14,362 research outputs found

    Adversarial-Playground: A Visualization Suite Showing How Adversarial Examples Fool Deep Learning

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    Recent studies have shown that attackers can force deep learning models to misclassify so-called "adversarial examples": maliciously generated images formed by making imperceptible modifications to pixel values. With growing interest in deep learning for security applications, it is important for security experts and users of machine learning to recognize how learning systems may be attacked. Due to the complex nature of deep learning, it is challenging to understand how deep models can be fooled by adversarial examples. Thus, we present a web-based visualization tool, Adversarial-Playground, to demonstrate the efficacy of common adversarial methods against a convolutional neural network (CNN) system. Adversarial-Playground is educational, modular and interactive. (1) It enables non-experts to compare examples visually and to understand why an adversarial example can fool a CNN-based image classifier. (2) It can help security experts explore more vulnerability of deep learning as a software module. (3) Building an interactive visualization is challenging in this domain due to the large feature space of image classification (generating adversarial examples is slow in general and visualizing images are costly). Through multiple novel design choices, our tool can provide fast and accurate responses to user requests. Empirically, we find that our client-server division strategy reduced the response time by an average of 1.5 seconds per sample. Our other innovation, a faster variant of JSMA evasion algorithm, empirically performed twice as fast as JSMA and yet maintains a comparable evasion rate. Project source code and data from our experiments available at: https://github.com/QData/AdversarialDNN-PlaygroundComment: 5 pages. {I.2.6}{Artificial Intelligence} ; {K.6.5}{Management of Computing and Information Systems}{Security and Protection}. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1706.0176

    Communication: Partial polarization transfer for single-scan spectroscopy and imaging

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    A method is presented to partially transfer nuclear spin polarization from one isotope S to another isotope I by the way of heteronuclear spin couplings, while minimizing the loss of spin order to other degrees of freedom. The desired I spin polarization to be detected is a design parameter, while the sequence of pulses at the two Larmor frequencies is optimized to store the greatest unused S spin longitudinal polarization for subsequent use. The unitary evolution for the case of I_NS spin systems illustrates the potentially ideal efficiency of this strategy, which is of particular interest when the spin-lattice relaxation time of S greatly exceeds that of I. Explicit timing and pulses are tabulated for the cases for which M ≤ 10 partial transfers each result in equal final polarization of 1/M or more compared to the final I polarization expected in a single transfer for N = 1, 2, or 3 I spins. Advantages for the ratiometric study of reacting molecules and hyperpolarized initial conditions are outlined

    Thruster maintenance system Patent

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    System for removing and repairing spacecraft control thrusters by use of portable air lock

    Representation in Westminster in the 1990s : The ghost of Edmund Burke

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    Why are 'trustee' notions of representation still invoked in the UK House of Commons in the 1990s? In answering this question this article analyses the premises of Burkean theory and the arguments that these premises are of little relevance in the late twentieth century. Despite these dismissals of trusteeship, Burkean ideas are still articulated in the Commons some 200 years after they were first voiced. The idea of trusteeship can prove extremely useful to justify the actions of representatives when those actions conflict with constituency 'opinion', party policy or the wishes of interest groups. Examples of the occasions when Burkean notions have been invoked in the 1990s are provided

    VAMP: A computer program for calculating volume, area, and mass properties of aerospace vehicles

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    A computerized procedure developed for analyzing aerospace vehicles evaluates the properties of elemental surface areas with specified thickness by accumulating and combining them with arbitrarily specified mass elements to form a complete evaluation. Picture-like images of the geometric description are capable of being generated

    Periodicities In The X-Ray Intensity Variations of TV Columbae: An Intermediate Polar

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    We present results from a temporal analysis of the longest and the most sensitive X-ray observations of TV Columbae--an intermediate polar. The observations were carried out with the RXTE PCA, ROSAT PSPC, and ASCA. Data were analyzed using a 1-dimensional CLEAN and Bayesian algorithms. The presence of a nearly sinusoidal modulation due to the spin of the white dwarf is seen clearly in all the data, confirming the previous reports based on the EXOSAT data. An improved period of 1909.7+/-2.5s is derived for the spin from the RXTE data.The binary period of 5.5hr is detected unambiguously in X-rays for the first time. Several side-bands due to the interaction of these periods are observed in the power spectra, thereby suggesting contributions from both the disk-fed and the stream-fed accretion for TV Col. The accretion disk could perhaps be precessing as side-bands due to the influence of 4 day period on the orbital period are seen. The presence of a significant power at certain side-bands of the spin frequency indicates that the emission poles are asymmetrically located. The strong power at the orbital side-bands seen in both the RXTE and ROSAT data gives an indication for an absorption site fixed in the orbital frame. Both the spin and the binary modulation are found to be energy-dependent. Increased hardness ratio during a broad dip in the intensity at binary phase of 0.75--1.0 confirms the presence of a strong attenuation due to additional absorbers probably from an impact site of the accretion stream with the disk or magnetosphere. Hardness ratio variations and the energy dependent modulation depth during the spin modulation can be explained by partially covered absorbers in the path of X-ray emission region in the accretion stream.Comment: 34 pages, including 12 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journal, scheduled for January 2004 issue (vol. 127

    Nanoscale Torsional Resonator for Polarization and Spectroscopy of Nuclear Spins

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    We propose a torsional resonator that couples to the transverse spin dipole of an attached sample. The absence of relative motion eliminates a source of friction that would otherwise hinder nanoscale implementation. Enhanced spontaneous emission induced by the resonator relaxes the longitudinal spin dipole at a rate of ~1  s^(-1) in the low-temperature limit. With signal averaging, single-proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy appears feasible at ~10  mK and a high magnetic field, while single-shot sensitivity is practical for samples with at least tens of protons in a volume of ~5  nm^3

    Lateral sediment sources and knickzones as controls on spatio-temporal variations of sediment transport in an Alpine river

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    Modern mixed alluvial-bedrock channels in mountainous areas provide natural laboratories for understanding the time scales at which coarse-grained material has been entrained and transported from their sources to the adjacent sedimentary sink, where these deposits are preserved as conglomerates. This article assesses the shear stress conditions needed for the entrainment of the coarse-bed particles in the Glogn River that drains the 400 km2 Val Lumnezia basin, eastern Swiss Alps. In addition, quantitative data are presented on sediment transport patterns in this stream. The longitudinal stream profile of this river is characterized by three ca 500 m long knickzones where channel gradients range from 0·02 to 0·2 m m−1, and where the valley bottom confined into a <10 m wide gorge. Downstream of these knickzones, the stream is flat with gradients <0·01 m m−1 and widths ≥30 m. Measurements of the grain-size distribution along the trunk stream yield a mean D84 value of ca 270 mm, whereas the mean D50 is ca 100 mm. The consequences of the channel morphology and the grain-size distribution for the time scales of sediment transport were explored by using a one-dimensional step-backwater hydraulic model (Hydrologic Engineering Centre – River Analysis System). The results reveal that, along the entire trunk stream, a two to 10 year return period flood event is capable of mobilizing both the D50 and D84 fractions where the Shields stress exceeds the critical Shields stress for the initiation of particle motion. These return periods, however, varied substantially depending on the channel geometry and the pebble/boulder size distribution of the supplied material. Accordingly, the stream exhibits a highly dynamic boulder cover behaviour. It is likely that these time scales might also have been at work when coarse-grained conglomerates were constructed in the geological past