124 research outputs found

    Frequency of malaria and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency in Tajikistan

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    BACKGROUND: During the Soviet era, malaria was close to eradication in Tajikistan. Since the early 1990s, the disease has been on the rise and has become endemic in large areas of southern and western Tajikistan. The standard national treatment for Plasmodium vivax is based on primaquine. This entails the risk of severe haemolysis for patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency. Seasonal and geographical distribution patterns as well as G6PD deficiency frequency were analysed with a view to improve understanding of the current malaria situation in Tajikistan. METHODS: Spatial and seasonal distribution was analysed, applying a risk model that included key environmental factors such as temperature and the availability of mosquito breeding sites. The frequency of G6PD deficiency was studied at the health service level, including a cross-sectional sample of 382 adult men. RESULTS: Analysis revealed high rates of malaria transmission in most districts of the southern province of Khatlon, as well as in some zones in the northern province of Sughd. Three categories of risk areas were identified: (i) zones at relatively high malaria risk with high current incidence rates, where malaria control and prevention measures should be taken at all stages of the transmission cycle; (ii) zones at relatively high malaria risk with low current incidence rates, where malaria prevention measures are recommended; and (iii) zones at intermediate or low malaria risk with low current incidence rates where no particular measures appear necessary. The average prevalence of G6PD deficiency was 2.1% with apparent differences between ethnic groups and geographical regions. CONCLUSION: The study clearly indicates that malaria is a serious health issue in specific regions of Tajikistan. Transmission is mainly determined by temperature. Consequently, locations at lower altitude are more malaria-prone. G6PD deficiency frequency is too moderate to require fundamental changes in standard national treatment of cases of P. vivax

    The potential savings of using thiazides as the first choice antihypertensive drug: cost-minimisation analysis

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    BACKGROUND: All clinical practice guidelines recommend thiazides as a first-choice drug for the management of uncomplicated hypertension. Thiazides are also the lowest priced antihypertensive drugs. Despite this, the use of thiazides is much lower than that of other drug-classes. We wanted to estimate the potential for savings if thiazides were used as the first choice drug for the management of uncomplicated hypertension. METHODS: For six countries (Canada, France, Germany, Norway, the UK and the US) we estimated the number of people that are being treated for hypertension, and the proportion of them that are suitable candidates for thiazide-therapy. By comparing this estimate with thiazide prescribing, we calculated the number of people that could switch from more expensive medication to thiazides. This enabled us to estimate the potential drug-cost savings. The analysis was based on findings from epidemiological studies and drug trials, and data on sales and prescribing provided by IMS for the year 2000. RESULTS: For Canada, France, Germany, Norway, the UK and the US the estimated potential annual savings were US13.8million,US13.8 million, US37.4 million, US72.2million,US72.2 million, US10.7 million, US119.7millionandUS119.7 million and US433.6 million, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Millions of dollars could be saved each year if thiazides were prescribed for hypertension in place of more expensive drugs. Our calculations are based on conservative assumptions. The potential for savings is likely considerably higher and may be more than US$1 billion per year in the US

    Rights-based Approaches and Bilateral Aid Agencies: More Than a Metaphor?

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    It could be argued that the rights based approach … is no more than ametaphor; a concept that catalyses a set of values into a phrase that many people can adopt and adapt. It is a general statement in favour of equitable development, involving widespread participation of those with no direct control of, or access to, the power of the state … If we still take rights as a legal concept then much of what passes as rights based is unlikely to be successful because there are often no state bodies committed to meeting the obligations implied. There is also a sense in that the “emperor has no clothes ” as there are too many people arguing about the details of what a rights approach should be and how it should be operationalised.Meanwhile, this is happening in the absence of any clear idea of what it is they are engaging with. (Pratt 2003: 2)

    Weathertight joints for walls.

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    Increased risk of fatal paediatric injuries in rural Northern Norway

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    Background - Finnmark, Northern Norway, had a mortality rate for paediatric injury in 1998‐2007 that was more than twice the national average. We investigated whether this rate had decreased in 2008‐2015 after improvements in emergency care. We also compared the mortality rate to rates of non‐fatal injury and trauma team activation both regionally and in Norway. Methods - The study was based on 4 national registries. Mortality and injury rates were calculated per 100 000 persons per year. The study population was divided into age groups; 0‐5, 6‐10, 11‐15 and 16‐17 years. Results - Between 1998‐2007 and 2008‐2015 there was an overall decrease in paediatric mortality rate due to external causes in Norway in total from 7.1 to 4.0. Despite this, in 2008‐2015, the mortality rate remained 2.5 times higher in Finnmark than in Norway (9.7, RR = 2.5 CI 1.4‐4.3, P = 0.001), similar to findings for 1998‐2007. Finnmark had half the rate of non‐fatal injuries in 1999‐2007 (5052, RR = 0.6, 95% CI 0.6‐0.7, P P Conclusions - The risk of injury‐related death remained significantly higher, while the overall risk of non‐fatal injury was significantly reduced for children in rural Northern Norway. Thus, injuries in this rural area seem to be less frequent but more severe. There is a need for detailed examination of each death to determine possible preventive measures