21 research outputs found

    Effect of Mixed Lipoic Acid, Vitamin D, Phosphatidylserine and Homotaurine to Obtain a New Formulation for Brain Ageing Prevention

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    By 2050, it is estimated that there will be two billion people aged 60 or over, of which 131 million are expected to be affected by dementia, while depression is expected to be the second-largest cause of disability worldwide in 2020. Preventing or delaying the onset of these disorders should therefore be a priority for public health systems. There is some evidence linking certain substances present in most common food supplements with a reduced risk of neuronal degeneration improving brain health. Recently, many compounds or extracts from natural products slowing aging and extending lifespan have been reported. The main goal of this study is to develop a new formulation that delay age-related diseases in human. For this reason, the effects of selected agents (such as lipoic acid, vitamin D3, phosphatidylserine and homotaurine) were assessed in order to find a new formulation able to slow down the physiological decay linked to brain ageing. Cell viability, radical oxygen species production, inflammatory marker along with some intracellular pathways have been evaluated. The results show that the new combination is highly effective to counteract the negative effects of oxidative stress and inflammation acting through some important brain markers involved in cell survival, enhancing viability of astrocyte

    Role of Vitamin D3 and Alginates in Prevention of NSAID-Dependent Cellular Injury

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    About 30 million people use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Therefore, they have a high risk of developing gastropathic and enteropathic damages. These patients receive anti-acid treatment, but a number of clinical studies provided evidence of the ineffectiveness of proton-pump inhibitors. Vitamin D, on the other hand, appears to have high preventive and therapeutic potential. Recently, it has been introduced a product that, in addition to anti-acid properties of alginates, claims to possess gastroprotective properties deriving from vitamin D3 and from plant extractsThis study was planned to verify the effectiveness of vitamin D3 combined with alginates to prevent the damage induced in cul-tured gastric cells by diclofenac during acidic or hyperacidic exposition measuring cell viability, radical oxygen species production along with apoptotic and survival pathways.Around 30 million people consume nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) globally every day [1] since they are widely pre-scribed because of their efficacy in the management of pain, inflammation, and fever [2]. Generally, the action mechanism of these drugs consists in the inhibition of the biosynthesis of prostaglandins, the inactivation of cyclooxygenase, and an increase in leukotrienes produc-tion [3]. Adverse events associated with NSAID, such as alterations in renal function, effects on blood pressure, hepatic injury, and plate-let inhibition, are a challenge in clinical treatment optimization [4]. However, severe gastrointestinal disorder accompanied by gastric mucosal perforation and bleeding is a major concern as well as the worst outcome of prolonged NSAID-therapy [5]: indeed, they induce gastric mucosal lesions because of their acidic properties [3]. Gastric mucosal erosions, ulceration, bleeding, and perforation, as well as an increased risk of bleeding from pre-existing peptic ulcers are major causes of gastrointestinal iatrogenic diseases [6]. The mechanism behind gastric damage involves a highly acidic gastric environment that favours the migration of nonionized lipophilic NSAID into the Findings show that this combination is more potent to counteract the negative effects of diclofenac and hyperacidic conditions than some other gastroprotective agents on epithelial gastric cells. This was confirmed by the maintenance of p53 expression at physiological level. In addition, when added before diclofenac, it can exert beneficial effects counteracting the negative effect of diclof-enac alone. These data were similar to the sample treated with pantoprazole, supporting the hypothesis that the combination could act as a gastroprotector to prevent cell loss. These results have pointed out the gastroprotective effect of the combination when compared to other commercial natural ex-tracts, this effect is obtained via antioxidant pathway, inhibiting apoptosis, enhancing cell viability and activating survival kinase

    airbrush spray coating of amorphous titanium dioxide for inverted polymer solar cells

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    One of the main topics of organic photovoltaics manufacturing is the need for simple, low cost, and large area compatible techniques. Solution-based processes are the best candidates to achieve this aim. Among these, airbrush spray coating has successfully applied to deposit both active and PEDOT layers of bulk-heterojunction solar cells. However, this technique is not yet sufficiently studied for interfacial layers (electron and hole transporting layers or optical spacers). In this paper, we show that amorphous titanium dioxide ( ) films, obtained with an airbrush from a solution of titanium (IV) isopropoxide diluted in isopropanol, are successfully deposited on glass and PET substrates. Good surface covering results from the coalescence of droplets after optimizing the spray coating system. Simple inverted polymer solar cells are fabricated using as electron transporting layer obtaining encouraging electrical performances ( % on glass/FTO and 0.7% on PET/ITO substrates)

    Genetic diversity and signature of divergence in the genome of grapevine clones of Southern Italy varieties

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    Sexual reproduction has contributed to a significant degree of variability in cultivated grapevine populations. However, the additional influence of spontaneous somatic mutations has played a pivotal role in shaping the diverse landscape of grapevine agrobiodiversity. These naturally occurring selections, termed 'clones,' represent a vast reservoir of potentially valuable traits and alleles that hold promise for enhancing grape quality and bolstering plant resilience against environmental and biotic challenges. Despite their potential, many of these clones remain largely untapped.In light of this context, this study aims to delve into the population structure, genetic diversity, and distinctive genetic loci within a collection of 138 clones derived from six Campanian and Apulian grapevine varieties, known for their desirable attributes in viticulture and winemaking. Employing two reduced representation sequencing methods, we extracted Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) markers. Population structure analysis and fixation index (FST) calculations were conducted both between populations and at individual loci. Notably, varieties originating from the same geographical region exhibited pronounced genetic similarity.The resulting SNP dataset facilitated the identification of approximately two hundred loci featuring divergent markers (FST ≥ 0.80) within annotated exons. Several of these loci exhibited associations with essential traits like phenotypic adaptability and environmental responsiveness, offering compelling opportunities for grapevine breeding initiatives. By shedding light on the genetic variability inherent in these treasured traditional grapevines, our study contributes to the broader understanding of their potential. Importantly, it underscores the urgency of preserving and characterizing these valuable genetic resources to safeguard their intra-varietal diversity and foster future advancements in grapevine cultivation

    Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services: An EU ecosystem assessment

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    This report presents an ecosystem assessment covering the total land area of the EU as well as the EU marine regions. The assessment is carried out by Joint Research Centre, European Environment Agency, DG Environment, and the European Topic Centres on Biological Diversity and on Urban, Land and Soil Systems. This report constitutes a knowledge base which can support the evaluation of the 2020 biodiversity targets. It also provides a data foundation for future assessments and policy developments, in particular with respect to the ecosystem restoration agenda for the next decade (2020-2030). The report presents an analysis of the pressures and condition of terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems using a single, comparable methodology based on European data on trends of pressures and condition relative to the policy baseline 2010. The following main conclusions are drawn: - Pressures on ecosystems exhibit different trends. - Land take, atmospheric emissions of air pollutants and critical loads of nitrogen are decreasing but the absolute values of all these pressures remain too high. - Impacts from climate change on ecosystems are increasing. - Invasive alien species of union concern are observed in all ecosystems, but their impact is particularly high in urban ecosystems and grasslands. - Pressures from overfishing activities and marine pollution are still high. - In the long term, air and freshwater quality is improving. - In forests and agroecosystems, which represent over 80% of the EU territory, there are improvements in structural condition indicators (biomass, deadwood, area under organic farming) relative to the baseline year 2010 but some key bio-indicators such as tree-crown defoliation continue to increase. This indicates that ecosystem condition is not improving. - Species-related indicators show no progress or further declines, particularly in agroecosystems. The analysis of trends in ecosystem services concluded that the current potential of ecosystems to deliver timber, protection against floods, crop pollination, and nature-based recreation is equal to or lower than the baseline value for 2010. At the same time, the demand for these services has significantly increased. A lowered potential in combination with a higher demand risks to further decrease the condition of ecosystems and their contribution to human well-being. Despite the wide coverage of environmental legislation in the EU, there are still large gaps in the legal protection of ecosystems. On land, 76% of the area of terrestrial ecosystems, mainly forests, agroecosystems and urban ecosystems, are excluded from a legal designation under the Bird and Habitat Directives. Freshwater and marine ecosystems are subject to specific protection measures under the Water Framework and Marine Strategy Framework Directives. The condition of ecosystems that are under legal designation is unfavourable. More efforts are needed to bend the curve of biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation and to put ecosystems on a path to recovery. The progress that is made in certain areas such as pollution reduction, increasing air and water quality, increasing share of organic farming, the expansion of forests, and the efforts to maintain marine fish stocks at sustainable levels show that a persistent implementation of policies can be effective. These successes should encourage us to act now and to put forward an ambitious plan for the restoration of Europe’s ecosystems.JRC.D.3-Land Resource

    Search for gravitational-lensing signatures in the full third observing run of the LIGO-Virgo network

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    Gravitational lensing by massive objects along the line of sight to the source causes distortions of gravitational wave-signals; such distortions may reveal information about fundamental physics, cosmology and astrophysics. In this work, we have extended the search for lensing signatures to all binary black hole events from the third observing run of the LIGO--Virgo network. We search for repeated signals from strong lensing by 1) performing targeted searches for subthreshold signals, 2) calculating the degree of overlap amongst the intrinsic parameters and sky location of pairs of signals, 3) comparing the similarities of the spectrograms amongst pairs of signals, and 4) performing dual-signal Bayesian analysis that takes into account selection effects and astrophysical knowledge. We also search for distortions to the gravitational waveform caused by 1) frequency-independent phase shifts in strongly lensed images, and 2) frequency-dependent modulation of the amplitude and phase due to point masses. None of these searches yields significant evidence for lensing. Finally, we use the non-detection of gravitational-wave lensing to constrain the lensing rate based on the latest merger-rate estimates and the fraction of dark matter composed of compact objects

    Le prime fasi edilizie del tempio di Diana a Nemi

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    Il periodo medio repubblicano (IV-III sec. a.C.) rappresenta uno dei periodi cruciali nella storia di Roma e del Lazio, ma anche uno dei meno conosciuti. Dopo la prima sintesi del 1973 compiuta con la mostra Roma medio repubblicana, e rimasta praticamente isolata, due convegni internazionali (Roma medio repubblicana. Dalla conquista di Veio alla battaglia di Zama e Oltre “Roma medio repubblicana”. Il Lazio fra i Galli e la battaglia di Zama) vogliono oggi affrontare di nuovo sia il tema della crescita e dei cambiamenti della città di Roma e del suo territorio, sia quello della ricostruzione del profilo complesso e articolato del Lazio antico fra gli inizi del IV e la fine del III secolo a.C., analizzando gli elementi fondamentali che ne possono restituire il quadro di insieme

    Role of Combined Lipoic Acid and Vitamin D3 on Astrocytes as a Way to Prevent Brain Ageing by Induced Oxidative Stress and Iron Accumulation

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    Brain ageing is a complex multifactorial process characterized by gradual and continuous loss of neuronal functions. It is hypothesized that at the basis of brain ageing as well as age-related diseases, there is an impairment of the antioxidant defense system leading to an increase of oxidative stress. In this study, two different biological aspects involved in brain ageing and neurodegeneration have been investigated: oxidative stress and iron accumulation damage. In primary mouse astrocytes, the stimulation with 50 μM lipoic acid (LA) and 100 nM vitamin D (vitD) was first investigated in a time-course study to determine the dosages to be used in combination and then in a permeability test using an in vitro blood-brain barrier. In a second set of experiments, the role of oxidative stress was investigated pretreating astrocytes with 200 μM H2O2 for 30 min. The ability of vitD and LA alone and combined together to prevent or repair the damage caused by oxidative stress was investigated after 24 h of stimulation by the MTT test, mitochondrial membrane potential measurement, and Western blot analysis. To induce neurodegeneration, cells were pretreated with 300 μM catalytic iron for 6 days and then treated with vitD and LA alone and combined for additional 6 days to investigate the protection exerted by combination, analyzing viability, ROS production, iron concentration, and activation of intracellular pathways. In our study, the combination of LA and vitD showed beneficial effects on viability of astrocytes, since the substances are able to cross the brain barrier. In addition, combined LA and vitD attenuated the H2O2-induced apoptosis through the mitochondrial-mediated pathway. The combination was also able to counteract the adverse conditions caused by iron, preventing its accumulation. All these data support the hypothesis of the synergistic and cooperative activity exerted by LA and vitD in astrocytes indicating a possible new strategy to slow down ageing