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    Pada masa pandemi Covid-19, terjadi perubahan gaya hidup masyarakat salah satunya pada pola perilaku konsumsi kopi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis perilaku konsumsi yang dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor yaitu perceived behavioral control, motivasi, dan gaya hidup dan merumuskan implikasi menajerial yang dapat digunakan oleh para produsen kopi untuk mampu memasarkan produknya pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross-sectional study dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Data diperoleh dengan menyebarkan kuesioner secara online menggunakan media sosial. Pada penelitian ini teknik yang digunakan untuk mengambil contoh adalah voluntary sampling sebanyak 200 responden. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu terdapat pengaruh positif signifikan antara motivasi dan gaya hidup terhadap perilaku konsumen. Tidak terdapat pengaruh signifikan antara perceived behavioral control terhadap perilaku konsumsi. Implikasi manajerial yang dapat digunakan oleh para produsen kopi adalah produsen selalu konsisten menjaga mutu produk, selalu menggunakan inovasi terbaru pada produk minuman kopi agar lebih bervariasi, dan meningkatkan promosi produknya dengan memanfaatkan media sosial atau acara atau promo

    Pengaruh perceived behavioral control, motivasi dan gaya hidup terhadap perilaku konsumsi kopi di era pandemi covid-19

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    Currently, people's lifestyle in consuming coffee is that they tend to consume coffee from coffee shops compared to making their own coffee at home. However, in early 2020, Indonesia was designated as one of the countries affected by the Covid-19 pandemic originating from Wuhan. The existence of a pandemic has caused people's purchasing power to decline. Consumers tend to prioritize basic needs that can support their life. The spread of Covid-19, which tends to increase, also affects consumers' psychology in determining the consumption of food and drinks that are considered safe during this pandemic, including coffee consumption. There are four latent variables used in this study, namely motivation, lifestyle, perceived behavioral control and consumption behavior. The sampling technique used in this research is voluntary sampling based on a willingness to participate in the research. Consumers who are respondents in this study are limited to consumers who have purchased coffee beverage products in locations throughout Indonesia for at least once in the last six months starting from March 2020 when Indonesia was declared one of the countries affected by the Covid-19 virus. In this study, the required number of respondents is a minimum of 120 people. The number of respondents obtained in this study were 200 respondents who had met the screening of all respondents. Data processing and analysis techniques in this study consisted of quantitative data research. The data obtained were processed using Microsoft Excel 2013 by creating a frequency table to see the respondent's initial data on each variable individually. Furthermore, the initial data was processed with SPSS 22 to test the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. The use of SEM PLS is used to see the relationship between variables and indicators in the study. The results showed that consumer behavior in consuming coffee drinks during the pandemic was that consumers remained loyal to their respective brand preferences because the taste of each coffee was different. Consumers often buy coffee drink products with friends or closest people who have similar tastes of coffee. Coffee drink products that are preferred by consumers are ready-to-eat coffee from coffee shops. The variables of motivation and lifestyle have a significant positive effect on the consumption behavior variable, while the variable perceived behavioral control has no significant effect on the consumption behavior variable. The managerial implications that can be applied to the coffee beverage industry in managing marketing activities during the Covid-19 pandemic are grouped based on motivation and lifestyle variables, namely coffee drink product producers are advised to be able to implement the latest innovations in coffee beverage products and follow the latest trends but still maintain quality and increase promotion so that products seem familiar in the minds of consumers

    Psicología del tráfico en México: Revisión de publicaciones en revistas científicas mexicanas

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    Psychological interventions have highly questionable results because they have weak bases and tend to be ephemeral and prioritize the actions on the individual aside from the work in the community and thus encompassing very limited populations. The traffic psychology is not a land free of these problems, on the contrary, within the same discipline is a little explored and in the specific case of Mexico is a completely forgotten psychology. Accidents in the country roads continue to be a major problem of public health and safety to be the leading cause of death in children between 5 and 14 years old and the second leading cause among young people 15 to 29 years of age.This work aims to generate empirical evidence that shows little or no participation of Mexican psychologists on the issue of the traffic psychology through production and dissemination of research articles. As well as focusing attention on the subject for future research. This 1959 articles in 239 available numbers of Mexican journals in psychology were reviewed in a period of time spanning from the year 1975 until the year 2013.The results of the review are a clear signal of alarm and a serious wake-up call to psychologists Mexican since 1959 articles reviewed in 239 numbers of 8 scientific journals taken for the study, only found 2 articles that met the selection criteria and are therefore related to the traffic psychology.Road accidents are a problem whose solutions involve psychologists and the same commitment is the key that will open the doors to a Mexico more secure in terms of roads.Las intervenciones psicológicas tienen resultados altamente cuestionables pues tienen bases poco sólidas y tienden a ser efímeros además de priorizar las acciones sobre el individuo dejando de lado el trabajo en la comunidad y por ende abarcando poblaciones muy limitadas. La psicología del tráfico no es un terreno libre de estas problemáticas, por el contrario, dentro de la misma disciplina es un vector poco explorado y en el caso específico de México es una psicología completamente olvidada. En él país los accidentes viales continúan siendo un importante problema de seguridad y salud pública al ser la primera causa de muerte en niños entre los 5 y 14 años y la segunda causa entre jóvenes de 15 a 29 años de edad.Este trabajo tiene como objetivo generar evidencia empírica que ponga de manifiesto la poca o nula participación de los psicólogos mexicanos en el tema de la psicología del tráfico a través de producción y difusión de artículos de investigación. Así como focalizar la atención en el tema para futuras investigaciones. Para ello se revisaron 1959 artículos en 239 números de revistas mexicanas especializadas en psicología disponibles de manera electrónica en un periodo de tiempo que abarca desde el año 1975 hasta el año 2013.Los resultados de la revisión son una clara señal de alarma y una seria llamada de atención a los psicólogos mexicanos debido a que, en los 1959 artículos revisados en 239 números de las 8 revistas científicas tomadas para él estudio, solo se encontraron 2 artículos que cumplían con el criterio de selección y que por lo tanto se relacionan con la psicología del tráfico.Los accidentes viales son un problema cuyas soluciones les conciernen a los psicólogos y el compromiso d