15 research outputs found

    Pomembnost managementa znanja za povečanje socialnega kapitala v izbranih slovenskih tehnoloških parkih

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    Relation between knowledge management and turnover in Slovenian micro and small start-up organisations

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    This article discusses the importance of knowledge management and employee turnover, using the example of selected Slovenian organisations, in particular, technology parks. The purpose of this article is to point out statistical characteristics between employee turnover and certain selected independent variables. The empirical research was conducted on a population of 667 Slovenian organisations gathered from the subjects of an innovative environment database, and a further sample of 51 chosen technology parks from the A group. By implementing multivariate regression analysis, we sought to examine whether knowledge requirements and knowledge transfer paths in these organisations have a statistically significant influence on employee turnover. The aim of this article is to present the results of empirical research that defines the development of a conceptual framework for understanding the influence of knowledge management on employee turnover. The results have shown that the importance of intellectual and social capital, intangible capital assets and their continuous measurement must be acknowledged within an organisation

    Analiza mobilnosti dodiplomskih študentov na izbranih visokošolskih institucijah

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    V prispevku preučujemo mobilnost dodiplomskih študentov na treh izbranih visokošolskih institucijah v treh različnih državah, ki so oziroma so bili del programa mobilnosti v zadnjih šestih letih (od 2006 do 2011): Nemčija Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Karlsruhe, Norveška Univerza v Tromsu in Slovenija Fakulteta za management. Empirična raziskava je bila izvedena na populaciji 3.539 dodiplomskih študentov na omenjenih treh visokošolskih institucijah, ki so bili mobilno aktivni in so del svojih študijskih obveznosti opravljali na izbranih institucijah v preučevanem obdobju. Namen prispevka je na osnovi vzorca 288 (mobilnih) dodiplomskih študentov prikazati osnovne motivacijske dejavnike glede na izbrano destinacijo za mednarodno mobilnost in njihova pričakovanja. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da se je večina študentov izbranih izobraževalnih institucij na študijsko mobilnost odpravila zaradi pridobitve mednarodne izkušnje, da obstajajo značilne razlike v dolžini obdobja študentske mobilnosti glede na spol in da so študenti v večini zadovoljni s programom mobilnosti.The article explores the mobility of undergraduate students at three selected higher education institutions in three different countries. Students, who participated in the analysis, have been involved in mobility programmes over the last six years (between 2006 and 2011) at the following higher education institutions: Germany Duale Hochschule Baden Württemberg Karlsruhe, Norway University of Tromsø and Slovenia Faculty of Management. The empirical research was conducted on a population of 3,539 undergraduate students, who completed part of their academic curriculum in the host country during the period under investigation. The purpose of this article was to examine the motivational factors inuencing the decision for an international mobility destination and the expectations of students on a sample of288 (mobile) undergraduates. The research has shown that the majority of students of the selected educational institutions chose mobility because of the international experience, that gender has an impact on the duration of a student mobility stay and that in the majority of cases the students are satised with the mobility program

    Organizacijski in poslovni vidiki slovenskih hitro rastočih podjetij

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    This article deals with organizational and business global marketing activities of Slovenian small and medium-sized fast growing companies. The purpose of this article is to show whether the studied companies are focused on international global markets, the ways of tackling it, in what extent, under what conditions, etc. The aim is to highlight the key steps of in the construction of their global image. The key findings of the research, conducted by online survey questionnaire on a random selected sample of 230 small and medium-sized Slovenian enterprises, can serve domestic (mostly small) companies by choosing their business model to expand in selected foreign markets. With the established guidelines, companies can ensure greater transparency and professionalism of the steps in the process of international business - from first steps to the final transfer of their business to foreign target market.Članek obravnava organizacijske in poslovne globalne tržne aktivnosti slovenskih malih in srednje velikih hitro rastočih pod­jetij. Namen članka je na podlagi izsledkov izvedene raziskave prikazati, ali so slovenska preučevana podjetja usmerjena na mednarodne globalne trge, na kakšne načine se tega lotevajo,v kakšnem obsegu, pod kakšnimi pogoji, itd. Cilj članka je prikazati ključne korake pri izgradnji globalne podobe podjetja. Izsledki ter ugotovitve raziskave, izvedene s spletnim anketnim vprašalnikom na naključnem izbranem vzorcu 230-ih malih in srednje velikih slovenskih podjetij, lahko služijo domačim (pred­vsem malim) podjetjem ob odločitvi za širitev svojega poslovanja na tuje izbrane trge. Z ugotovljenimi smernicami si lahko podjetja zagotovijo večjo preglednost ter profesionalizacijo korakov v procesu mednarodnega poslovanja – od prvih korakov do končnega prenosa poslovanja na tuji izbrani trg

    Organizacijski dejavniki hitre rasti slovenskih dinamičnih podjetij

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    The authors provide key findings on the internal and external environmental factors of growth that affect the rapid growth of dynamic enterprises in relation to individual key organisational factors or functions. The key organisational relationships in a growing enterprise are upgraded with previous research findings and identified key factors of rapid growth through qualitative and quantitative analysis based on the analysis of 4,511 dynamic Slovenian enterprises exhibiting growth potential. More than 250 descriptive attributes of a sample of firms from 2011 were also used for further qualitative analysis and verification of key growth factors. On the basis of the sample (the study was conducted with 131 Slovenian dynamic enterprises), the authors verify whether these factors are the same as the factors that were studied in previous researches. They also provide empirical findings on rapid growth factors in relation to individual organisational functions: administration - management - implementation (entrepreneur - manager - employees). Through factor analysis they look for the correlation strength between individual variables (attributes) that best describe each factor of rapid growth and that relate to the aforementioned organisational functions in dynamic enterprises. The research findings on rapid growth factors offer companies the opportunity to consider these factors during the planning and implementation phases of their business, to choose appropriate instruments for the transition from a small fast growing firm to a professionally managed growing company, to stimulate growth and to choose an appropriate growth strategy and organisational factors in order to remain, or become, dynamic enterprises that can further contribute to the preservation, growth and development of the Slovenian economy.Avtorja v članku podajata ugotovitve preverjanja posameznih notranje in zunanje okoljskih dejavnikov hitre rasti, ki vplivajo na hitro rast dinamičnih podjetij v povezavi z nekaterimi ključnimi organizacijskimi dejavniki oziroma funkcijami. Temeljna organi­zacijska razmerja v rastočem podjetju nadgrajujeta s spoznanji dosedanjih raziskovanj in prepoznanih odločilnih dejavnikov hitre rasti, in sicer s kvalitativno in kvantitativno analizo na osnovi analize 4.511 slovenskih dinamičnih podjetij s potencialom rasti ter vzorca teh podjetij iz leta 2011, ki je služil za nadaljnjo kvalitativno analizo in preverjanje ključnih dejavnikov rasti z 250 opisnimi atributi. Na osnovi obravnavanega vzorca preverjata (vzorec je 131 slovenskih dinamičnih podjetij), ali so ti dejavniki enaki, kot so jih ugotavljali raziskovalci v preteklosti. Prav tako podajata empirične ugotovitve o dejavnikih hitre rasti v pov­ezavi s posameznimi organizacijskimi funkcijami: upravljanje – poslovodenje – izvajanje (podjetnik – menedžer – zaposleni). S pomočjo faktorske analize sta iskala moč povezanosti posameznih spremenljivk (atributov), ki najbolje opisujejo posamezni dejavnik hitre rasti in se navezujejo na omenjene organizacijske funkcije v dinamičnih podjetjih. Izsledki preveritve ključnih dejavnikov hitre rasti nudijo podjetjem možnost upoštevanja teh dejavnikov pri načrtovanju in izvajanju poslovanja in s tem izbor primernih instrumentov za prehod iz malega rastočega podjetja v profesionalno vodeno rastoče podjetje, za stimulacijo rasti, izbor primerne strategije rasti ter organizacijskih dejavnikov, vse z namenom, da ostanejo ali postanejo dinamična pod­jetja in tako dodatno prispevajo k ohranitvi in rasti ter razvoju slovenskega gospodarstva

    Odvisnost med upravljanjem znanja in fluktuacijo kadrov v slovenskih mikro in malih podjetjih

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    This article discusses the importance of knowledge management and employee turnover, using the example of selected Slovenian organisations, in particular, technology parks. The purpose of this article is to point out statistical characteristics between employee turnover and certain selected independent variables. The empirical research was conducted on a population of 667 Slovenian organisations gathered from the subjects of an innovative environment database, and a further sample of 51 chosen technology parks from the A group. By implementing multivariate regression analysis, we sought to examine whether knowledge requirements and knowledge transfer paths in these organisations have a statistically significant influence on employee turnover. The aim of this article is to present the results of empirical research that defines the development of a conceptual framework for understanding the influence of knowledge management on employee turnover. The results have shown that the importance of intellectual and social capital, intangible capital assets and their continuous measurement must be acknowledged within an organisation.V prispevku obravnavamo pomen menedžmenta znanja in fluktuacijo zaposlenih na primeru izbranih slovenskih organizacij, natančneje tehnoloških parkov. Namen prispevka je na osnovi empirične raziskave izvedene na populaciji 667 slovenskih organizacij zajetih iz evidence subjektov inovativnega okolja in nadaljnjem vzorcu 51 preučenih tehnoloških parkov iz skupine A, prikazati statistične značilnosti med fluktuacija kadrov ter nekaterimi izbranimi neodvisnimi spremenljivkami. Z izvedeno multivariantno regresijsko analizo smo preverjali statistično značilen vpliv med zahtevami po znanju in potmi za prenos znanjaznotraj preučevanih organizacij na fluktuacijo zaposlenih. Cilj prispevka je podati empirične izsledke, ki opredeljujejo razvojkonceptualnega okvira za razumevanje vpliva menedžmenta znanja na fluktuacijo zaposlenih. Izsledki preučevanja kažejo, da je znotraj neke organizacije pomembno izpostaviti pomen intelektualnega in socialnega kapitala, neopredmetenih osnovnih sredstev ter stalno merjenje le-teh

    Organizational and business aspects of Slovenian fast growing companies

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