28 research outputs found

    Olive pomace compost use for fenugreek germination

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    Morocco is among the major olive-growing countries around the Mediterranean, its productivity increases from one year to the next, especially after the introduction of the Green Morocco plan, which aims for an increase in the olive-growing area by the year 2020. The increase in productivity especially in olive oil is strictly accompanied by an increase in waste generated after crushing. The objective of this study is to value the olive pomace compost from traditional system as a soil amendment, and study its effect on the cultivation of herbaceous plants. The germination test is carried out in small pots, placed in a sunny place in a laboratory. 25 Fenugreek seeds were germinated in each pot which contains soil and a well-defined percentage of compost (5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%). The seeds were irrigated regularly twice a week. All the tested seeds in different percentages of compost germinated at a rate of more than 90%. The final germination rate for the different concentrations was significantly important from the control (the pot that contains only soil). However, the 5% compost concentration allows an optimal germination rate. As well as the vigour of the seedlings that approves the positive effect of using olive pomace compost with a significantly high vigour index for all compost percentages (5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%). The olive pomace compost use also improved the dry matter weight of the fenugreek seedlings for all percentages

    Use of olive pomace as an amendment to improve physico-chemical parameters of soil fertility

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    ArticleGiven their richness in nutritive elements, the majority of agricultural waste is used as soil amendments, including olive oil waste. The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of the use of olive pomace from three extraction systems on the physico-chemical fertility of the soil, after their use as an amendment for faba bean cultivation. The experiment is carried out at the Civil Engineering and Environment Laboratory in the EST of Salé, in pots where the olive pomace has been mixed with the soil, respecting the percentages studied. Several relative physico-chemical parameters of soil fertility were determined at the end of the experiment, namely pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total kjeldhal nitrogen (NTK) content, organic carbon and exchangeable bases concentration and soil cation exchange capacity (CEC) determination. Different percentages of pomace from the three extraction systems were applied (control, 10%, 15%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%) for four months of bean germination test. The application of the pomace reduced soil pH, and increased soil organic matter and organic carbon content in proportion to the added percentage of pomace. The available phosphorus and exchangeable potassium content increased significantly (p < 0.05) in pots containing different percentages of pomace compared to their concentrations in the soil (control). The total nitrogen content has not increased sufficiently but remains significantly different from the control, especially for the percentages of 25%, 50% and 75%. For its part, the cation exchange capacity (CEC) is important and will allow a good retention of nutrients for all percentages

    Composting olive pomace: evolution of organic matter and compost quality

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    Morocco is one of the major olive-producing countries with an annual production of 1.56 million tonnes, part of which is dedicated to olive oil production. This important production generates, in addition to oil as the main product, a significant amount of waste (pomace and olive mill wastewater). The latter, when released in large quantities into the natural environment, cause fatal pollution. A suitable valuation of this waste will allow a clean and sustainable production for the sector. This work consists of composting olive pomace from the traditional system with two structural agents (poultry droppings and cattle manure) and comparing the two composts in terms of composting process parameters (pH, electrical conductivity, organic matter temperature, etc.), organic matter dynamics and compost quality, with manual aeration of the compost. Despite the high humidity level of the used pomace (80%), the adopted composting conditions have been effective in reducing high levels of organic matter and therefore organic carbon, as well as reducing the extreme phytotoxicity of the pomace. The experiment showed that the stabilization process in all the four treatments studied is comparable, and the final quality of the composts was adequate for agricultural use

    Fertilizing power evaluation of different mixtures of organic household waste and olive pomace

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    Received: February 15th, 2022 ; Accepted: June 27th, 2022 ; Published: August 12th, 2022 ; Correspondence: [email protected] the perspective of sustainable agriculture established by the Green Morocco Plan, it is interesting to direct research more towards the agronomic valorization of olive pomace, to give birth to a clean olive growing which leads to a viable economy thus respecting a pillar of sustainable development. Several studies have shown the effectiveness of using olive pomace as a soil amendment. Therefore, in this study we want to increase the agricultural performance of olive pomace by composting by mixing it with other waste. Morocco is considered one of the major olive-producing countries with an annual production of 1.41 million tonnes (MT), part of it is dedicated to olive oil production. Morocco produces approximately 26.8 MT of waste annually, 8.3 MT are household waste, 70% are organic household waste (5.8 MT). The current production of organic household waste in urban areas is estimated at 4.8 million tonnes per year, or an average of 0.76 kg hab-1 day-1 , and in rural areas 1 million tonnes per year, or an average of 0.30 kg hab-1 day-1 (SNRVD, 2015). Agri-food industry waste is around 3 million tonnes with 600,000 to 700,000 tonnes of olive oil waste (pomace) (Agricultural Development Agency, 2018). The rejection of this waste without any prior treatment contributes to the environment deterioration. However, a large part of this waste remains recoverable, which would reduce both waste volume to be eliminated and the associated management cost. This; will contribute to reducing the negative impacts on receiving environments and the cost of restoring the environment state, and ensuring a transition towards a circular economy. Our work is part of the context of solid waste management and recovery, in particular organic waste from household and food-processing activities, and is oriented towards the pomace recovery by composting, mixing it with different percentages of organic household waste. This work consists on composting olive pomace from the three phases system with another structural agent (organic household waste). Comparing the mixtures (6 treatments) with different concentrations in terms of composting process parameters (pH, electrical conductivity, organic matter temperature, etc.), organic matter evolution and composts quality, with manual aeration of the compost, in order to increase the agricultural yield of the olive pomace. Residues from the fermentation process can be used in agriculture. All the different mixtures of the different percentages are characterized at the initial state and at the end of the composting process in order to highlight their nutritional values

    Study of the effect of chromium on the germination parameters of Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-gracium L.) and Lens (Lens culinaris)

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    Received: September 21st, 2022 ; Accepted: January 2nd, 2023 ; Published: February 8th, 2023 ; Correspondence: [email protected] contamination by heavy metals is a global environmental problem. This contamination affects agricultural crops in the area concerned. In the present study, chromium, which is a heavy metal, is evaluated for its diverse effects on seed germination and lateral growth of fenugreek and lens seeds. A chromium solution was prepared at increasing concentrations: 0, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.1, and 0.2 mg L-1 for the addition of germinating seeds in petri dishes for ten days. After two days, the germination rate is calculated. For the following days the length of radicle, stem, and number of leaves are measured. The germination rate of fenugreek varies between 100 and 73.33% for the control and 0.02 mg L-1 of chromium respectively. However, the germination rate of the lens varies between 100% for the control and 90% for the 0.02 mg L-1 . The elongation of fenugreek radicle with chromium solutions shows a significant effect. However, there is no significant difference in the lens at the different concentrations. For the growth of the fenugreek stalk, it is noticed that the concentration 0.02 shows a length of 2.83 cm compared to their control which is 2.30 cm. Consequently, chromium at 0.02 mg L-1 stimulates growth, but at 0.2 mg L-1 , it inhibits it. For lens the length of the stems shows also a significant difference compared to their control. So the effect of chromium on germination parameters depends on their concentrations, as well as on the seed response itself. For our research the response of fenugreek compared to the lens at the same concentrations is different

    Vida útil de los aceites de cactus marroquí (Opuntia ficus-indica) y de argán (Argania spinosa). Estudio comparativo

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    Cactus seed oil is gaining considerable popularity in the cosmetic industry. To estimate cactus seed oil’ industrial as well as domestic ease of use, we investigated the oxidative stability of Moroccan cactus seed oil under accelerated aging conditions. In addition, we compared cactus seed oil stability to that of argan oil, a popular and well-established cosmetic oil, under the same conditions. Cactus seed oil is much more sensitive to oxidation than argan oil. Its shelf-life can be estimated to be no longer than 6 months at room temperature. Such instability means that the preparation process for cactus oil must be carried out with great care and cactus seed oil needs to be protected once extracted.El aceite de semillas de cactus está ganando considerable popularidad en la industria cosmética. Para estimar la facilidad de uso industrial y doméstico del aceite de semilla de cactus, investigamos la estabilidad oxidativa del aceite de semilla de cactus marroquí en condiciones de envejecimiento acelerado. Además, comparamos, bajo las mismas condiciones, la estabilidad del aceite de semilla de cactus con la del aceite de argán, otro aceite cosmético popular y bien establecido. El aceite de semilla de cactus es mucho más sensible a la oxidación que el aceite de argán. Su vida útil se puede estimar en no más de 6 meses a temperatura ambiente. Tal inestabilidad significa que los procesos preparativos del aceite de cactus deben manejarse con mucho cuidado y el aceite de semilla de cactus debe protegerse una vez extraído

    Bioaccumulation of heavy metals by the flora and benthic macrofauna of the Bouregreg estuary wetland

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    Estuarine systems account for a high proportion of wetlands in Morocco due to the development of the river system. These estuarine and coastal Moroccan environments are as rich in fauna and flora as their European equivalents and present much originality. However, these coastal areas are generally highly urbanized and industrialized, and therefore subject to domestic and industrial discharges. The Bouregreg Estuary represents a good example of this situation, in view of this pollution (organic, chemical and biological) and the absence of fresh water supply upstream of the estuary after the dam was built, is increasingly unable of restoring the equilibrium of this ecosystem. This tide can instead ensure the polluting discharge downstream or upstream. Metallic contamination affects the different compartments of the estuarine ecosystem (sediment, water) and benthic species (fauna and flora). The objective of this study is to assess the accumulation and bioaccumulation of five heavy metals (Cu, Fe, Zn, Cr and Pb) at the sediment level of two dominant plant species (Artiplex portulacoides and Sarcocornia fructicosa) and three species of benthic macrofauna (Scrobicularia plana, Venerupis decussata and Hediste diversicolor) from the wetland of this estuary. This work will enable us to clearly understand the nutritional relationships between plant, animal, water and sediment species. The results of the analysis revealed that bioaccumulation varies from one species to another and from one metal to another. Thus, the levels of Lead and Chromium at Sarcocornia fructicosa are higher than those found at Artiplex portulacoides. Nevertheless, the latter accumulates better the other metals: Cu, Zn and Fe. While, the macrofauna shows a fairly large variation depending on the life style and sensitivity of species. Thus, Hediste diversicolor showed high levels of the various metals analyzed compared to Scrobicularia plana and Venerupis decussata

    Bioaccumulation of heavy metals by the flora and benthic macrofauna of the Bouregreg estuary wetland

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    Estuarine systems account for a high proportion of wetlands in Morocco due to the development of the river system. These estuarine and coastal Moroccan environments are as rich in fauna and flora as their European equivalents and present much originality. However, these coastal areas are generally highly urbanized and industrialized, and therefore subject to domestic and industrial discharges. The Bouregreg Estuary represents a good example of this situation, in view of this pollution (organic, chemical and biological) and the absence of fresh water supply upstream of the estuary after the dam was built, is increasingly unable of restoring the equilibrium of this ecosystem. This tide can instead ensure the polluting discharge downstream or upstream. Metallic contamination affects the different compartments of the estuarine ecosystem (sediment, water) and benthic species (fauna and flora). The objective of this study is to assess the accumulation and bioaccumulation of five heavy metals (Cu, Fe, Zn, Cr and Pb) at the sediment level of two dominant plant species (Artiplex portulacoides and Sarcocornia fructicosa) and three species of benthic macrofauna (Scrobicularia plana, Venerupis decussata and Hediste diversicolor) from the wetland of this estuary. This work will enable us to clearly understand the nutritional relationships between plant, animal, water and sediment species. The results of the analysis revealed that bioaccumulation varies from one species to another and from one metal to another. Thus, the levels of Lead and Chromium at Sarcocornia fructicosa are higher than those found at Artiplex portulacoides. Nevertheless, the latter accumulates better the other metals: Cu, Zn and Fe. While, the macrofauna shows a fairly large variation depending on the life style and sensitivity of species. Thus, Hediste diversicolor showed high levels of the various metals analyzed compared to Scrobicularia plana and Venerupis decussata

    Bioaccumulation of heavy metals by the flora and benthic macrofauna of the Bouregreg estuary wetland

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    Estuarine systems account for a high proportion of wetlands in Morocco due to the development of the river system. These estuarine and coastal Moroccan environments are as rich in fauna and flora as their European equivalents and present much originality. However, these coastal areas are generally highly urbanized and industrialized, and therefore subject to domestic and industrial discharges. The Bouregreg Estuary represents a good example of this situation, in view of this pollution (organic, chemical and biological) and the absence of fresh water supply upstream of the estuary after the dam was built, is increasingly unable of restoring the equilibrium of this ecosystem. This tide can instead ensure the polluting discharge downstream or upstream. Metallic contamination affects the different compartments of the estuarine ecosystem (sediment, water) and benthic species (fauna and flora). The objective of this study is to assess the accumulation and bioaccumulation of five heavy metals (Cu, Fe, Zn, Cr and Pb) at the sediment level of two dominant plant species (Artiplex portulacoides and Sarcocornia fructicosa) and three species of benthic macrofauna (Scrobicularia plana, Venerupis decussata and Hediste diversicolor) from the wetland of this estuary. This work will enable us to clearly understand the nutritional relationships between plant, animal, water and sediment species. The results of the analysis revealed that bioaccumulation varies from one species to another and from one metal to another. Thus, the levels of Lead and Chromium at Sarcocornia fructicosa are higher than those found at Artiplex portulacoides. Nevertheless, the latter accumulates better the other metals: Cu, Zn and Fe. While, the macrofauna shows a fairly large variation depending on the life style and sensitivity of species. Thus, Hediste diversicolor showed high levels of the various metals analyzed compared to Scrobicularia plana and Venerupis decussata