4 research outputs found

    Proteomic Analysis of Epididymal and Ejaculated Sperm and Respective Fluids

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    Study Description: Ejaculated and epididymal semen was collected from mature Angus bulls (n = 9), and then centrifuged to separate sperm and fluid. Fluids were collected and sperm pellets were resuspended in a high ionic solution and vortexed to remove loosely attached proteins. Sperm samples were centrifuged, and the supernatant was collected. Samples collected for protein analysis were snap frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80 ºC. Protein analysis was performed by liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LCMS/MS). Yearling Angus cross bulls (n = 40) were used for sperm cultures. Ejaculated (n = 20) and epididymal (n = 20) sperm were collected, diluted and cultured in a commercial media at pH 5.8, 6.8 and 7.3, at 4 ºC and evaluated for motility and viability every 24 h until motility was below 20%. There was an effect of pH, time and pH by time interaction for motility and viability for both ejaculated and epididymal sperm (P ≤ 0.05). At 216 h of incubation epididymal sperm at pH 7.3 and ejaculated sperm at pH 6.8 dropped below 20% motility. Overall, in all samples, a total of 458 unique proteins were identified. It was identified that ejaculated fluid and ejaculated sperm had 178 and 298 proteins, respectively. Also, it was identified that epididymal fluid and epididymal sperm had 311 and 344 proteins, respectively. There were Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathways significantly enriched (FDR \u3c 0.05) for ejaculated fluid (n = 8), epididymal fluid (n = 24), ejaculated sperm (n = 10), and epididymal sperm (n = 18). The most important KEGG pathway identified was the metabolic pathway. Within the metabolic pathway the glycolysis/gluconeogenesis, pentose phosphate, and glutathione metabolism pathways were significantly enriched among proteins only present in epididymal samples. Other proteins identified that may be related to epididymal sperm’s increased longevity were peroxidases and glutathione peroxidases for their antioxidant properties

    Proteomic analyses identify differences between bovine epididymal and ejaculated spermatozoa that contribute to longevity

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    Sperm are stored for extended periods of time in the epididymis, but upon ejaculation motility is increased and lifespan is decreased. The objective of this study was to identify differences in proteins between epididymis and ejaculated samples that are associated with longevity. Ejaculated semen was collected from mature Angus bulls (n = 9); bulls were slaughtered and epididymal semen was collected. Epididymal and ejaculated semen were centrifuged to separate sperm and fluid. Fluids were removed and sperm pellets were resuspended in a high ionic solution and vortexed to remove loosely attached proteins. Sperm samples were centrifuged, and the supernatant was removed; both fluid and sperm samples were snap frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80 oC. Protein analysis was performed by LCMS/MS. A different group of yearling Angus cross bulls (n = 40) were used for sperm cultures. Ejaculated (n = 20) and epididymal (n = 20) semen were diluted and cultured in a commercial media at pH 5.8, 6.8 and 7.3, at 4 oC. Sperm were evaluated for motility and viability every 24 h until motility was lower than 20%. There was an effect of pH, time and pH by time interaction for motility and viability for both ejaculated and epididymal sperm (P ≤ 0.05). At 216 h of incubation epididymal sperm at pH 7.3 and ejaculated sperm at pH 6.8 reached motility below 20%. A total of 458 unique proteins were identified; 178, 298, 311, and 344 proteins were identified in ejaculated fluid, ejaculated sperm, epididymal fluid and epididymal sperm, respectively. There were 8, 24, 10, and 18 significant KEGG pathways (FDR \u3c0.05) for ejaculated fluid, epididymal fluid, ejaculated sperm, and epididymal sperm, respectively. The metabolic pathway was identified as the most important KEGG pathway; glycolysis/gluconeogenesis, pentose phosphate, and glutathione metabolism pathways were significant among proteins only present in epididymal samples within the metabolic pathway. Other proteins identified that may be related to epididymal sperm\u27s increased longevity were peroxidases and glutathione peroxidases for their antioxidant properties. In summary, energy metabolism in the epididymis appears to be more glycolytic compared to ejaculated and epididymis sperm have a larger number of antioxidants available which may be helping to maintain sperm in a quiescent state. Epididymal sperm remained viable (membrane integrity) longer than ejaculated sperm when cultured at the same pH

    Influence of estradiol on bovine trophectoderm and uterine gene transcripts around maternal recognition of pregnancy

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    Embryo survival and pregnancy success is increased among animals that exhibit estrus prior to fixed time-artificial insemination, but there are no differences in conceptus survival to d16. The objective of this study was to determine effects of preovulatory estradiol on uterine transcriptomes, select trophectoderm (TE) transcripts, and uterine luminal fluid proteins. Beef cows/heifers were synchronized, artificially inseminated (d0), and grouped into either high (highE2) or low (lowE2) preovulatory estradiol. Uteri were flushed (d16); conceptuses and endometrial biopsies (n = 29) were collected. RNA sequencing was performed on endometrium. Real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was performed on TE (n = 21) RNA to measure relative abundance of IFNT, PTGS2, TM4SF1, C3, FGFR2, and GAPDH. Uterine fluid was analyzed using 2D Liquid Chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry-based Isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation (iTRAQ) method. RT-PCR data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure in SAS. There were no differences in messenger RNA (mRNA) abundances in TE, but there were 432 differentially expressed genes (253 downregulated, 179 upregulated) in highE2/conceptus versus lowE2/conceptus groups. There were also 48 differentially expressed proteins (19 upregulated, 29 downregulated); 6 of these were differentially expressed (FDR \u3c 0.10) at the mRNA level. Similar pathways for mRNA and proteins included: calcium signaling, protein kinase A signaling, and corticotropin-releasing hormone signaling. These differences in uterine function may be preparing the conceptus for improved likelihood of survival after d16 among highE2 animals

    Greater numbers of antral follicles in the ovary are associated with increased concentrations of glucose in uterine luminal fluid of beef heifers

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    Increased antral follicles are associated with greater fertility and a uterine environment that is more supportive of early embryonic development in beef heifers. Glucose is a primary energy source for embryos, and glucose concentrations are elevated in uterine luminal fluid (ULF) of pregnant heifers. We hypothesized that ULF glucose concentrations and endometrial transcript abundance for glucose transporters on d16 after insemination would be greater in heifers with increased numbers of antral follicles. Heifers classified with either increased or diminished antral follicle counts were artificially inseminated following the CO-Synch protocol (d0). On d16 after insemination, reproductive tracts of heifers were collected at an abattoir to retrieve conceptuses to determine pregnancy. Uterine luminal fluid was collected, endometrium was biopsied, total RNA was extracted and glucose transporter transcript abundances were determined. Data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS with antral follicle group, pregnancy status, and the interaction as fixed effects. Glucose concentrations in ULF were greater in heifers with increased antral follicle numbers. Glucose ULF concentrations increased in pregnant heifers. Facilitated glucose transporter member 1 (SLC2A1) transcript abundance was increased in the endometrium of pregnant heifers but was not different due to antral follicle number or the interaction. Differences in uterine concentrations of glucose associated with antral follicle number could be due to another mechanism, since glucose transporters were not different between antral follicle numbers. Therefore, heifers with increased number of antral follicles have increased energy availability in the uterus to support trophoblast proliferation and function