431 research outputs found

    N-acetylcysteine treatment prevents the up-regulation of MnSOD in chronically hypoxic rat hearts

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    Summary Chronic intermittent hypoxia (CIH) is associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species that contributes to the adaptive mechanism underlying the improved myocardial ischemic tolerance. The aim was to find out whether the antioxidative enzyme manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) can play a role in CIH-induced cardioprotection. Adult male Wistar rats were exposed to intermittent hypobaric hypoxi

    Evaluation of the impact energy of the samples produced by the additive manufacturing technology

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    The article covered the evaluation of the impact energy, notch toughness and morphology of the fracture surfaces of the specimens manufactured by the Direct Metal Laser Sintering Technology. Specimens without heat treatment with no notch were not broken through in course of testing, therefore there was no fracture surface present. The heat treatment resulted in the increase in hardness values. The values of impact energy after the heat treatment was approximately 60 % lower. Ductile intergranular fracture with more or less segmented dimple morphology appeared in every specimen. At places where the internal plastic bond was resisting the test, cracks remaining after particles broke away from the surface can be seen as craters

    The differential effects of dynamic assessment versus coded focused feedback on the process writing of EFL learners

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    The role of corrective feedback in general and focused feedback in particular has been investigated widely in second language (L2) writing over the past several decades. Moreover, Dynamic Assessment (DA) with its roots in socio-cultural theory has been noticed to play a role in fostering language learner development and assessment. However, their differential effects have rarely been investigated. Thus, the present study was an attempt to explore the impact of dynamic assessment (DA) and Coded Focused Feedback (CFF) on the Iranian EFL students’ writing performanc

    ß-Methylphenylethylamines: Common fragmentation pathways with amphetamines in electrospray ionization collision-induced dissociation

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    β-Methylphenylethylamines are positional isomers of amphetamines and have been discovered in sporting supplements. Although the fragmentation of the β-methylphenylethylamine and N-methyl-β-methylphenylethylamine in gas chromatography-electron ionization-mass spectrometry (GC-EI-MS) systems is significantly different to their amphetamine and methylamphetamine isomers, under electrospray ionization commonly used in liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) systems, the fragmentation of each of the isomeric pairs is almost identical. The similarities in fragmentation make it possible for the misidentification of the β-methylphenylethylamines as the illicit amphetamines. It is proposed that the similarities are due to a fragmentation pathway involving a common phenonium ion intermediate. By careful control of fragmentation energies in liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) systems and/or close examination of the relative abundances of product ions formed by collision-induced dissociation (qualifier ratios), it is possible to distinguish the β-methylphenylethylamines from the amphetamines, even if significant retention time separation is not achieved. In liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-quadrupole time of flight (LC-ESI-QTOF) systems the mass spectra of the β-methylphenylethylamines are identical to their amphetamine isomers. In such systems, retention time separation of the isomers is critical to avoid misidentification. During this study β-methylphenylethylamine and N-methyl-β-methylphenylethylamine have been identified in commercially available sporting supplements and oral fluid samples taken during the course of road-side drugs-in-drivers and workplace testing programmes

    Ruthenium polypyridyl complexes and their modes of interaction with DNA : is there a correlation between these interactions and the antitumor activity of the compounds?

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    Various interaction modes between a group of six ruthenium polypyridyl complexes and DNA have been studied using a number of spectroscopic techniques. Five mononuclear species were selected with formula [Ru(tpy) L1L2](2-n)?, and one closely related dinuclear cation of formula [{Ru(apy)(tpy)}2{l-H2N(CH2)6NH2}]4?. The ligand tpy is 2,20:60,200-terpyridine and the ligand L1 is a bidentate ligand, namely, apy (2,20-azobispyridine), 2-phenylazopyridine, or 2-phenylpyridinylmethylene amine. The ligand L2 is a labile monodentate ligand, being Cl-, H2O, or CH3CN. All six species containing a labile L2 were found to be able to coordinate to the DNA model base 9-ethylguanine by 1H NMR and mass spectrometry. The dinuclear cationic species, which has no positions available for coordination to a DNA base, was studied for comparison purposes. The interactions between a selection of four representative complexes and calf-thymus DNA were studied by circular and linear dichroism. To explore a possible relation between DNA-binding ability and toxicity, all compounds were screened for anticancer activity in a variety of cancer cell lines, showing in some cases an activity which is comparable to that of cisplatin. Comparison of the details of the compound structures, their DNA binding, and their toxicity allows the exploration of structure–activity relationships that might be used to guide optimization of the activity of agents of this class of compounds

    Zr alloy protection against high-temperature oxidation: Coating by a double-layered structure with active and passive functional properties

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    In this work, a new concept of metal surface protection against degradation caused by high-temperature oxidation in water environment is presented. We were the first to create a double-layered coating consisting of an active and passive part to protect Zr alloy surface against high-temperature oxidation in a hot water environment. We investigated the hot steam corrosion of ZIRLO fuel cladding coated with a double layer consisting of 500 nm nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) as the bottom layer and 2 m chromium-aluminum-silicon nitride (CrAlSiN) as the upper layer. Coated and noncoated ZIRLO samples were exposed for 4 days at 400 °C in an autoclave (working water-cooled nuclear reactor temperature) and for 60 minutes at 1000 °C (nuclear reactor accident temperature) in a hot steam furnace. We have shown that the NCD coating protects the Zr alloy surface against oxidation in an active way: carbon from NCD layer enters the Zr alloy surface and, by changing the physical and chemical properties of the Zr cladding tube surface, limits the Zr oxidation process. In contrast, the passive CrAlSiN coating prevents the Zr cladding tube surface from coming into physical contact with the hot steam. The advantages of the double layer were demonstrated, particularly in terms of hot (accident-temperature) oxidation kinetics: in the initial stage, CrAlSiN layer with low number of defects acts as an impermeable barrier. But after a longer time (more than 20 minutes) the protection by more cracked CrAlSiN decreases. At the same time, the carbon from NCD strongly penetrates the Zr cladding surface and worsen conditions for Zr oxidation. For the double-layer coating, the underlying NCD layer mitigates thermal expansion, reducing cracks and defects in upper layer CrAlSiN