11 research outputs found

    Contextualized Question Answering

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    The paper describes a system which enables accurate and easy-to-use contextualized question answering and it provides document overview functionalities. The possibility of asking natural language questions enables a friendly interaction for the user.The contextualization is achieved by using an ontology. The answers are provided based on a domain specific document collection of choice. The approach consists of several phases as follows: data preparation, data enhancement, data indexing and handling questions. Every module uses state of the art technologies that are shown to work in a complex pipeline to make available question answering on top of a given document repository with the context of ontologies, such as Cyc, ASFA and WordNet. The functioning of the proposed approach is demonstrated on English document collections on Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries — ASFA, using Cyc ontology, ASFA thesaurus as domain specific ontology and WordNet as general ontology. Experimental evaluation has shown that the usage of ontologies increases the number of answers retrieved by about 60%. However, the number of answers that are actually correct increases by only 40% when using ontologies

    A Multilingual Benchmark to Capture Olfactory Situations over Time

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    We present a benchmark in six European languages containing manually annotated information about olfactory situations and events following a FrameNet-like approach. The documents selection covers ten domains of interest to cultural historians in the olfactory domain and includes texts published between 1620 to 1920, allowing a diachronic analysis of smell descriptions. With this work, we aim to foster the development of olfactory information extraction approaches as well as the analysis of changes in smell descriptions over time

    Help Me Learn! Architecture and Strategies to Combine Recommendations and Active Learning in Manufacturing

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    This research work describes an architecture for building a system that guides a user from a forecast generated by a machine learning model through a sequence of decision-making steps. The system is demonstrated in a manufacturing demand forecasting use case and can be extended to other domains. In addition, the system provides the means for knowledge acquisition by gathering data from users. Finally, it implements an active learning component and compares multiple strategies to recommend media news to the user. We compare such strategies through a set of experiments to understand how they balance learning and provide accurate media news recommendations to the user. The media news aims to provide additional context to demand forecasts and enhance judgment on decision-making

    Harvesting Context and Mining Emotions Related to Olfactory Cultural Heritage

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    This paper presents an Artificial Intelligence approach to mining context and emotions related to olfactory cultural heritage narratives, particularly to fairy tales. We provide an overview of the role of smell and emotions in literature, as well as highlight the importance of olfactory experience and emotions from psychology and linguistic perspectives. We introduce a methodology for extracting smells and emotions from text, as well as demonstrate the context-based visualizations related to smells and emotions implemented in a novel smell tracker tool. The evaluation is performed using a collection of fairy tales from Grimm and Andersen. We find out that fairy tales often connect smell with the emotional charge of situations. The experimental results show that we can detect smells and emotions in fairy tales with an F1 score of 91.62 and 79.2, respectively