32 research outputs found

    Measuring the Awareness of University Students Towards Environmental Pollution: A Case Study of Khorfakkan University Students

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    The study aimed to measure the towards the environment pollution among university students, and in this a measure was prepared that contains students knowledge of environmental pollution and its effects, and students participation in facing environmental problems. The study relied on the sample social survey method by designing a sample representative of the study community consisting of 300 students at the University of Khorfakkan. A scale was designed to measure students awareness of the environment. To design the scale, a guiding program was relied upon to determine measurement criteria in modifying students behavior towards the environment. This program is composed of reinforcement strategies for self-motivation, education, change and support of positive attitudes, participation, persuasion and knowledge building. The study achieved several results, including a high rate of knowledge among university students, and students awareness of the effects of environmental pollution. On the other hand, there is a decrease in the rate of awareness of environmental issues and the rate of students participation in facing environmental problems

    Reluctance of Students to Utilize Virtual Educational Environments in Public Schools: Real World Experiences

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    This study aimed to explore the perspectives of public-school students who were hesitant to use the Darsak Educational Platform (DEP) during the COVID-19 pandemic in order to understand their real-life experiences. To achieve the aim of the study, the researchers employed a qualitative approach in its phenomenological form. The study sample consisted of 12 male and female students from various public schools in Jordan. The participants were chosen using an intentional method. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect the data. The study’s findings revealed a variety of causes that contributed to students’ resistance to using DEP. These causes include the students’ lack of readiness to learn through DEP, the DEP’s failure to comply with international design standards, the inadequate physical and technical teaching environment, and the limited digital competencies of teachers needed in the virtual learning environment. Given the findings of this research, the researchers advise that additional consideration should be given to the design of DEP. They also advise providing students with appropriate guidance in the usage of educational platforms

    Analisa Dampak Pembangunan Semarang Outer Ring Road (Sorr) terhadap Jaringan Jalan Kota Semarang

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    Kawasan perkotaan di Indonesia saat ini mengalami pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang pesat. Sebagai salah satu indikasinya adalah meningkatnya angka pertumbuhan lalu lintas di kota Semarang sebesar 5% setiap tahunnya. Pola rencana jaringan jalan di Kota Semarang secara garis besar dikembangkan dengan pola radial (memusat) dan konsentris (melingkar). Salah satu rencana pengembangan jaringan jalan tersebut adalah Rencana Jaringan Lingkar Luar (Outer Ring Road). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kinerja jalan perkotaan setelah dibangunnya SORR. Untuk memprediksi arus yang teralihkan ke Semarang Outer Ring Road (SORR) digunakan metode stated preference berupa kuisioner dengan membandingkan selisih waktu di jalan perkotaan dengan SORR. Selanjutnya data diolah dengan menggunakan model logit binomial sehingga dapat diperoleh kurva diversi. Menurut hasil dari kurva diversi didapatkan persen perpindahan ke SORR barat sebesar 24% dari arah selatan maupun barat, 31% pada SORR utara dari arah barat maupun timur, dan untuk SORR timur 30% dari arah tenggara 29% dari arah timur dan selatan. Untuk nilai derajat kejenuhan dan kecepatan rata-rata sebelum dan sesudah adanya SORR arah masuk dan keluar kota Semarang dapat diliat sebagai berikut: jalan Pol Anton Sujarwo sebesar DS=0,664; VT=44 km/jam menjadi DS=0,540; VT=47 km/jam dan DS=0,705; VT=39 km/jam menjadi DS=0,647; VT=41 km/jam, pada jalan Kaligawe DS=0,654; VT=44 km/jam menjadi DS=0,452; VT=50,5 km/jam dan DS=0,624; VT=45 km/jam menjadi DS=0,445; VT=51 km/jam, pada jalan raya Mangkang DS=0,534; VT=47 km/jam menjadi DS=0,368; VT=50,5 km/jam dan DS=0,780; VT=40 km/jam menjadi DS=0,586; VT=45 km/jam, dan pada jalan Majapahit DS=0,74; VT=40 km/jam menjadi DS=0,589; VT=44 km/jam.Pada tahun 2026 Jalan Pol Anton arah keluar kota Semarang DS=0,867; VT=34 km/jam sudah tidak dapat melayani dengan baik, sehingga perlu peninjauan lebih lanjut. Menurut hasil perhitungan, SORR barat DS=0,068; VT=60 km/jam, SORR Timur DS=0,141; VT=60 km/jam, dan SORR Utara DS=0,172; VT=60 km/jam masih dapat melayani kendaraan dengan baik untuk 15 tahun kedepan. Disarankan untuk pembangunan SORR didahulukan pada SORR barat dan utara terlebih dahulu dikarenakan pada jalan raya Mangkang sudah mempunyai nilai DS yang besar

    Perencanaan Dermaga Kapal Perintis di Pulau Wakde, Papua

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    Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan (Archipelago Country) terbesar di dunia. Negara kepulauan ini memiliki lebih dari 17.000 pulau di mana sekitar 92 pulau merupakan pulau terluar di Indonesia. Salah satu pulau terluar adalah Pulau Wakde di Kabupaten Sarmi, Provinsi Papua. Pulau Wakde memiliki potensi di sektor hasil laut dan sektor pariwisata berupa wisata sejarah dan bahari. Namun saat ini sarana dan prasarana di Pulau Wakde masih tergolong tertinggal. Hal tersebut mengakibatkan aktivitas sosial, perekonomian, dan pariwisata Pulau Wakde kurang berkembang secara optimal. Pembangunan Dermaga Perintis Wakde merupakan salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Dermaga kapal perintis ini dibangun di sisi barat daya Pulau Wakde. Perencanaan dermaga ini menggunakan data gelombang dengan periode ulang 50 tahun dan data pasang surut selama 15 hari yang dianalisis dengan metode admiralty. Pemodelan gelombang dilakukan dengan program Mike21. Kapal dengan bobot 200 DWT merupakan kapal rencana. Dalam perencanaan struktur dermaga ini, sistem struktur dianalisis dengan menggunakan program SAP2000 dengan model 3D. Layout jettyhead direncanakan dengan panjang 60 m dengan lebar 8 m yang dihubungkan dengan trestle sepanjang 19 m dan lebar 6 m, serta causeway dengan panjang 15 m dan lebar 6 m. Dari hasil analisis struktur dan perhitungan direncanakan balok dengan dimensi 40×60 cm, plat lantai dengan tebal 300 mm, pile cap dengan tebal 800 mm, dan tiang pancang dengan diameter luar 40 cm dan tebal 17 mm. Sedangkan hasil perencanaan untuk causeway, menggunakan struktur pemecah gelombang sisi miring dengan berat batuan berkisar antara 55-60 kg.Pada perencanaan struktur sandar, yang digunakan adalah fender V 150–2000L serta struktur tambat yang dipakai adalah bitt dengan kapasitas 25 ton. Biaya pembangunan dermaga ini sebesar Rp 30.880.929.000,00

    Basement structure of the United Arab Emirates derived from an analysis of regional gravity and aeromagnetic database

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    Gravity and aeromagnetic data covering the whole territory of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have been used to evaluate both shallow and deep geological structures, in particular the depth to basement since it is not imaged by seismic data anywhere within the UAE. Thus, the aim has been to map the basement so that its structure can help to assess its control on the distribution of hydrocarbons within the UAE. Power spectrum analysis reveals gravity and magnetic signatures to have some similarities, in having two main density/susceptibility interfaces widely separated in depth such that regional-residual anomaly separation could effectively be undertaken. The upper density/susceptibility interface occurs at a depth of about 1.5 km while the deeper interface varies in depth throughout the UAE. For gravity, this deeper interface is assumed to be due to the combined effect of lateral changes in density structures within the sediments and in depth of basement while for magnetics it is assumed the sediments have negligible susceptibility and the anomalies unrelated to the volcanic/magmatic bodies result from only changes in depth to basement. The power spectrum analysis over the suspect volcanic/magmatic bodies indicates they occur at ~ 5 km depth. The finite tilt-depth and finite local wavenumber methods were used to estimate depth to source and only depths that agree to within 10% of each other were used to generate the depth to basement map. This depth to basement map, to the west of the UAE-Oman Mountains, varies in depth from 5 km to in excess of 15 km depth and is able to structurally account for the location of the shear structures, seen in the residual magnetic data, and the location of the volcanic/magmatic centres relative to a set of elongate N-S to NE-SW trending basement highs. The majority of oilfields in the UAE are located within these basement highs. Therefore, the hydrocarbon distribution in the UAE basin appears to be controlled by the location of the basement ridges

    Basement structure of the United Arab Emirates derived from an analysis of regional gravity and aeromagnetic database

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    Gravity and aeromagnetic data covering the whole territory of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have been used to evaluate both shallow and deep geological structures, in particular the depth to basement since it is not imaged by seismic data anywhere within the UAE. Thus, the aim has been to map the basement so that its structure can help to assess its control on the distribution of hydrocarbons within the UAE. Power spectrum analysis reveals gravity and magnetic signatures to have some similarities, in having two main density/susceptibility interfaces widely separated in depth such that regional-residual anomaly separation could effectively be undertaken. The upper density/susceptibility interface occurs at a depth of about 1.5 km while the deeper interface varies in depth throughout the UAE. For gravity, this deeper interface is assumed to be due to the combined effect of lateral changes in density structures within the sediments and in depth of basement while for magnetics it is assumed the sediments have negligible susceptibility and the anomalies unrelated to the volcanic/magmatic bodies result from only changes in depth to basement. The power spectrum analysis over the suspect volcanic/magmatic bodies indicates they occur at ~ 5 km depth. The finite tilt-depth and finite local wavenumber methods were used to estimate depth to source and only depths that agree to within 10% of each other were used to generate the depth to basement map. This depth to basement map, to the west of the UAE-Oman Mountains, varies in depth from 5 km to in excess of 15 km depth and is able to structurally account for the location of the shear structures, seen in the residual magnetic data, and the location of the volcanic/magmatic centres relative to a set of elongate N-S to NE-SW trending basement highs. The majority of oilfields in the UAE are located within these basement highs. Therefore, the hydrocarbon distribution in the UAE basin appears to be controlled by the location of the basement ridges

    Penerapan Sistem Absensi Sekolah Menggunakan Fingerprint Terintegrasi Dengan Smartphone Android

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    The need of student attendance information in schools is a major factor in success of the academic process. Often there are validation and identification errors in the student attendance process (human error or manipulation process) as well as the slowness of information obtained, since the attendance is recorded manually in each class. This has an impact on success of the academic process directly and the community at large. Because the importance of attendance information, various studies have offered the system in the process of student attendance, with various technologies. One popular technology and believed to be validating and identifying well is the fingerprint. Therefore, this paper proposes the introduction of attendance system in schools by utilizing fingerprint technology integrated with android smartphone so that information can be delivered quickly. This study use Fingerprint X-100C as a means of identification of student data at the time of absence then the attendance data will be sent to the system database by SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) Web Service. The system will validate and transmit that information on the android Smartphone via the newly created XML Service. The success rate of this system in processing absence reach around 90,47% with delay time of sending information 0.0024 s This system has been tested and applied to SMK N 1 Indramayu.The need of student attendance information in schools is a major factor in success of the academic process. Often there are validation and identification errors in the student attendance process (human error or manipulation process) as well as the slowness of information obtained, since the attendance is recorded manually in each class. This has an impact on success of the academic process directly and the community at large. Because the importance of attendance information, various studies have offered the system in the process of student attendance, with various technologies. One popular technology and believed to be validating and identifying well is the fingerprint. Therefore, this paper proposes the introduction of attendance system in schools by utilizing fingerprint technology integrated with android smartphone so that information can be delivered quickly. This study use Fingerprint X-100C as a means of identification of student data at the time of absence then the attendance data will be sent to the system database by SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) Web Service. The system will validate and transmit that information on the android Smartphone via the newly created XML Service. The success rate of this system in processing absence reach around 90,47% with delay time of sending information 0.0024 s This system has been tested and applied to SMK N 1 Indramayu

    Formulation and Evaluation of Diacerein Implantable in Situ Gel for the Treatment of Osteoarthritis

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    The purpose of this research was to develop a novel injectable, biodegradable in situ drug delivery system of diacerein for the management of osteoarthritis. ❖ Twelve formulations of diacerein in situ gelling systems were prepared with thermo sensitive polymer Poloxamer-407 (10%) and other copolymers such as HK4M (0.5-1.5%), Carbopol 394 (0.5-1.5%) by traditional “cold method”. Diacerein is a semi-synthetic anthraquinone derivative used for the treatment of osteoarthritis kept as constant for each formulation (5% w/v). ❖ The formulated in situ gelling system were characterized for appearance, colour, pH, gelation temperature, gelation time, syringeability time, viscosity study and in vitro drug release. ❖ All the 12 formulations were clear and yellow in colour. ❖ The pH of all the formulations was in range from 7.0 to 7.4 and found to be satisfied. ❖ The prepared diacerein in-situ gels showed sol-to-gel transformation. The gelation temperatures were in the range of 34.8℃ to 37.3℃ and showed that the gelation times were in the range of 58 to 68 seconds. ❖ The formulations showed better syringeability time which can be easily injectable as injection into the synovial fluid. ❖ All the formulations showed the better viscosity behaviour at both refrigerator temperature and body temperature which was found to be in satisfactory range. ❖ The cumulative percentage of drug release of the prepared in situ gels was found to be in satisfactory range. The formulations F8, F9 and F12 were selected based on the long sustained release at 24 hours period of time. ❖ Formulation F8 showed the best controlled release and also possessed the optimum physiochemical behaviour such as gelation temperature, gelation time, syringeability time and viscosity. ❖ Based on the physiochemical behaviours such as gelation temperature, gelation time, syringeability time and viscosity and in vitro drug release formulation F8 was considered as best formulation. ❖ Isotonicity test was carried out for prepared diacerein in-situ gels F8 exhibited no change in the shape of blood cells (bulging or shrinkage) which reveals the isotonic nature of the formulation. ❖ Best formulation F8 was sterilized by gamma irradiation and accessed for sterility test. The microbiological evaluation assured the product’s sterility. ❖ The effect of gamma irradiation on gelation temperature, gelation time, syringeability time, drug release in vitro and drug content was evaluated and no significant changes in the said parameter between non-irradiated and irradiated formulations. ❖ The FTIR results proved that no interactions between the drug and polymers of in situ gelling system. ❖ The methodology adopted for the in situ gelling system is easy, convenient and cost effective. ❖ A novel drug delivery system for prolonged release of diacerein which can reduce dose, dosing frequency, associated side effects, cost of therapy and there by improve patient compliance was developed. ❖ This research demonstrated advantages of diacerein in-situ gel and may be suitable as an injectable drug delivery system for management of osteoarthritis to overcome the limitations of currently available formulation


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    Analisis studi kasus ini menjelaskan masalah yang terjadi di PLTMH Kunci Putih di mana saat melakukan proses tahap pembebanan pembangkit sebesar 50% pada uji komisioning terjadi kegagalan yang disebabkan oleh tripnya rele daya balik namun saat diselidiki setelan pada rele daya balik dan generator sudah benar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah dengan mengambil data perangkat langsung di PLTMH Kunci Putih Salatiga kemudian sesuai kronologi yang dikumpulkan dilakukan analisis pengaruh trafo arus secara teori elektris. Hasil yang didapat dalam analisis ini adalah perubahan arah arus sekunder CT akan mempengaruhi rele daya balik karena arah arus akan terbalik sebesar 180° yang artinya bekerja pada daerah kuadran II atau kuadran III di mana kuadran tersebut akan dianggap sebagai daya balik oleh rele daya balik sehingga rele akan trip. Kata kunci: daya balik, CT, mikrohidro, polaritas arus. Abstract This study case analysis is explaining about problem that occoured at PLTMH Kunci Putih, Salatiga where in the process of commisioning test it failed at the load test stage because of reverse power relay tripped but when the field engineer investigated there was no error in generator avr and reverse power relay settings. Research method is using is collecting data and comissioning test failure chronology  from PLTMH Kunci Putih and the analyze it using electrical theories. The result that obtained in this analysis is that change of current polarity from Current Transformers is making the current changed by 180° so it work at qudrant IV instead of qudrant I, therefore even though the generator is delivering power the reverse power relay will trip because it read the current from the CT as a reverse power.Keywords : Reverse Power, CT, Microhydro, Current Polaritie