98 research outputs found

    Perilaku Komunikasi Verbal dan NonVerbal Anak Tunagrahita

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memahami dan mendapatkan gambaran secara utuh mengenai realitas komunikasi pada anak tunagrahita. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap bagaimana konsep diri serta perilaku komunikasi verbal dan nonverbal anak tunagrahita dalam berinteraksi di lingkungan SDLB Negeri 041 Bangkinang tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan interaksi simbolik. Untuk mendapatkan data, digunakan tiga teknik pengumpulan data, yaitu pengamatan berperan serta, wawancara mendalam, dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsep diri anak tunagrahita informan dipengaruhi oleh significant other yang dikategorikan menjadi dua, yaitu konsep diri positif tipe social comparison dan konsep diri negatif tipe self appraisal. Komunikasi verbal anak tunagrahita dalam berinteraksi di lingkungan SDLB Negeri 041 Bangkinang bersifat aktif dengan defisit bahasa yang terjadi. Sebaliknya komunikasi nonverbal anak tunagrahita lebih bersifat komunikatif yang digunakan sebagai cara untuk menyampaikan pesan, melengkapi atau menegaskan pesan verbal, termasuk ketika mereka menunjukan berbagai reaksi emosi ketika berinteraksi di lingkungan sosialnya

    Strategi Komunikasi Dalang Collection dalam Mensosialisasikan Program Bank Sampah di Kota Pekanbaru

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    Waste is a major environmental problem faced by governments and communities in developing countries, including Indonesia. Garbage is permaslahan that can not be left alone and need to find a solution and handled well. In addressing the garbage problem needs the involvement of all stakeholders, especially the public. One of the people who care about this waste problem is Soffia Seffen, SH by establishing Dalang Collection and establish a program that is rubbish bank. Yag efforts made to introduce this program is to socialize or communicate with the public. However, there are still many people who do not know Dalang Collection and programs. This study aims to determine how the communication strategy in disseminating Dalang Collection trash bank program in the city of Pekanbaru and determines the constraints Dalang Collection in disseminating the garbage bank program in the city of Pekanbaru.This study uses a qualitative descriptive study of strategic communication models are supported by the communication strategy according Effendy. Informants in this research is the founder, employee Dalang Collection, schools (students and teachers), residential (community), and office (employees) by using purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques using participant observation, interview and documentation.The results showed that the socialization Dalang Collection analyzing and dividing by the target. Collection mastermind requires cognitive response, conative, and affective. Factors to be considered in designing the message: the message content, message structure and message format. Communication media used the media face to face communication (presentation) and the mass media both print and electronic media locally (RTV, Riau Pos, and the Tribune). The role of communicators in the communication attractiveness (belief, charismatic, and emapatik), and the credibility of the source (skills and knowledge) in conveying the message.Key words : Communiction strategy, socialize, bank of garbageJo

    Kostruksi Sosial Masyarakat Teluk Meranti Kabupaten Pelalawan Provinsi Riau Atas Realitas Bono

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    Bono is a unique natural phenomenon that occurs in the Kampar River Pelalawan Riau Province. Bono is a natural phenomenon that comes before the tide. Bono waves have a great potential to be one of the tourist destinations, now waves Bono has attracted the interest of local and foreign tourists through the process of externalizing society is the product of individuals who are objective realities and vice versa through a process of internalization of the individual is the product of people who become subjective reality. The purpose of this study is; Knowing the Teluk Meranti community Externalization Process About Reality Bono. Knowing the process of objectivation Society for Teluk Meranti About Reality Bono. Internalization Process To Know About Reality Society of Teluk Meranti Bono.This research is classified in descriptive qualitative research with phenomenological approach. This research was conducted in the village of TelukMerantiTelukMerantiPelalawan, Riau Province. Informants are people who are expected to assist authors in menggungkap actual reality in communities examined. Interview data collection techniques and observation.Results of this study explain that externalizing the village of TelukMeranti community is inseparable from the role of the electronic media and print media. but by making waves bono become a tourist attraction by the government Pelalawan submitted to various mass Mendia both electronic and print, so the outside world knows that the natural phenomenon bono waves make the sport pencitasurving or surfers come to try surfing in the waves bono. Objectivation bono waves in the village of TelukMeranti not independent of Government policy that makes waves Pelalawan bono become a tourist icon Pelalawan to build various infrastructures supporters to tourists easy access to attractions. Internalization villagers of TelukMeranti through visits of tourists who come to the village of TelukMeranti both local and foreign countries will lead to the internalisation among tourists and local communities, and the process of integration can be through exchange of culture, science, and so on which will be mutually affecting both sides.Keywords; Construction of Social, Community, Reality Bono

    Konstruksi Makna Penggunaan Smartphone Android sebagai Media Komunikasi Dikalangan Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Riau

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    The development of communication technology has brought many changes, one which is a mobile phone with the label smart phone (smartphone). Android is one of the types of smartphones are widely used by people at this time Android has many advantages that make many people are interested in using it, one of which is among the students. The use of Android as a communication media among students bring a variety of meanings related to the use of Android itself by them. This study aims to determine the motive, knowledge and understanding of Android applications and communications experience Android users among students of the University of Riau communication.This research method is using a qualitative research method with phenomenological approach. Informants in this study were 10 students of Communication Studies, University of Riau who use Android smartphone selected using purposive technique. Data was collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation and conclusion and verification.These results indicate that the motive of communication science students use the Android smartphone as a media communication because they consist of motifs (Because motive) the sense of dissatisfaction, the influence of friends, the look and features of interest, and also because of the need, while the motive for (in order to motives) that facilitate communication, facilitate communication and for existence itself. Knowledge and understanding of Android apps for students of Communication consists of Android as a communication media, Android as media information, and Android as a media presentation of self. Communication experience of communication science students for using Android smartphone consists of exciting experiences (positive experience) and an unpleasant experience (experience negate). An interesting experience for students of science communication using Android are, getting a lot of new friends, to be reunited with old friends as well as the experience of communicating that seemed real. While not a pleasant experience for students of science communication using the Android, Android battery run out quickly, which isnot a good communication network, communication is often misdirected, scams online shop and difficulty in arranging Android device.Keywords: Android, Construction Meaning, Phenomenology

    Taaruf Phenomenon Through Marriage in Pekanbaru (Study Phenomenology in Kader Pks)

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    Recently, the phenomenon of taaruf marriage has become familiar in our society, especially among public figures such as artists already doing taaruf marriage. In the city of Pekanbaru wedding taaruf by Moslems also become a phenomenon in which there is an increase in terms of implementation. It can be seen from the cadre of Partai Keadilan Sejaktera (PKS) are about to get married. Taaruf wedding process does not occur in the other party cadres. This study aims to determine the motives, meanings and communication experience PKS cadres who were married through taaruf process..This study uses qualitative research with phenomenological approach. Informants in this study were five cadres who were married through taaruf process, Using a snowball sampling technique.. Data was collected techniques is done by participant observation, interview, and documentation. To achieve the validity of the data in this study, researchers used the extension of participation and triangulation.Results from this study showed that the motives of the PKS cadres. Motifs past (Because motif) form of theological motifs, basis of religion because of the theological motifs that have been ingrained in them, a commitment to build a vision of building a wedding, and believe the mediator Yag get to know potential mates. While the motive of the future (in-order to) is the desire to be happy family, mawaddah and Rohmah, cultivate relationships syari, keingianan have children pious and courtship after marriage. Making of PKS cadres do taaruf marriage is a doctrine as the implementation of Islamic Sharia, as a media partner and as an exploration of psychological needs and social control Communication experience PKS cadres do taaruf marriage is a pleasant communication experience includes; the pair know each other from time to time, received the partners family, and established cooperation with the community, while not pleasant communication experience includes; busyness couples, families and relatives of opposition parties, and the stigma of people who said marriage taaruf like buying a cat in a sack.Keyword: phenomenon, marriage taaruf, motive, meaning, communication experienceJO

    Konstruksi Makna Profesi Jurnalis Bagi Jurnalis Perempuan di Kota Pekanbaru

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    As the time goes, nowadays the profession that usually did by a male also did by female too such journalist on the field. In Pekanbaru City, the number of female journalist are not comparable with the number of male journalist. Eventhough they are not comparable, there are still female who engaged to do this profession and persist for decades. This research aims to determine the motive of meanings and communications experience of female journalist in Pekanbaru City.This research is a qualitative research with phenomenology approach. The informant of this research are the female journalist in Pekanbaru with six persons that has been choosen with purposive technique. The data was collected through interviews, observation and documentations. The data analysis technique includes data reduction, data presentation and conclusion and verification.The result of this research shows that first, the motive of female did this journalist profession in Pekanbaru City consist of because motive like writting hoby, coriosity of the unethical journalist, likes to work for field, admiring the journalist profession and want to tell informations to people. While in order to motive is to improve performance, to bring back journalist profession to the right plot, developing the local media and stop becoming a journalist. Second, meaningness that given by female journalist to journalist profession is voicing struggles, the profession doesnt time, the challenging profession, free profession. Third, communication experience that divided into two categories such as fun communication experience that got positivies respond and interviewees, intertwined relationship that closely with friends and support from family. While not fun communication experience such as irrevent treatment from male interviewees, less adressed, and got negatives critical from interviewees, have to follow the male journalist rhythm, late night coverage, risking coverage, and not get support from family.Keyword: construction of meaning, journalist profession, female journalist, motive, meaning, communication experienc
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