from snake number 1 was intermediate towards erythromycin. S. kloosii showed susceptibility towards amoxicillin, gentamicin, bacitracin, penicillin G, vancomycin, and oxacillin, but was resistant towards erythromycinAntibiotic resistant coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) have been reported around the world. The aim of this study was to determine the antimicrobial susceptibility of CoNS isolated from red–tailed racers. Samples were swabbed from the oral cavity of 5 wild caught red–tailed racers, and were identified with biochemical test using the Kirby–Bauer disc diffusion test interpreted by referring to Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. The results obtained 4 species of CoNS isolated from swab samples including S. sciuri, S. xylosus, S. lentus, and S. kloosii. The antibiotic resistance test of S. xylosus, S. sciuri, and S. lentus showed susceptibility to amoxicillin, gentamicin, erythromycin, bacitracin, vancomycin and oxacillin, but resistance towards penicillin G.  S. sciuri isolated from snake number 1 was intermediate towards erythromycin. S. kloosii showed susceptibility towards amoxicillin, gentamicin, bacitracin, penicillin G, vancomycin, and oxacillin, but was resistant towards erythromyci

    PF-31 Pregnancy Examination and Fetal Development of Indonesian Domestic Rabbits by Ultrasonography

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    Ultrasonography has added benefits such as fetal sexing, early embryonic detection and is less invasive than rectal palpation. Besides, it also has the ability to visually characterize the uterus, fetus, ovary, corpus luteum, and follicles. In order to study the influence of fetal growth on further development in animal models like the rabbit, methods of measurement of fetal and placental size must be measured and viability must be established and validated (Chavatte-Palmer et al. 2008). This research is carried out to detect the earliest day of conception in Indonesian domestic rabbits by means of ultrasonography as well as to study the fetal development by analyzing the images produced during the pregnancy check on embryonic vesicle, body diameter and head diameter

    Evaluasi terapi gangguan kantung empedu pada anjing Pomeranian dengan diagnosis penunjang ultrasonografi

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    Prevalensi gangguan pada kantung empedu anjing adalah 53% dapat berupa mucocele gallbladder, biliary sludge, dan cholelithiasis. Kasus gangguan tertinggi pada kantung empedu anjing adalah biliary sludge yang dapat didiagnosa lebih lanjut dengan ultrasonografi (USG). Studi kasus ini merupakan rangkuman dari kasus anjing ras Pomeranian usia 9 tahun datang dengan keluhan mengalami muntah frekuen yang dirujuk ke Rumah Sakit Hewan Pendidikan, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, Institut Pertanian Bogor. Pemeriksaan USG dilakukan untuk meneguhkan diagnosa. Sonogram menunjukkan permukaan kantung empedu yang tidak rata dan adanya endapan yang menutupi hampir 75% luas kantung empedu. Anjing tersebut diberikan terapi antimuntah, asam ursodeoxycholic dan hepatoprotektan. Terapi asam ursodeoxycholic dan hepatoprotektan diberikan selama 2-3 bulan dan dievaluasi dengan USG. Hasil evaluasi pertama setelah terapi selama 45 hari terjadi pengurangan endapan menjadi 70%. Hasil evaluasi kedua dari terapi selama 45 hari adalah endapan pada kantung empedu tersisa sebanyak 50%. Hasil evaluasi ketiga setelah 3 bulan terapi, endapan pada kantung empedu sudah berkurang hingga tersisa kurang dari 30%. Terapi dihentikan selama 10 bulan dan dilakukan evaluasi terhadap endapan di kantung empedu. Hasil evaluasi terakhir didapatkan adanya peningkatan endapan kantung empedu sebanyak 70%. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi, anjing tersebut diberikan terapi asam ursodeoxycholic dan hepatoprotektan untuk di konsumsi selama 45 hari

    PF-32 Radiography Assessment of Femoral Muscle and Bone Density in Rats as Response to Biodegradable Iron (Fe) Porous Implants

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    Iron (Fe) is considered as one group of metals that can be used as degradable metal implants (Schinhammer et al. 2010). Previous implantation studies have used porous Fe which purposes to increase the rate of degradation (Daud and Hermawan 2013). Changes in the condition of metal implants due to degradation and peri-implant muscle tissue reactions in the body can be observed using radiographic modality (Noviana et al. 2013). The aim of this study was to assess the radiographic density of implants, peri-implants and peri-implants-muscle as a response to Fe porous implants on the femur of the rats.

    Radiographic measurement of cardiac size in laboratory mice

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    This study was to establish quantitative reference range measurements that could be used to support basic data of cardiac size in the laboratory animals. Right and left lateral recumbency (R/L view) and ventral and dorsal recumbency (VD/DV view) radiographs were obtained in 6 normally laboratory mice (Mus musculus). The R/L view heart measurements were the apicobasal length (AB); the maximum width (CD); the distance between the cranial edge of the fifth rib and the caudal edge of the seventh rib (R5-7); the vertical depth of the thorax (H). The VD/DV view cardiac silhouette measurements were maximum length (L); maximum width (W); the width of the thorax (T). In order to determine vertebral heart scale score (VHS), the length and width of the heart were measured and then superimposed to the thoracic vertebrae starting at fourth vertebral (T4) caudally. In order to determine intercostals space (ICS), the CD were measured perpendicularly and superimposed on the intercostals space from fourth costal caudally. The cardiac silhouette was evaluated objectively to describe the cardiac appearance. Lengths of the parameter were determined with a caliper and a ruler in millimeters scale. The result showed that all measurements have not differed significantly between radiographic views (p>0.05)


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    This study aims to evaluate and compare the effects of the combination of ketamine-medetomidine and ketamine-acepromazine anesthesia on pig electrocardiogram (ECG) images. The study was conducted to see the ECG Leads II in six pigs which were divided into two groups. Group I (K1) was given a combination of ketamine (10 mg/kg BW) and medetomidine (0.08 mg/kg BW), while Group II (K2) was given a combination of ketamine (22 mg/kg BW) and acepromazine (1.1 mg/kg BW) intramuscularly. ECG recording was performed after the pigs were anesthetized at the surgical stage by attaching the recording electrodes to the front wall of the chest, front left and right ankles, and back right and left back ankles. The ECG recording used 1 voltage (1 cm = 1mV) with a speed of 25 mm/sec. The parameters observed were heart rate frequency, heart rhythm, P duration, P amplitude, PR interval, R amplitude, QRS interval, QT interval, ST segment, T wave, and Mean Electrical Axis (MEA). Data obtained from this study were analyzed by T-test. The results showed that K1 had an average heart rate of 100 x/minute, regular heart rhythm, P duration of 0.07 sec, P amplitude of 0.27 mV, PR interval of 0.17 sec, R amplitude of 0.75 mV, QRS interval of 0.05 sec, QT interval of 0.20 sec, ST segment of 0.17sec, T wave of 0.17 mV, and MEA of 83.60°; meanwhile, K2 had an average heart rate of 122 x/minute, regular heart rhythm, P duration of 0.06 mm/sec, P amplitude of 0.23 mV, PR interval of 0.14 sec, R amplitude of 0.80 mV, QRS interval of 0.04 sec, QT interval of 0.16 sec, ST segment of 0.14 sec, T wave of 0.12 mV, and MEA of 68.60. The ketamine-medetomidine combination produced good quality of anesthetics for the cardiovascular system
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