12,364 research outputs found

    Software control for large scale on-board checkout: A concept

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    Two level system checkout in which first level satisfies continuous monitoring requirements and second level provides fault isolation to satisfy maintenance requirements, provides self-checking capability for monitoring system and enables recovery from unexpected error or failure interruptions. System must perform operational duties of navigation, control, and experimentation

    Development and evaluation of an intervention to improve further education students' understanding of higher education assessment criteria: three studies

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    Three studies about helping Further Education students prepare for study at universityThis paper reports three studies about preparing Further Education (FE) students for the transition to Higher Education (HE) by improving their understanding of HE assessment criteria. In study 1, students and tutors in both FE and HE were interviewed for a qualitative analysis of their understandings and expectations about assessment criteria. In study 2, students in FE and HE completed questionnaires measuring self-rated understanding and ability about assessment criteria, and beliefs about essay writing. Studies 1 and 2 both showed that FE students were more confident than HE students about their understanding and ability in relation to assessment criteria, but FE students’ understandings suggested more surface approaches to learning and more naïve epistemological beliefs. In study 3, a workshop intervention to improve FE students’ understandings of HE assessment criteria was evaluated in a comparative longitudinal trial. The intervention reduced FE students’ self-rated understanding and ability, and promoted more sophisticated beliefs about essay writing, by comparison with students who received standard tuition. We concluded that interventions to develop more realistic understandings of what is required in academic writing could be used to prepare FE students more effectively for the transition to HE

    Properties of non-stoichiometric metallic carbides final report

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    Nonstoichiometric transition metal carbide propertie


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    This paper briefly reviews approaches that have been used to assess returns to U.S. agricultural research and explains the usefulness of benefit cost analysis in such evaluations. Benefit-cost analysis is applied to the Land Grant Universities federal budget requests for additional funds for corn and soybean research in the North Central region. Finally, the problems involved in applying a similar analysis to livestock and rural development research are discussedResearch and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Principles of Discrete Time Mechanics: IV. The Dirac Equation, Particles and Oscillons

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    We apply the principles of discrete time mechanics discussed in earlier papers to the first and second quantised Dirac equation. We use the Schwinger action principle to find the anticommutation relations of the Dirac field and of the particle creation operators in the theory. We find new solutions to the discrete time Dirac equation, referred to as oscillons on account of their extraordinary behaviour. Their principal characteristic is that they oscillate with a period twice that of the fundamental time interval T of our theory. Although these solutions can be associated with definite charge, linear momentum and spin, such objects should not be observable as particles in the continuous time limit. We find that for non-zero T they correspond to states with negative squared norm in Hilbert space. However they are an integral part of the discrete time Dirac field and should play a role in particle interactions analogous to the role of longitudinal photons in conventional quantum electrodynamics.Comment: 27 pages LateX; published versio

    The mass of the black hole in LMC X-3

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    New high resolution, optical spectroscopy of the high mass X-ray binary LMC X-3, shows the spectral type of the donor star changes with phase due to irradition by the X-ray source. We find the spectral type is likely to be B5V, and only appears as B3V when viewing the heated side of the donor. Combining our measurements with those previously published, and taking into account the effects of X-ray irradiation, results in a value for the donor star radial velocity semi-amplitude of Ko=256.7±4.9K_{o} = 256.7 \pm 4.9~km~s1^{-1}. We find the mass of the black hole lies in the range 9.5MMx13.6M9.5M_{\odot} \leq M_{\rm x} \leq 13.6M_{\odot}

    RXTE confirmation of the intermediate polar status of IGR J15094-6649

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    Aims. To establish the X-ray properties of the intermediate polar candidate IGR J15094-6649 and therefore confirm its inclusion into the class. Methods. 42 856 s of X-ray data from RXTE was analysed. Frequency analysis was used to constrain temporal variations and spectral analysis used to characterise the emission and absorption properties. Results. A spin period of 809.7+-0.6 s is present, revealed as a complex pulse profile whose modulation depth decreases with increasing X-ray energy. The spectrum is well fitted by either a 19+-4 keV Bremsstrahlung or Gamma=1.8+-0.1 power law, with an iron emission line feature and significant absorption in each case. Conclusions. IGR J15094-6649 is confirmed to be an intermediate polar.Comment: 3 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to A&