3 research outputs found

    Eye Movement Patterns Can Distinguish Schizophrenia From the Major Affective Disorders and Healthy Control Subjects

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    Open Access under the OUP Agreement Funding This project was supported by the following grants: The Royal Society of London, Chief Scientist Office Scotland (CZB/4/734), NHS Grampian Tenovus Scotland (G12/31), NHS Grampian Endowment Fund, Miller MacKenzie Trust, EU-FP6 (SGENE) and Health Innovation Challenge Fund, jointly from Wellcome Trust and Department of Health (WT-103911/Z/14/Z). The funders had no role in the original study design, the ongoing data collection and analysis, interpretation, or writing of the manuscript. We thank all who helped with clinical aspects of the study including research assistants Barbara Duff, Kate Cotton, Foteini Okonomitsiou, Elizabeth Hannaford, Zsuszanna Nemeth and Joanna Rodzinko Paska as well as the patients and volunteers whose help was indispensable. P Benson and D St Clair are co-founders of SACCADE Diagnostics Ltd a spin out company tasked to develop eye movement technology to assist diagnosis of major mental health disorders. The University of Aberdeen has patents pending in Europe (PCT/GB2013/050016) and USA (14/370,611). The data reported in this paper arose solely from funding by the acknowledged UK research bodies and charities none of whom have vested interests in the company. David St Clair had full access to all the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. Design of study and development of protocols: D St Clair, P Benson and S Beedie. Recruitment of patients, case note review and clinical and eye movement data collection, quality control and feature extraction of eye movement variables: St Clair, Rujescu, MacIntosh, Beedie, Lemmon, Nouzova. Drafting of the manuscript: St Clair and Nath. Critical revision of manuscript for important intellectual content: all authors. Statistical analyses: Nath and Benson. Interpretation of results: Nath, Benson, MacLennan and St Clair. Obtained funding: St Clair, Benson, MacIntosh, Rujescu. Supervision: St Clair, Benson, MacIntosh, Nath, Rujescu.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Case study - Divorce and its circumstances

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    In my thesis I dealt with divorce. The aim was to highlight the circumstances of a real case which a person can be encountered with during divorce proceedings, with special focus on child custody. What has been analyzed is the old legislation of family law as well as view from a perspective of the new Civil Code. In the end of the work, progress of divorce proceeding and approach of responsible authorities has been evaluated

    Case study - Divorce and its circumstances

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    In my thesis I dealt with divorce. The aim was to highlight the circumstances of a real case which a person can be encountered with during divorce proceedings, with special focus on child custody. What has been analyzed is the old legislation of family law as well as view from a perspective of the new Civil Code. In the end of the work, progress of divorce proceeding and approach of responsible authorities has been evaluated.Ve své bakalářské práci jsem se zabývala rozvodem manželství. Cílem bylo na skutečném případě poukázat na okolnosti, se kterými se člověk při rozvodovém řízení může setkat, především se zaměřením na svěření dítěte do péče. Je zde rozebrána jak stará právní úprava dle zákona o rodině, tak i úprava nová dle nového občanského zákoníku. V samotném závěru práce se věnuji zhodnocení průběhu celého řízení a zhodnocení práce příslušných orgánů