6 research outputs found

    Produktivitas Ayam Buras Bibit yang di Suplementasi Kecambah Kacang Hijau

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    Green bean sprouts are rich in vitamin E needed by native chickens to increase egg production. The research was carried out in the native chicken cage at Department of Animal Husbandry, State Polytechnic of Lampung took place from April to July 2018. The study aimed to analyze the production of native chicken eggs that supplemented with green bean sprouts. 60 female and 12 male native chickens were used in the study randomized into 12 maintenance plots with male ratios: female = 1: 5. The treatment applied was R0 = 0% green bean sprouts and R1 = 0.5% green bean sprouts. The effect of the treatment tested on the observed variables was analyzed by the student’s t-test statistical model. The results obtained showed that supplementation of green bean sprouts in native chickens feed resulted in higher productivity. Keywords: native chicken, green bean sprout

    Profile Nutrisi Silase Daun Singkong dengan Tingkat Protein Kasar yang Berbeda pada Substrat

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    Making silage cassava leaves are intended to overcome the problems of scarcity of forage fodder in the dry season. The principle of making cassava leaves silage by pressing the material into a container (silo / plastic bag) to ensure as soon as possible achieve anaerob conditions. Ensilage process conducted lactic acid batteries require basic nutrients such as crude protein contained in the substrate. The study was conducted from March-August 2016 in the Laboratory of Animal Husbandry, Lampung State Polytechnic. The study aims to find out the nutritional profile of cassava leaves silage with different levels of crude protein on a substrate. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 6 replications. The treatments are applied are different levels of crude protein in cassava leves silage substrate. The parameters observed dry matter content, crude protein, crude lipid, crude fiber, ash, and extract materials without nitrogen (BETN) cassava leves silage products. The results that the difference in the level of crude protein on a substrate silage different effects on ensilage processes which impact on the nutritional content of cassava leaves silage products.Keywords: nutiret, silage, cassava leaf meal, crude protein, substra

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Tepung Jagung Dalam Pembuatan Silase Limbah Daun Singkong Terhadap Perubahan Nutrisi, Kecernaan Bahan Kering, Protein Kasar Dan Serat Kasar Pada Kelinci Lokal

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    An experiment was done at Cage Rabbit Trial and Laboratory of Animal Husbandry, Departement of Animal Husbandry, The State of Politechnic Lampung. The first experiment began in 10th until 30th July 2010. The second experiment began 27th August until 15 September 2010.The first experiment were conducted to know some treatments to made cassava leaf meal silage. The second experiment to know dry matter, crude protein, and crude fibre digestible on using of the cassava leaf meal silage in male local rabbit. The treatment and method two steps by used: In experiment 1, P1= 0% corn meeal, P2= 5% corn meal, P3= 10% corn meal, and P4=15% corn meal. In experiment 2, These used 16 male local rabbit. The rabbit were placed randomizely in battery cage. Parameter measured were : dry matter, crude protein , and crude fibre digestile. The nutrient digestibility determined by Harris (1983). The result of this experiment showed that ensilage processing increased quality of nutrien conten and its digestibility on local rabbit.

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Tepung Jagung dalam Pembuatan Silase Limbah Daun Singkong terhadap Perubahan Nutrisi, Kecernaan Bahan Kering, Protein Kasar dan Serat Kasar pada Kelinci Lokal

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    An experiment was done at Cage Rabbit Trial and Laboratory of Animal Husbandry, Departement of Animal Husbandry, The State of Politechnic Lampung. The first experiment began in 10th until 30th July 2010. The second experiment began 27th August until 15 September 2010.The first experiment were conducted to know some treatments to made cassava leaf meal silage. The second experiment to know dry matter, crude protein, and crude fibre digestible on using of the cassava leaf meal silage in male local rabbit. The treatment and method two steps by used: In experiment 1, P1= 0% corn meeal, P2= 5% corn meal, P3= 10% corn meal, and P4=15% corn meal. In experiment 2, These used 16 male local rabbit. The rabbit were placed randomizely in battery cage. Parameter measured were : dry matter, crude protein , and crude fibre digestile. The nutrient digestibility determined by Harris (1983). The result of this experiment showed that ensilage processing increased quality of nutrien conten and its digestibility on local rabbit.. Keywords : Silage of cassava leaf meal, local rabbit, digestibilit

    Karakteristik Tepung Daun Singkong Sebagai Bahan Pakan Unggas Pada Berbagai Ukuran Partikel

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    Study the effect of different particle size of cassava leaf meal on the characteristics of the physical properties, nutrients, and PDI values pelleted ration was carried out in a completely randomized design with three treatments and seven replications. Treatment applied P1 = particle size of cassava leaf meal 2 mm, P2 = particle size of cassava leaf meal 3 mm. and P3 = particle size of cassava leaf meal 5 mm. Research results obtained (1) Effect of particle size reduction of various cassava leaf meal meal was highly significant (P <0.01) in the variable physical properties and can reduce the bulky nature of cassava leaf meal. (2) Effect of particle size reduction of various cassava leaf meal was highly significan (P <0.01) on the crude protein content but not significantly different to the crude fat and crude fiber, (3) Reduction of cassava leaf meal particle size to 2 mm was highly significantly (P <0.01) to the increase in the value of the PDI. Keywords: characteristics of the physical properties, particle size, PDI pellet, cassava leaf mea

    Dosis Efektif Pemberian Ekstrak Kelopak Buah Rosela (Hibiscus sabdariffa L) untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Broiler

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    The research was conducted to know the effective doses of rosellecalyces to increasing broiler productivity, to know toxic effect of rosellecalyces to liver fungsion. The experiment were devided into four trials. Each trial consistof six repeated. Each group got the rosela in different doses. First groupwas gave rosela in 100mg/kgBB. Second group was gave rosela in 200 mg/kgBB, and the third group was gave rosela in 300mg/kgBB, and have one group that no given of rosela (K). The parameter was observed in this study was productivity and SGPT/SGOT of broiler. The result of this study indicated that productivity of broiler that was gave rosela ini 300 mg/kgBB highest than another group. Rosela in 300 mg/kgBB have no negative affect to broiler. Keywords : roselle calyces, productivity, SGPT/SGO