5 research outputs found

    Rheumatic diseases in patients attending a clinic at a referral hospital in Yaounde, Cameroon

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    No Abstract. East African Medical Journal Vol. 84 (9) 2007: pp. 404-40

    Profil Des Hormones Thyroidiennes Chez Les Femmes Enceintes: Analyse de 125 cas a l\'Hôpital Général de Yaoundé, Cameroun

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    Ce travail a pour but de déterminer le profil des hormones thyroïdiennes chez des femmes enceintes en milieu Camerounais. De Janvier 2005 à Janvier 2006, cent vingt cinq femmes ont été prospectivement incluses dans l\'étude à l\'Hôpital Général de Yaoundé. Pour chaque patiente, selon un protocole préétabli, on recueillait les données cliniques et Gynéco-Obstétrique avec l\'âge de la grossesse, et on faisait un prélèvement sanguin en vu du dosage des hormones thyroïdiennes (thyroïde T4 et triiodothyronine T3) et de la thyréostimuline hypophysaire (TSH). La lecture des résultats des taux hormonaux a été effectuée à l\'aide d\'un compteur Gamma 12 puis d\' «Oakfield Health Care Product» muni de Logiciel RIASTAT d\' «Oakfield Instrument Ltd» London. Les 125 femmes de l\'étude ont été reparties en quatre groupes composés respectivement de 32 femmes non gravides (groupe I, témoins), 33 femmes enceintes au premier trimestre (groupe II), 30 femmes au deuxième trimestre (groupe III), et 30 femmes enceintes à la grossesse du troisième trimestre (groupe IV). Le taux moyen de la T4 comme de la T3 sanguin est plus élevé chez les femmes enceintes que chez les témoins quelque soit l\'âge de la grossesse. L\'évolution des taux montre une élévation au premier trimestre de la grossesse avec une baisse au deuxième trimestre et au troisième. Le taux de la TSH hypophysaire a une cinétique contraire avec un effondrement au premier trimestre et une remontée au deuxième et troisième trimestre. En conclusion, ce travail montre qu\'il y a une variation du taux sanguin des hormones thyroïdiennes et de la TSH chez la femme enceinte et que ce taux varie avec l\'âge de la grossesse.This study was aimed at determining the evolution and the kinetics of thyroid hormones in a sub-population of pregnant women in Cameroon. We carried out a prospective study (from January 2005 to January 2006) on 125 consenting pregnant women at the Yaounde General Hospital. Clinical and gynaeco-obstetric data with the gestational age were noted on a pre-designed questionnaire. Blood samples were drawn for serum assay of thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroid stimulating hormone(TSH). The results were read with the «Oakfield Health Care» Gamma – 12 counter using the RIASTAT software. The patients were sub divided into 4 groups: 32 non pregnant women in the control group, 33 pregnant women in the first trimester, 30 pregnant women in the second trimester, and 30 pregnant women in the third trimester. The mean serum levels of T3 and T4 were relatively high in all the pregnant women (irrespective of the gestational age) than in the control group. Serum levels of T3 and T4 were raised the first trimester and progressively reduced in second and third. On the other hand, TSH levels progressively increased from the second trimester and attained a maximum in the third trimester. We can therefore conclude that blood levels of thyroid hormone as well as TSH vary during pregnancy and differ in titres with respect to the gestational age. Keywords: Thyroid hormones - TSH - Pregnancy - Radio immunoassay.Clinics in Mother and Child Health Vol. 5 (2) 2008: pp. 917-92

    Chirurgie cardiaque au Cameroun. Résultats à un an de la phase pilote.

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    In the framework of implementation of his national program for control and prevention of cardiovascular diseases, Cameroonian government has set up a cardiac surgery project. We report in this manuscript results of one year follow up of the patients operated during the pilot phase. From September 22 till 26, 2008, 11 patients have been operated in Cameroun. Surgical procedures were 5 mitral mechanic valve replacement, 2 aortic mechanic valve replacement, 1 atrial septal defect closure, 2 pace maker implantation. No intrahospital death was observed. One patient died at 11th month after the operation due to mitral valve thrombosis and attributed to lack of compliance. One patient presented low cardiac output, pneumonia and a pleural effusion. 2 patients presented 2 minor complications consisting of pericarditis and superficial wound infection. The results of the pilot phase of cardiac surgery in Cameroon are effective. However, the sustainability of the program require human, material capacity building, and funding mechanism as well.English AbstractJournal Articleinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Metabolic syndrome in type 2 diabetes: comparative prevalence according to two sets of diagnostic criteria in sub-Saharan Africans

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Available definition criteria for metabolic syndrome (MS) have similarities and inconsistencies. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of MS in a group of Cameroonians with type 2 diabetes, according to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and the National Cholesterol Education Programme Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP-ATP III) criteria, and to assess the concordance between both criteria, and the implications of combining them.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We collected clinical and biochemical data for 308 patients with type 2 diabetes (men 157) at the National Obesity Center of the Yaounde Central Hospital, Cameroon. Concordance was assessed with the use of the Kappa statistic.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Mean age (standard deviation) was 55.8 (10.5) years and the median duration of diagnosed diabetes (25<sup>th</sup>–75<sup>th</sup> percentiles) was 3 years (0.5–5.0), similarly among men and women. The prevalence of MS was 71.7% according to the IDF criteria and 60.4% according to NCEP-ATP III criteria. The prevalence was significantly higher in women than in men independently of the criteria used (both <it>p</it> < 0.001). Overall concordance between both definitions was low to average 0.51 (95% confidence interval: 0.41–0.61). Combining the two sets of criteria marginally improved the yield beyond that provided by the IDF criteria alone in men, but not in the overall population and in women.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The IDF and NCEP-ATP III criteria do not always diagnose the same group of diabetic individuals with MS and combining them merely increases the yield beyond that provided by the IDF definition alone. This study highlights the importance of having a single unifying definition for MS in our setting.</p