5 research outputs found

    Allosteric regulation and crystallographic fragment screening of SARS-CoV-2 NSP15 endoribonuclease

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the causative agent of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The NSP15 endoribonuclease enzyme, known as NendoU, is highly conserved and plays a critical role in the ability of the virus to evade the immune system. NendoU is a promising target for the development of new antiviral drugs. However, the complexity of the enzyme's structure and kinetics, along with the broad range of recognition sequences and lack of structural complexes, hampers the development of inhibitors. Here, we performed enzymatic characterization of NendoU in its monomeric and hexameric form, showing that hexamers are allosteric enzymes with a positive cooperative index, and with no influence of manganese on enzymatic activity. Through combining cryo-electron microscopy at different pHs, X-ray crystallography and biochemical and structural analysis, we showed that NendoU can shift between open and closed forms, which probably correspond to active and inactive states, respectively. We also explored the possibility of NendoU assembling into larger supramolecular structures and proposed a mechanism for allosteric regulation. In addition, we conducted a large fragment screening campaign against NendoU and identified several new allosteric sites that could be targeted for the development of new inhibitors. Overall, our findings provide insights into the complex structure and function of NendoU and offer new opportunities for the development of inhibitors

    Structural characterization and discovery of antiviral candidates targeting the viral proteases from: yellow Fever virus and SARS-CoV-2

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    Os recentes avanços em pesquisa possibilitaram uma maior compreensão do mecanismo de diversas doenças virais e auxiliaram no desenvolvimento de vacinas e medicamentos. No entanto, as doenças virais ainda representam uma das maiores preocupações de saúde pública e econômicas mundiais, o que evidencia a necessidade constante do desenvolvimento de novos antivirais. Dentre os vírus ainda sem fármacos específicos para seu tratamento, estão os pertencentes ao gênero flavivírus, que inclui os vírus causadores da dengue, zika e febre amarela (YFV). O vírus da febre amarela (YFV) tem genoma composto por uma única fita de RNA que codifica uma única poli proteína contendo três proteínas estruturais e sete não estruturais. A NS3 tem dois domínios: um domínio protease e um domínio helicase/NTP-ase. A NS3 protease age juntamente com uma outra proteína não estrutural como cofator, a NS2B, que auxilia o enovelamento correto da NS3pro e permite que tenha uma forma ativa. O complexo NS2B-NS3pro auxilia na clivagem da poli proteína imatura, liberando as proteínas formadoras do complexo de replicação viral. Considerando a importância deste complexo no ciclo de replicação viral, é evidente que ele representa um importante alvo no planejamento de candidatos antivirais. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste projeto consistiu em determinar a estrutura cristalográfica da enzima NS2B-NS3pro e utilizá-la na busca por inibidores. A sequência codificante da proteína do vírus foi clonada, expressa e purificada. Também foi possível obter cristais da enzima, utilizados para a resolução da estrutura da enzima, resultando num modelo final a 2.9 Å de resolução. Além disso, avaliamos a atividade da proteína utilizando um ensaio baseado em um produto fluorescente. Foi possível determinar as constantes cinéticas da mesma, além de realizar a triagem de inibidores. Dos aproximadamente 1000 compostos testados, 18 hits foram encontrados, 6 deles apresentando IC50 com valores inferiores à 1.0 μM. Os ligantes mais promissores tiveram atividade antiviral testada em células contendo o replicon de YFV, no qual 3 compostos apresentaram EC50 em baixo micromolar. Em conclusão, nós conseguimos avançar com a clonagem, expressão e purificação do complexo NS2B-NS3 protease do YFV. Além disso, obtivemos cristais da proteína, que possibilitaram a resolução de sua estrutura cristalográfica. A enzima demonstrou elevada atividade proteolítica contra o peptídeo sintético fluorescente, que foi de suma importância para a triagem de inibidores. Adicionalmente, diante da pandemia causada pelo novo coronavírus, o SARS-CoV-2, e como parte do projeto colaborativo conduzido pelo CIBFar/CEPID como esforço emergencial para o desenvolvimento de antivirais contra o SARS-CoV-2, estudos também foram desenvolvidos com as proteases deste vírus. Uma das proteases do vírus, a Mpro, é uma proteína dimérica amplamente estudada e explorada para o desenvolvimento de antivirais. No entanto, os detalhes sobre seu processo de auto maturação permaneciam desconhecidos. Neste trabalho, a enzima Mpro foi expressa e purificada, em três construções diferentes (IMT-Mpro, Mpro e C145S Mpro). Ambas as construções foram cristalizadas e tiveram estruturas cristalográficas resolvidas, assim como foram caracterizadas em solução. Além disso, a enzima C145S Mpro teve estrutura determinada a 3.5Å, em complexo com o peptídeo nativo do Nterminal, utilizando crio-microscopia eletrônica. Analisamos ainda a influência de diferentes inibidores no processo de maturação da enzima. Por fim, pudemos inferir que a clivagem do N-terminal não é crítica para a dimerização da enzima, mas sim, as mudanças conformacionais que são ocasionadas pelo ajuste induzido após ligação covalente do substrato. A elucidação das mudanças funcionais e estruturais que ocorrem durante esse processo de maturação obtidas neste trabalho fornecem informações importantes para a compreensão deste mecanismo e para a proposição de inibidores específicos, que tenham como alvo etapas intermediárias do processo de maturação da enzima. Além disso, este trabalho nos ajuda a ter um maior entendimento sobre as proteases dos vírus da febre amarela e SARS-CoV-2, e habilita novas estratégias para o desenvolvimento de novos antivirais.The recent advances in research have enabled a greater understanding of the mechanisms of several viral diseases that supported the development of vaccines and antiviral drugs. However, viral diseases still represent one of the major public health and economic concerns worldwide, highlighting the constant need for the development of new antivirals. Among the viruses that still lack specific drugs for their treatment are those belonging to the flavivirus genus, which includes the viruses that cause dengue, zika and yellow fever. The yellow fever virus (YFV) has a genome composed of a single RNA strand that encodes a polyprotein containing three structural and seven non-structural proteins. NS3 has two domains: a protease domain and a helicase/NTPase domain. The NS3 protease acts together with another non-structural protein as a cofactor, NS2B, which helps the correct folding of NS3pro and allows it to assume its active form. The NS2B-NS3pro complex assists in the cleavage of the immature polyprotein, releasing the individual proteins that form the viral replication complex. Considering the importance of this complex in the viral replication, it is clear that it represents an important target in the design of antiviral candidates. Therefore, the objective of this project was to determine the crystallographic structure of the NS2B-NS3pro enzyme and use it in the search for inhibitors. The coding sequence was cloned, expressed and the protein purified. It was also possible to obtain crystals of the enzyme, used to solve the 3D structure, resulting in a final model at 2.9 Å resolution. Furthermore, we evaluated the activity of the protein using a fluorescence-based assay. It was possible to determine its kinetic constants, in addition to the screening for inhibitors. Among approximately 1000 compounds screened, 18 hits were found, 6 of them with IC50 values below 1.0 μM. The most promising ligands had antiviral activity tested in cells containing the YFV replicon, in which 3 compounds presented EC50 at low micromolar. In conclusion, we were able to move forward with the cloning, expression and purification of the YFV NS2B-NS3 protease complex. Furthermore, we obtained crystals of the protein, which made it possible to resolve its crystallographic structure. The enzyme demonstrated high proteolytic activity against the synthetic fluorescent peptide, which was of paramount importance for screening inhibitors. Additionally, due to the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, and as part of the collaborative project led by CIBFar/CEPID as an emergency effort to develop antivirals against SARSCoV- 2, studies were also developed with the coronaviral proteases. One of the virus proteases, Mpro, is a dimeric protein widely studied and explored for the development of antivirals. However, details about its self-maturation process remained unknown. In this work, Mpro was expressed and purified in three different constructs (IMT-Mpro, Mpro and C145S Mpro). Both constructs were crystallized and had their crystallographic structures solved, as well as characterized in solution. Furthermore, the structure of the C145S Mpro enzyme was determined at 3.5Å, in complex with the endogenous N-terminal peptide, using cryo-electron microscopy. We also analyzed the influence of different inhibitors on the enzyme maturation process. Finally, we were able to infer that the N-terminal cleavage is not critical for the dimerization of the enzyme, but rather, the conformational changes are caused by the adjustment induced after covalent binding of the substrate. The elucidation of the functional and structural changes that occur during the maturation process obtained in this work provides important information for understanding this mechanism and for proposing specific inhibitors, which target intermediate stages of the enzyme maturation process. Furthermore, this work helps us gain a greater understanding of the proteases of yellow fever and SARS-CoV-2 viruses and supports the development of new antivirals

    Amino Acid Polymorphisms on the Brazilian Strain of Yellow Fever Virus Methyltransferase Are Related to the Host’s Immune Evasion Mediated by Type I Interferon

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    Since late 2016, a yellow fever virus (YFV) variant carrying a set of nine amino acid variations has circulated in South America. Three of them were mapped on the methyltransferase (MTase) domain of viral NS5 protein. To assess whether these changes affected viral infectivity, we synthesized YFV carrying the MTase of circulating lineage as well as its isoform with the residues of the previous strains (NS5 K101R, NS5 V138I, and NS5 G173S). We observed a slight difference in viral growth properties and plaque phenotype between the two synthetic YFVs. However, the MTase polymorphisms associated with the Brazilian strain of YFV (2016–2019) confer more susceptibility to the IFN-I. In addition, in vitro MTase assay revealed that the interaction between the YFV MTase and the methyl donor molecule (SAM) is altered in the Brazilian MTase variant. Altogether, the results reported here describe that the MTase carrying the molecular signature of the Brazilian YFV circulating since 2016 might display a slight decrease in its catalytic activity but virtually no effect on viral fitness in the parameters comprised in this study. The most marked influence of these residues stands in the immune escape against the antiviral response mediated by IFN-I

    Allosteric regulation and crystallographic fragment screening of SARS-CoV-2 NSP15 endoribonuclease

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the causative agent of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The NSP15 endoribonuclease enzyme, known as NendoU, is highly conserved and plays a critical role in the ability of the virus to evade the immune system. NendoU is a promising target for the development of new antiviral drugs. However, the complexity of the enzyme's structure and kinetics, along with the broad range of recognition sequences and lack of structural complexes, hampers the development of inhibitors. Here, we performed enzymatic characterization of NendoU in its monomeric and hexameric form, showing that hexamers are allosteric enzymes with a positive cooperative index, and with no influence of manganese on enzymatic activity. Through combining cryo-electron microscopy at different pHs, X-ray crystallography and biochemical and structural analysis, we showed that NendoU can shift between open and closed forms, which probably correspond to active and inactive states, respectively. We also explored the possibility of NendoU assembling into larger supramolecular structures and proposed a mechanism for allosteric regulation. In addition, we conducted a large fragment screening campaign against NendoU and identified several new allosteric sites that could be targeted for the development of new inhibitors. Overall, our findings provide insights into the complex structure and function of NendoU and offer new opportunities for the development of inhibitors

    SARS-CoV-2 infects the human kidney and drives fibrosis in kidney organoids

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    This work was supported by grants of the German Research Foundation (DFG: KR 4073/11-1; SFBTRR219, 322900939; and CRU344, 428857858, and CRU5011 InteraKD 445703531), a grant of the European Research Council (ERC-StG 677448), the Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF NUM-COVID19, Organo-Strat 01KX2021), the Dutch Kidney Foundation (DKF) TASK FORCE consortium (CP1805), the Else Kroener Fresenius Foundation (2017_A144), and the ERA-CVD MENDAGE consortium (BMBF 01KL1907) all to R.K.; DFG (CRU 344, Z to I.G.C and CRU344 P2 to R.K.S.); and the BMBF eMed Consortium Fibromap (to V.G.P, R.K., R.K.S., and I.G.C.). R.K.S received support from the KWF Kankerbestrijding (11031/2017–1, Bas Mulder Award) and a grant by the ERC (deFiber; ERC-StG 757339). J.J. is supported by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO Veni grant no: 091 501 61 81 01 36) and the DKF (grant no. 19OK005). B.S. is supported by the DKF (grant: 14A3D104) and the NWO (VIDI grant: 016.156.363). R.P.V.R. and G.J.O. are supported by the NWO VICI (grant: 16.VICI.170.090). P.B. is supported by the BMBF (DEFEAT PANDEMIcs, 01KX2021), the Federal Ministry of Health (German Registry for COVID-19 Autopsies-DeRegCOVID, www.DeRegCOVID.ukaachen.de; ZMVI1-2520COR201), and the German Research Foundation (DFG; SFB/TRR219 Project-IDs 322900939 and 454024652). S.D. received DFG support (DJ100/1-1) as well as support from VGP and TBH (SFB1192). M.d.B,R.R., N.S., and A.A. are supported by an ERC Advanced Investigator grant (H2020-ERC-2017-ADV-788982-COLMIN) to N.S. A.A. is supported by the NWO (VI.Veni.192.094). We thank Saskia de Wildt, Jeanne Pertijs (Radboudumc, Department of Pharmacology), and Robert M. Verdijk (Erasmus Medical Center, Department of Pathology) for providing tissue controls (Erasmus MC Tissue Bank) and Christian Drosten (Charite´ Universitatsmedizin Berlin, Institute of € Virology) and Bart Haagmans (Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam) for providing the SARS-CoV-2 isolate. We thank Kioa L. Wijnsma (Department of Pediatric Nephrology, Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences, Amalia Children’s Hospital, Radboud University Medical Center) for support with statistical analysis regarding the COVID-19 patient cohort.Peer reviewedPublisher PD