189 research outputs found

    Kesehatan dan Pembangunan Sumber Daya Manusia

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    Sebagai aset utama pembangunan bangsa, sumber daya manusia selalu dijadikan tolak ukur keberhasilan kualitas pembangunan suatu bangsa. Indonesia berada di urutan 111 dari 176 negara-negara di dunia, atau urutan ke 6 dari 10 negara-negara Asia Tenggara (Asean). Artikel ini bertujuan untuk membahas berbagai aspek ketertinggalan bangsa Indonesia di bidang kesehatan serta upaya untuk memperbaikinya. Metoda yang digunakan adalah kajian yang rasional melalui tinjauan pustaka dan pemikiran yang logis. Untuk mengejar ketinggalan di bidang kesehatan perlu dilakukan perubahan pradigma dari ā€œhealth for survivalā€ yang berorientasi pada orang sakit dan mengutamakan kuratif dan rehabilitatif kepada ā€œheath for human developmentā€ yang mengutamakan orang sehat yang berorientasi pada promotif dan preventif. Aset utama bangsa meliputi sumber daya alam (SDA) dan sumber daya manusia (SDM). Namun, sumberdaya manusia berperan lebih menentukan karena peranannya dalam mengelola sumber daya alam. Dalam pembangunan bangsa aspek kualitas lebih penting daripada kuantitas yang telah menempatkan bangsa Indonesia peringkat keempat terbesar di dunia, setelah India, Cina dan Amerika Serikat. Urutan Indonesia yang jauh di bawah Singapura, Jepang dan Korea membuktikan bahwa kualitas sumber daya manusia Indonesia masih rendah.Kata kunci : Kesehatan, pembangunan, sumber daya manusia.AbstractAs the main asset of national development, human resource is always used as success indicator of quality development in the country. Indonesia ranked in position 111 out of 176 countries in the world, ranked number 6 out of 10 Southeast Asian (ASEAN) countries. This article aimed at discussing aspects relating to the slow and under development of health sector and efforts to accelerate it. Method used is rational review through literature review and logical thinking. To catch up health sector under development, there is a need for paradigm change from ā€œhealth for survivalā€ which is oriented toward sick people and prioritizing curative and rehabilitative approaches to ā€œhealth for human developmentā€ which is oriented toward healthy people and prioritizing promotive and preventive approaches. Main assets of a nation include natural resources and human resources, however, human resources is deemed more important due to its role to manage the natural resources. In national development, quality is more important than quantity. Quantitatively, Indonesia ranked fourth after India, China, and USA as the most populated countries, but in term of rank of development index, Indonesia is positioned far below Singapore, Japan, and Korea which are less populated an inarguable evidence of low quality of Indonesiaā€™s human resources.Keywords : Health, development, human resources

    Pendapat Masyarakat terhadap Pelayanan Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat (Puskesmas)

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    To achieve Health For All by the Year 2000, the government of Indonesia has been developing the primary health care approach through Integrated Family Health Service (Posyandu). This study was conducted in Kecamatan Pasar Rebo to observe the knowledge and attitude of the people about primary health care around the Health Centre. Interviews were conducted covering 250 samples of the population. The samples as respondents were housewives selected by the random sampling method. Questionnaires as the instruments were pretested. The result of this study shows that some people feel that health services especially drug supply are adequate. Others do not know anything about the primary health centre. Furthermore, some of them do not use the Posyandu. To be more efficient, the Primary Health Care in the Health Centre should increase its service by comprehensive and better communication

    Metodologi Penelitian Kesehatan

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    xix- 242 hal-- 24 c

    Promosi Kessehatan Teori dan Aplikasi

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    viii. 375hal.. 24 c

    Metodologi penelitian kesehatan

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    Buku ini membahas khusus metodologi penelitian kesehatan baik metodologi penelitian kuantitatif maupun kualitatatifmasih langka,terutama di Indonesia.xix, 243 hlm.: ilus.; 23,5 c

    Ilmu perilaku kesehatan

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    ix, 174 hal; 23,5 c

    Metodologi Penelitian kesehatan edisi revisi

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    vii, 208 hlm.; 21 c

    Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia

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    viii + 180 hlm.; 23,5 c

    Metodologi Penelitian Kesehatan

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    208 hlm.15 x 22 c
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