4 research outputs found

    IKO gjennom 75 ĂĄr

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    Institutt for Kristen Oppseding (IKO), i dag IKO – Kirkelig Pedagogisk Senter, ble stiftet i 1945 og fyller 75 ĂĄr i 2020. I løpet av disse ĂĄrene har Norge gjennomgĂĄtt store endringer med virkning for statsstyre, Den norske kirke, skole og familieliv. Disse endringene har bestemt IKOs arbeid. Som institusjon har IKO reagert pĂĄ dem, pĂĄvirket dem og inspirert omgivelsene til nytenkning. Denne dobbeltartikkelen retter søkelyset mot IKOs rolle som politisk og kirkelig aktør innenfor satsingsomrĂĄdene skole, hjem og kirke.  The Norwegian Church Educational Centre, Institutt for Kristen Oppseding (IKO), today IKO – Kirkelig Pedagogisk Senter, celebrates its 75th anniversary this year. During the last seventy-five years Norway has experienced great changes that has affected governance, the Church of Norway, school, and family life. This transformation of society has determined IKO’s tasks. As an institution IKO has reacted to change, has effected change, and has inspired new ideas. This article examines IKO’s role as a political and church agent within the focus areas of school, home, and church. &nbsp

    Tracing the Jerusalem Code. Volume 3: The Promised Land Christian Cultures in Modern Scandinavia (ca. 1750-ca. 1920)

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    With the aim to write the history of Christianity in Scandinavia with Jerusalem as a lens, this book investigates the image – or rather the imagination – of Jerusalem in the religious, political, and artistic cultures of Scandinavia through most of the second millennium. Volume 3 analyses the impact of Jerusalem on Scandinavian Christianity from the middle of the 18. century in a broad context