5 research outputs found

    Microemboli versus hypoperfusion as an etiology of acute ischemic stroke in Egyptian patients with watershed zone infarction

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    Abstract Background Brain perfusion is most likely to be impaired in border zone regions, and clearance of emboli will be most impaired in these regions of least blood flow. Severe occlusive disease of the internal carotid artery causes both embolization and decreased perfusion as well as some cardiac diseases that cause microembolization. Objectives To differentiate between hypoperfusion and microemboli as etiology of acute ischemic stroke in watershed zone. Subject and methods Fifty patients of acute ischemic stroke in watershed zones were recruited within 7 days from stroke onset. Methods used were transcranial Doppler (TCD) monitoring for the intracranial vessels to detect microembolic signals and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) perfusion image to detect hypoperfusion signs. Results We detect embolic causes of watershed infarction (WSI) by using TCD with 61.1% sensitivity and 84.4% specificity and hypoperfusion causes of WSI by using MRI perfusion studies with 94.9% sensitivity and 54.5% specificity. Conclusion We detected the etiology of WSI, either embolic by using TCD or hypoperfusion by using MRI perfusion. The embolic causes of WSI usually cause external or mixed WSI, and hypoperfusion causes of WSI cause internal WSI

    SARS-CoV-2 vaccination modelling for safe surgery to save lives: data from an international prospective cohort study

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    Background: Preoperative SARS-CoV-2 vaccination could support safer elective surgery. Vaccine numbers are limited so this study aimed to inform their prioritization by modelling. Methods: The primary outcome was the number needed to vaccinate (NNV) to prevent one COVID-19-related death in 1 year. NNVs were based on postoperative SARS-CoV-2 rates and mortality in an international cohort study (surgical patients), and community SARS-CoV-2 incidence and case fatality data (general population). NNV estimates were stratified by age (18-49, 50-69, 70 or more years) and type of surgery. Best- and worst-case scenarios were used to describe uncertainty. Results: NNVs were more favourable in surgical patients than the general population. The most favourable NNVs were in patients aged 70 years or more needing cancer surgery (351; best case 196, worst case 816) or non-cancer surgery (733; best case 407, worst case 1664). Both exceeded the NNV in the general population (1840; best case 1196, worst case 3066). NNVs for surgical patients remained favourable at a range of SARS-CoV-2 incidence rates in sensitivity analysis modelling. Globally, prioritizing preoperative vaccination of patients needing elective surgery ahead of the general population could prevent an additional 58 687 (best case 115 007, worst case 20 177) COVID-19-related deaths in 1 year. Conclusion: As global roll out of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination proceeds, patients needing elective surgery should be prioritized ahead of the general population