71 research outputs found

    Pet ownership and cognitive decline in older people

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    Animals can have a positive influence on human health. However, it is not yet known whether pet ownership can prevent cognitive decline. Therefore, we aimed to investigate cross-sectional and prospective associations between pet ownership and cognitive function in a large, representative sample of older adults. Data were from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) using data collected in wave 5 and six years later in wave 8. Pet ownership was categorized as no pet, dog, cat or other pet. Cognitive function was assessed using tests of verbal fluency (assessed by asking how many different animals the participants could name in 60 seconds) and memory (sum of immediate and delayed verbal recall). Multiple linear regression, adjusted for potential confounders, was used to test the associations between pet ownership and cognitive function. A total of 8291 people (mean age: 66.72 years) were included. In cross-sectional analyses, dog owners had better verbal fluency than individuals with no pet, but there was no significant difference between cat or other pet owners and those with no pet. In prospective analyses, dog owners had a significantly larger decline in recall than those with no pet, whilst cat owners had a significantly smaller decline in verbal fluency. These results provide some evidence to suggest that pet ownership may have positive effects on cognition in later life. However, benefits of pet ownership were not unilaterally observed across different types of pet and measures of cognitive function suggesting that further research is required

    Fertility-sparing approach in women affected by stage i and low-grade endometrial carcinoma: An updated overview

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    Endometrial cancer (EC) is a deleterious condition which strongly affects a woman’s quality of life. Although aggressive interventions should be considered to treat high-grade EC, a conservative approach should be taken into consideration for women wishing to conceive. In this scenario, we present an overview about the EC fertility-sparing approach state of art. Type I EC at low stage is the only histological type which can be addressed with a fertility-sparing approach. Moreover, no myometrium and/or adnexal invasion should be seen, and lymph-vascular space should not be involved. Regarding the pharmaceutical target, progestins, in particular medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) or megestrol acetate (MA), are the most employed agent in conservative treatment of early-stage EC. The metformin usage and hysteroscopic assessment is still under debate, despite promising results. Particularly strict and imperious attention should be given to the follow-up and psychological wellbeing of women, especially because of the double detrimental impairment: both EC and EC-related infertility consequences

    Alcol e lavoro

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    La Carta Europea sull' alcol e il Piano d'Azione Europeo 2000-2005 indicano la necessit\ue0 di promuovere ambienti pubblici, privati e di lavoro protetti da \u2022 incidenti, \u2022 violenze \u2022 e altre conseguenze negative dovute al consumo di bevande alcoliche. Questo significa che il consumo di bevande alcoliche \ue8 visto come un fattore di rischio anche negli ambienti di lavoro. Attualmente nel nostro paese non esistono norme specifiche che tutelino i lavoratori rispetto ai rischi legati all'assunzione di bevande alcoliche, a parte poche situazioni regolate da leggi generali in materia di lavoro, mirate a particolari mansioni. Per lo pi\uf9 queste leggi intervengono nel momento di valutazione di \u2022 idoneit\ue0 \u2022 assunzione \u2022 prosecuzione dell'attivit\ue0 lavorativa specifica attraverso misure sanzionatorie di carattere amministrativo. Non esistono altres\uec strumenti normativi che permettano e tutelino un intervento di "recupero" del lavoratore con problemi alcolcorrelati, queste potrebbero invece dare garanzie adeguate rispetto alla sua professionalit\ue0 e capacit\ue0 di guadagno ed eviterebbero una spirale di emarginazione dal o nel mondo del lavoro portano spesso alla "perdita" della persona. Appare inoltre necessario riflettere circa il tema dell' "infortunio in itinere", infatti la recente ridefinizione normativa amplia le possibilit\ue0 di mettere in relazione l'assunzione di bevande alcoliche con gli infortuni. L'assunzione di alcol pu\uf2 quindi avere effetti concomitanti, aggravanti, e determinanti. Un altro problema \ue8 l'inesistenza di una cultura generale e collettiva che inviti il singolo lavoratore a responsabilizzarsi nei confronti dei colleghi
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