105 research outputs found

    On the Classification of the Early Tertiary Erinaceomorpha (Insectivora, Mammalia)

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    Definitions are provided for three Early Tertiary families of Erinaceomorpha. The family Dormaaliidae includes Dormaalius, Macrocranion, Scenopagus, Ankylodon, Crypholestes, Sespedectes, and Proterixoides

    Historia de las relaciones científicas entre Cuba y el American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) : 160 años de colección y colaboración (1857-2017)

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    132 pages : illustrations (some color), color map ; 28 cm.Spanish and English on facing pages. Includes bibliographical references (pages 123-126)

    Desmostylian skeleton

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    8 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.Includes bibliographical references (p. 7-8)."According to several standard descriptions, desmostylians lack certain specializations shared by proboscideans, sirenians, and hyracoids. These specializations are amastoidy and the serial arrangement of the carpals with the concomitant loss of contact between the lunar and unciform. We argue that original descriptions of desmostylians pertaining to these traits are either in error, or have alternative phylogenetic implications. Hence, comparisons of these conditions do not exclude desmostylians from the superordinal group Tethytheria (proboscideans and sirenians) or the more inclusive Paenungulata (tethytheres and hyracoids)"--P. [1]

    Combined data analysis of fossil and living mammals: a Paleogene sister taxon of Placentalia and the antiquity of Marsupialia

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    The Cretaceous–Paleogene (KPg) boundary, one of Earth’s five major extinction events, occurred just before the appearance of Placentalia in the fossil record. The Gobi Desert, Mongolia and the Western Interior of North America have important fossil mammals occurring just before and after the KPg boundary (e.g. Prodiacodon, Deltatheridium) that have yet to be phylogenetically tested in a character-rich context with molecular data. We present here phylogenetic analyses of >6000 newly scored anatomical observations drawn from six untested fossils and added to the largest existing morphological matrix for mammals. These data are combined with sequence data from 27 nuclear genes. Results show the existence of a new eutherian sister clade to Placentalia, which we name and characterize. The extinct clade Leptictidae is part of this placental sister clade, indicating that the sister clade survived the KPg event to co-exist in ancient ecosystems during the Paleogene radiation of placentals. Analysing the Cretaceous metatherian Deltatheridium in this character-rich context reveals it is a member of Marsupialia, a finding that extends the minimum age of Marsupialia before the KPg boundary. Numerous shared-derived features from multiple anatomical systems support the assignment of Deltatheridium to Marsupialia. Computed tomography scans of exquisite new specimens better document the marsupial-like dental replacement pattern of Deltatheridium. The new placental sister clade has both Asian and North American species, and is ancestrally characterized by shared derived features such as a hind limb modified for saltatorial locomotion

    The Geology of Ukhaa Tolgod (Djadokhta Formation, Upper Cretaceous, Nemegt Basin, Mongolia)

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    The lithostratigrahy and sedimentology of the fossiliferous Upper Cretaceous strata exposed in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia at Ukhaa Tolgod are described and mapped on aerial photos. Topographic features are also mapped by plane table and alidade. Five lithologic and sedimentologic facies are described: E-1, distinctly cross-stratified sandstone with fine structure, interpreted to represent eolian dune deposits; E-2, vaguely bedded sandstone with cross-stratified concretionary sheets, interpreted to represent eolian dune deposits modified by diagenetic formation of slope-parallel concretionary sheets of pedogenic calcite; S, structureless sandstone lacking concretions or cross-strata, interpreted to represent sandslide deposits generated by mass wasting along the lee slopes; C, conglomerate interpreted to represent basin-margin conglomerates washed into the dune field from adjacent topographic highs; and M, mudstone and siltstone interpreted to represent interdune deposition in ephemeral ponds and lakes. Facies E-2 and S have not been reported previously. Eleven stratigraphic sections at various localities within the Ukhaa Tolgod drainage basin are documented. The exposed composite section consists of about 75 m of pale orange sandstones, greenish-brown conglomerates, and brown siltstones that are products of an arid environment. Four schematic cross sections are documented to illustrate the lateral relationships among the five facies. In the Ukhaa Tolgod area, the beds dip about 2.5u to the south, away from the nearby Gilbent Range. This structural attitude is interpreted to be related to the uplift of the Gilbent block along normal faults exposed at the base of the range. The dune-derived sandslides of Facies S contain a rich skeletal fauna of Late Cretaceous dinosaurs, mammals, and lizards. Essentially, all the skeletal remains collected at Ukhaa Tolgod come from Facies S. Facies E-1 does contain numerous, concave-up depressions in the cross-strata interpreted as vertebrate tracks. Facies E-2 contains abundant cylindrical structures interpreted as burrows. The strata at Ukhaa Tolgod are referred to the Djadokhta Formation. As seen in the Bayn Dzak Member at Bayn Dzak, facies E-1, E-2, S, and M dominate the lower part of the section at Ukhaa Tolgod, with prominent beds of Facies C exposed near the top. Accordingly, the exposures at Ukhaa Tolgod are referred to the Bayn Dzak Member of the Djadokhta Formation. Classic exposures of the Barun Goyot Formation at Khulsan differ in having units of flat-bedded sandstone intercalated with beds of Facies S near the top of the section. To date, over 1,000 vertebrate skulls and skeletons have been collected from Facies S. Most are preserved as float contained in small calcareous nodules; however, some were found in situ. Many specimens represent either fairly complete skulls or skulls with articulated or associated postcranial skeletons. Based on faunal similarities between Bayn Dzak and Ukhaa Tolgod, the fauna at Ukhaa Tolgod is interpreted to reflect a Campanian age. The rich assemblage of fossils makes Ukhaa Tolgod one of the richest Late Cretaceous vertebrate fossil localities in the world, and the fossils provide unique insights into evolutionary developments of mammals, lizards, and dinosaurs, including birds, less than 10 my before the terminal Cretaceous extinction event

    Lomas Las Tetas de Cabra fauna

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    88 p. : ill. (1 col.), maps ; 26 cm.Includes bibliographical references (p. 64-70)."Fossil mammal and other vertebrate remains from the Lomas Las Tetas de Cabra in Baja California Norte, Mexico, provide an opportunity to examine the utility of continental scale geochronologies based on land mammal faunas. Early reports proposed a late Paleocene to early Eocene age for this fauna. Recent fieldwork and considerations of cumulative fossil discoveries strongly indicate that the Baja fauna represents the Wasatchian Land Mammal Age (early Eocene) and is strikingly similar to faunas of this age from the western interior of the United States. Wasatchian-age taxa represented in the Baja assemblage include Hyracotherium, Hyopsodus, Meniscotherium (also possibly from Clarkforkian assemblages), Diacodexis, and Prolimnocyon. Also present in the fauna are excellent specimens of Wyolestes and Esteslestes, a new genus of didelphid marsupial, as well as a badly distorted skull of a pantodont. An early Eocene age assignment is supported by analysis of the marine section adjacent to the Tetas de Cabra sequence. The marine organisms are consistent with a middle Ypresian (early Eocene) age assignment. Paleomagnetic analyses of both the terrestrial and marine sections also corroborate this age assignment. These new results substantiate the validity of the Wasatchian as a discrete temporal interval that can be applied at a continental scale. The Wasatchian thus fulfills the expectations for a mammal-based chronology. Similarities, rather than differences, between the Baja assemblage and other Wasatchian-age faunas is the dominant pattern. A choice among dispersal theories for the sources of Wasatchian mammals is not clearly indicated by the faunal evidence"--P. 3

    Petrosal referred to Prokennalestes

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    44 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.Includes bibliographical references (p. 31-36).A right petrosal from the ?Aptian or Albian Khoobur locality is referred on the basis of size and morphology to Prokennalestes trofimovi, the earliest eutherian previously known only from dentigerous elements. The petrosal shows a mosaic of primitive and derived features, bearing on the purported therian and eutherian morphotypes. Among the primitive features shared with the early Cretaceous prototribosphenidan Vincelestes and other more basal taxa that are modified in later eutherians and metatherians are the pattern of basicranial arterial and venous circulation, including a prootic canal and an intrapetrosal inferior petrosal sinus; a vertical paroccipital process; and a fenestra semilunaris, an incomplete wall between the cavum epiptericum and cavum supracochleare. Among the derived features shared with therians is a cochlea coiled through a minimum of 360°, with Prokennalestes extending the range of the oldest occurrence of such a coiled cochlea by at least 10 million years. Shared with late Cretaceous eutherians is a shallow internal acoustic meatus with a thin prefacial commissure. The petrosal referred to Prokennalestes is intermediate in having a reduced anterior lamina and lateral flange, both of which are well developed in Vincelestes and essentially lacking in later eutherians and metatherians. Features previously held to be part of the therian and eutherian morphotypes, such as the absence of the anterior lamina and lateral flange, may have been lost independently in metatherians and in post-Prokennalestes eutherians

    Design of a randomized controlled double-blind crossover clinical trial to assess the effects of saliva substitutes on bovine enamel and dentin in situ

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hyposalivation is caused by various syndromes, diabetes, drugs, inflammation, infection, or radiotherapy of the salivary glands. Patients with hyposalivation often show an increased caries incidence. Moreover, hyposalivation is frequently accompanied by oral discomfort and impaired oral functions, and saliva substitutes are widely used to alleviate oral symptoms. However, preference of saliva substitutes due to taste, handling, and relief of oral symptoms has been discussed controversially. Some of the marketed products have shown demineralizing effects on dental hard tissues <it>in vitro</it>. This demineralizing potential is attributed to the undersaturation with respect to calcium phosphates. Therefore, it is important to modify the mineralizing potential of saliva substitutes to prevent carious lesions. Thus, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of a possible remineralizing saliva substitute (SN; modified Saliva natura) compared to a demineralizing one (G; Glandosane) on mineral parameters of sound bovine dentin and enamel as well as on artificially demineralized enamel specimens <it>in situ</it>. Moreover, oral well-being after use of each saliva substitute was recorded.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>Using a randomized, double-blind, crossover, phase II/III <it>in situ </it>trial, volunteers with hyposalivation utilize removable dentures containing bovine specimens during the experimental period. The volunteers are divided into two groups, and are required to apply both saliva substitutes for seven weeks each. After both test periods, differences in mineral loss and lesion depth between values before and after exposure are evaluated based on microradiographs. The oral well-being of the volunteers before and after therapy is determined using questionnaires. With respect to the microradiographic analysis, equal mineral losses and lesion depths of enamel and dentin specimens during treatment with SN and G, and no differences in patients' experienced oral comfort after SN compared to G usage are expected (H<sub>0</sub>).</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Up to now, 14 patients have been included in the study, and no reasons for early termination of the trial have been identified. The design seems suitable for determining the effects of saliva substitutes on dental hard tissues <it>in situ</it>, and should provide detailed information on the oral well-being after use of different saliva substitutes in patients with hyposalivation.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p><b>ClinicalTrials.gov ID. </b><a href="http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01165970">NCT01165970</a></p
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