90 research outputs found

    Effect of Fermentation on the Protein Digestibility and Levels of Non-Nutritive Compounds of Pea Protein Concentrate

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    Radi utvrđivanja utjecaja fermentacije na kakvoću proteina u koncentratu proteina graška ispitani su sljedeći parametri: udjel ukupnih fenola i tanina, aktivnost inhibitora proteaze, sastav aminokiselina i probavljivost proteina in vitro nakon 11 sati fermentacije s pomoću bakterije Lactobacillus plantarum. Maseni se udjel fenola u koncentratu proteina graška, izražen kao ekvivalent katehina, povećao na bazi suhe tvari s 2,5 pri 0 h na 4,9 mg/g nakon 11 sati fermentacije. Udjel tanina se povećao s 0,14 pri 0 h na maksimalnih 0,96 mg/g koncentrata nakon 5 h fermentacije, a zatim se smanjio na 0,79 mg/g nakon 11 h fermentacije. Nakon 9 h fermentacije smanjila se aktivnost inhibitora tripsina, međutim, pri svim ostalim vremenima fermentacije dobivene su vrijednosti slične onima pri 0 h. Aktivnost se inhibitora kimotripsina smanjila s 3,7 na 1,1 jedinicu inhibicije kimotripsina po mg nakon 11 sati fermentacije. Probavljivost je proteina dosegla maksimalnu vrijednost od 87,4 % nakon 5 sati fermentacije, međutim vrijednost aminokiselina koje sadržavaju sumpor smanjila se s 0,84 pri 0 h na 0,66 nakon 11 h fermentacije. Smanjenjem udjela sumpora promijenila se vrijednost aminokiselina korigirana probavljivošću proteina in vitro s 67,0 pri 0 h na 54,6 % nakon 11 h fermentacije. Dobiveni podaci potvrđuju da je, iako je fermentacija valjana metoda za smanjenje udjela nekih nenutritivnih sastojaka u koncentratu proteina graška, potrebno odabrati odgovarajuće bakterije koje nemaju izraženu sposobnost razgradnje aminokiselina što sadržavaju sumpor.In order to determine the impact of fermentation on protein quality, pea protein concentrate (PPC) was fermented with Lactobacillus plantarum for 11 h and total phenol and tannin contents, protease inhibitor activity, amino acid composition and in vitro protein digestibility were analyzed. Phenol levels, expressed as catechin equivalents (CE), increased on dry mass basis from 2.5 at 0 h to 4.9 mg CE per 1 g of PPC at 11 h. Tannin content rose from 0.14 at 0 h to a maximum of 0.96 mg CE per 1 g of PPC after 5 h, and thereafter declined to 0.79 mg/g after 11 h. After 9 h of fermentation trypsin inhibitor activity decreased, however, at all other fermentation times similar levels to the PPC at time 0 h were produced. Chymotrypsin inhibitor activity decreased from 3.7 to 1.1 chymotrypsin inhibitory units (CIU) per mg following 11 h of fermentation. Protein digestibility reached a maximum (87.4 %) after 5 h of fermentation, however, the sulfur amino acid score was reduced from 0.84 at 0 h to 0.66 at 11 h. This reduction in sulfur content altered the in vitro protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score from 67.0 % at 0 h to 54.6 % at 11 h. These data suggest that while fermentation is a viable method of reducing certain non-nutritive compounds in pea protein concentrate, selection of an alternative bacterium which metabolises sulfur amino acids to a lesser extent than L. plantarum should be considered

    Stellar occultations enable milliarcsecond astrometry for Trans-Neptunian objects and Centaurs

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    Trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) and Centaurs are remnants of our planetary system formation, and their physical properties have invaluable information for evolutionary theories. Stellar occultation is a ground-based method for studying these small bodies and has presented exciting results. These observations can provide precise profiles of the involved body, allowing an accurate determination of its size and shape. The goal is to show that even single-chord detections of TNOs allow us to measure their milliarcsecond astrometric positions in the reference frame of the Gaia second data release (DR2). Accurated ephemerides can then be generated, allowing predictions of stellar occultations with much higher reliability. We analyzed data from stellar occultations to obtain astrometric positions of the involved bodies. The events published before the Gaia era were updated so that the Gaia DR2 catalog is the reference. Previously determined sizes were used to calculate the position of the object center and its corresponding error with respect to the detected chord and the International Celestial Reference System (ICRS) propagated Gaia DR2 star position. We derive 37 precise astrometric positions for 19 TNOs and 4 Centaurs. Twenty-one of these events are presented here for the first time. Although about 68\% of our results are based on single-chord detection, most have intrinsic precision at the submilliarcsecond level. Lower limits on the diameter and shape constraints for a few bodies are also presented as valuable byproducts. Using the Gaia DR2 catalog, we show that even a single detection of a stellar occultation allows improving the object ephemeris significantly, which in turn enables predicting a future stellar occultation with high accuracy. Observational campaigns can be efficiently organized with this help, and may provide a full physical characterization of the involved object.Comment: 16 pages, 28 figures. The manuscript was accepted and is to be publishe

    Evidence of an Antimicrobial-Immunomodulatory Role of Atlantic Salmon Cathelicidins during Infection with Yersinia ruckeri

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    Cathelicidins are a family of antimicrobial peptides that act as effector molecules of the innate immune system with broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties. These evolutionary conserved cationic host-defence peptides are integral components of the immune response of fish, which are generally believed to rely heavily on innate immune defences to invading pathogens. In this study we showed that Atlantic salmon cathelicidin 1 and 2 (asCATH1 and asCATH2) stimulated peripheral blood leukocytes increasing the transcription of the chemokine interleukin-8. Further, functional differences were identified between the two cathelicidins. In the presence of serum, asCATH1 displayed greatly diminished host haemolytic activity, while the constitutively expressed asCATH2 had no haemolytic activity with or without serum. These findings support our hypothesis that fish cathelicidins exert their primary antimicrobial action at the site of pathogen invasion such as epithelial surfaces. Further, we hypothesise that like their mammalian counterparts in the presence of serum they act as mediators of the innate and adaptive immune response via the release of cytokines thus indirectly protecting against a variety of pathogens. We highlight the importance of this immunomodulatory role from the involvement of asCATHs during an infection with the fish pathogen Yersinia ruckeri. While we were able to demonstrate in vitro that asCATH1 and 2, possessed direct microbicidal activity against the fish pathogen, Vibrio anguillarum, and a common gram negative bacterium, Escherichia coli, little or no bactericidal activity was found against Y. ruckeri. The contribution of either asCATH in the immune response or as a potential virulence factor during yersiniosis is highlighted from the increased expression of asCATH1 and 2 mRNA during an in vivo challenge with Y. ruckeri . We propose that Atlantic salmon cathelicidins participate in the interplay between the innate and adaptive immune systems via the release of cytokines enabling a more effective response to invading pathogens

    Anæsthetic Problems in Urology

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