55 research outputs found

    The Effect of Visual Merchandising on Impulsive Buying with Impulsive Buying Tendency as Moderating Variable

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    This research aims to classify the female consumer demographic segments linked by impulsive buying, to determine the effect of visual merchandising on impulsive buying, and to determine the effect of visual merchandising on impulsive buying with impulsive buying tendency as moderating variable on customers of Gaudi in Taman Anggrek Mall. This research is quantitative research with a total sample of 100 people. Data were obtained by distributing questionnaires to the respondents by cross sectional. Research used Cluster Analysis and Moderated Regression Analysis. Data processing was performed using SPSS software for Windows version 20. Research found that customers of Gaudi were divided into three groups: the way of the world, sufficient money, and promotions. Then, research found that visual merchandising affected impulsive buying. In addition, there visual merchandising had also an effect on impulsive buying with impulsive buying tendency as moderating variable. As a conclusion, moderating variable strengthens the effect of visual merchandising on impulse buying

    Comparación de la resistencia al descementado de brackets metálicos adheridos con una resina fluida, una bioresina y una resina convencional

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    En el presente proyecto se determinó la resistencia al descementado de dos nueva resinas, una Bioresina (Biofix) y una resina fluida (Beautifil Flow Plus), mediante el dispositivo universal de pruebas. Se comparó la resistencia al descementado de brackets de diferentes resinas compuestas; se analizó la cantidad de adhesivo remanente después de que los brackets han sido descementados y por último se comparó el Índice de Adhesivo residual en los diferentes grupos.En la práctica ortodóncica contemporánea, la adhesión de los brackets a la superficie dental es un procedimiento esencial para realizar el tratamiento clínico. Como resultado, investigadores, clínicos y casas comerciales han trabajado incansablemente para mejorar los métodos de adhesión por más de 45 años, después de que la técnica de colocación directa de los brackets con resina compuesta fue introducida por Newman en 1965.1 Es precisamente, la cementación directa con materiales fotopolimerizables compuestos a base de resina, el método más utilizado por los ortodoncistas.2 Así mismo, el gran deseo de mejorar los procedimientos de adhesión en ortodoncia se ha visto reflejado en los estudios realizados recientemente para evaluar la resistencia al descementado.3-7 La fuerza de adhesión más adecuada es aquella que permite la fijación de los anclajes ortodóncicos durante la parte activa del tratamiento, lo cual se logra utilizando un sistema adhesivo eficiente. Además, un procedimiento adhesivo apropiado puede reducir el tiempo de trabajo y prevenir los efectos indeseables que afectan la integridad de la superficie del esmalte. Cementos de ortodoncia han sido ampliamente utilizados en ortodoncia para la fijación de soportes en la superficie del esmalte. Los materiales más utilizados consisten en resinas compuestas similares a las empleadas para restauración, pero con una muy diferente proporción de sus componentes con el fin de obtener características ideales para su uso. Estudios relacionados con estos cementos en la literatura consisten principalmente en pruebas de resistencia al descementado. Con el constante lanzamiento de nuevos adhesivos, es necesario mayor estudio de estos para evaluar sus limitaciones, características y propiedades, con el objetivo de mejorar su utilidad clínica

    Kajian Penambahan Gambir sebagai Bahan Penyamak Nabati terhadap Mutu Kimiawi Kulit Kambing

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    Gambier contains tannin which functions as vegetable tanning material. This study aimed to determine, the gambier addition to produces the best chemical quality leather according to Indonesian National Standard chemical quality goatleather (SNI 06-0463-1989). The method was used experimental method randomized block design, which consists of 5 treatments with 4 replications. Treatment of this study was added the gambier percentage (%), each treatment consisting of: treatment A: 15%, B: 20%, C: 25%, D: 30%, and E: 35%. The variables were measured water content, oil/fat content, water-soluble substances content, levels of substances rawhide, levels of insoluble ash in the water, levels of tanning substances (tannins) bound and the tanning degree. The results showed a significantly different effect (P 0.05) oil/fat content, ash content and levels of tanning substances (tannins) bound. The conclusion of this study was the addition of 25% was the best gambier percentage, with 17.06±0.15% water content, the fat/oil 7.69±1.24%, the levels of water-soluble substances 4.16±0.99%, levels of substances rawhide 42.47±6.39%, 0.99±0.03% levels of insoluble ash in the water, levels of tanning substances (tannins) bound 27.63±2.75% and 65.46% tanning degree, which all meet the quality standard ISO test 06-0994-1989 and SNI No.0253-2009

    Analisis Struktur Perilaku Dan Kinerja Pasar (Structure, Conduct and Market Performan) Komoditi Padi Di Desa Bunga Raya Dan Desa Kemuning Muda Kecamatan Bunga Raya Kabupaten Siak

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis struktur, perilaku, dan kinerja pemasaran beras di Kabupaten Bunga Raya. Lokasi penelitian ditentukan dengan menggunakan metode purpossive sampling yaitu dua desa menjadi sentra produksi padi. Responden penelitian adalah petani padi dan semua agensi pemasaran yang terlibat dalam pemasaran beras dari petani sebagai produsen ke pedagang besar sebagai konsumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada tiga saluran pemasaran beras yaitu saluran pemasaran I petani menjual kepada pedagang pengumpul dan kemudian dijual ke pedagang besar, saluran pemasaran II petani menjual ke pedagang pengumul yang memiliki penggilingan padi kemudian dijual ke pedagang grosir dan saluran pemasaran III yaitu petani menjual langsung ke pedagang grosir. Struktur pasar beras adalah pasar oligopsoni karena dilihat dari jumlah pembeli yang relatif sangat sedikit, kemudian dilihat dari nilai market share, rasio konsentrasi dan indeks Herfindahl dari pedagang manapun menunjukkan nilai yang tidak terlalu berbeda. Petani sebagai produsen adalah penerima harga (price taker), dimana petani sebagai produsen mendapatkan Perubahan nilai harga lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan pedagang grosir sebagai konsumen. Margin pemasaran terlihat dari setiap saluran pemasaran yang terjadi menunjukkan bahwa margin dan keuntungan paling banyak didapat oleh pedagang yang melakukan lebih banyak fungsi pemasaran

    Tindak Tutur Direktif Ibu Rumah Tangga Nelayan Kepada Anaknya Di Kelurahan Gates Nan XX Kecamatan Lubuk Begalung Kota Padang

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    The purpose of this study were to (1) describe type to act directive speeches, converse strategy, increase suavity in acts housewife directive speech fisherman to its child at Gates sub-district Nan XX Lubuk Bagaluang district Padang City, (2) describe child response to act mother directive speeches it. Data in observational it is act housewife directive speech fisherman and its child response at Gates sub-district Nan XX Lubuk Bagaluang district Padang City. Data source in observational it is mother discourse and family child response fisherman at Gates sub-district Nan XX Lubuk Bagaluang district Padang City. Gathered data by use of method learns and recording and tech tech note as tech of sequel. Observational finding as follows. First, type acts tending directive speech is utilized is act directive speech see dammed hell first. Both of, tending converse strategy is utilized is frank converse strategy without platitude. Third, act mothers directive speech fisherman family to its child tend decent. Fourth, child response to act mother directive speech it tends positive

    Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Produksi USAhatani Karet di Kecamatan Pangkalan Kuras Kabupaten Pelalawan

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    The purpose of this research is (1) knowing performance of rubber farm effort of rubber in Pangkalan Kuras District Pelalawan Regency (2) Analyze the dominant factors that influences the citizen's production rate of rubber in Pangkalan Kuras District Pelalawan Regency compare during September 2015 until Mei 2017 in Pangkalan Kuras District Pelalawan Regency. This research used survey method at two central rubber production villages in Pangkalan Kuras District Pelalawan Regency (Sorek Dua village and Dundangan village). The sampling technique used simple random sampling.The result of this study conclude : (1) the performance of farm effort of rubber in Pangkalan Kuras District is : wide of farmers rubber average 2 ha, average's rubber age is 22nd years old, total's rubber average is 549 trees/ha, total devote of labor average is 209.97 HKP/ha/year to consist of 44.37% (TKDK) and 55.62% (TKLK), The average of herbisida give is 83.37 liter/ha/tear, average of production is 2985 kg/ha/year. The production factor of rubber farm effort in Pangkalan Kuras District consist of land wide, labor, herbisida, manure, and seet. In this research the farmer aren't do the fostering because they have the equity's limited. (2) production factor that significant to rubber on 20% of real standard are plant's age, plant's total, devote's labor and herbisida

    Gambaran Epidemiologi Leptospirosis di Kecamatan Jepara, Kabupaten Jepara, Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    Background: In 2011 two cases of leptospirosis were found in two villages of Jepara Subdistrict, Jepara District, Central Java. The objectives of this study were to determine the epidemiology of leptospirosis in that area, covering : success rate of rat trapping, positivity of leptospirosis in rat species, environment condition and prediction of transmission. Methods: Observational study with cross sectional design was done in Panggang and Saripan Village, Jepara Sub district, Jepara district on July 2011. As much 250 traps had been used at each location (area of two village as location of leptospirosis cases) two traps were set indoor and two traps were set outdoor during 3 days. Environment observation and location coordinates were determined by using Global Positioning System (GPS). Interviews with community around leptospirosis cases were also conducted. Rats had been trapped, identified, counted trap success, and serra were taken from blood of the rat cardiac. Identification of Leptospira strain were conducted by using Polimerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Data analyzed descriptively in table and picture. Results: Trap success was high, 8,4% with trap success indoor 15,83% and outdoor 4,9%, rat species which had been found were Rattus tanezumi, Suncus murinus dan R. norvegicus, PCR examination showed negative Leptospira sp. Examined water samples showed one sample positive of Leptospira sp. Environment condition supported for leptospirosis transmission. The location of the survey was about 1 km from the river. Conclusion: Leptospirosis transmission in Jepara must cautious with one positive sample of water with Leptospira and high trap success Keywords: seroprevalence, leptospirosis, Jepara Abstrak Latar Belakang: Dalam tahun 2011 ditemukan adanya leptospirosis yang ditemukan pada dua Desa/Kelurahan di Kecamatan Jepara. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui epidemiologi leptospirosis di wilayah tersebut, meliputi : keberhasilan penangkapan tikus, species tikus yang positif leptospira, kondisi lingkungan dan kemungkinan penularan. Metode: Jenis penelitian adalah observasi dengan desain survei potong lintang. Penangkapan tikus dilakukan pada satu lokasi ditemukannya kasus leptospirosis di Kecamatan Jepara, Kabupaten Jepara, pada bulan Juli 2011. Sebanyak 250 perangkap dipasang, di dalam rumah 2 perangkap dan di luar rumah 2 perangkap, serta lahan di sekitar lingkungan tersebut selama 3 malam berturut-turut. Wawancara dilakukan pada penduduk di sekitar penderita leptospirosis, pengukuran dan pengamatan faktor lingkungan, serta pengambilan titik GPS (Global Positioning System). Tikus yang tertangkap diidentifikasi, dihitung kepadatannya dan diambil darahnya untuk diperiksa keberadaan bakteri leptospira secara PCR (Polimerase Chain Reaction), bersama dengan data wawancara dan hasil pengamatan lingkungan dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil: Keberhasilan penangkapan tinggi, secara umum sebesar 8,4% dengan keberhasilan penangkapan di dalam rumah 15,83% dan di luar rumah 4,9% Species tikus yang ditemukan Rattus tanezumi, Suncus murinus dan R. norvegicus, tidak ditemukan bakteri Leptospira pada sampel darah tikus yang diperiksa. Pada sampel air ditemukan positif Leptospira sp pada bak mandi. Kondisi lingkungan mendukung untuk penularan leptospirosis. Lokasi berjarak kurang dari 1 km dari sungai. Kesimpulan: Leptospirosis di Kabupaten Jepara patut diwaspadai penularannya dengan ditemukannya air yang positif Leptospira sp dan trap success tikus yang tinggi. Kata kunci: epidemiologi, leptospirosis, Jepar