661 research outputs found

    Boney, the Transnational Agent of Nationhood:: Visual Culture and Total War in 1812

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    Der Beitrag untersucht englische und russische Karikaturen aus der napoleonischen Ära. Im Vordergrund stehen Zeichnungen von George Cruikshank (1792–1878) und Ivan Terebenev (1780–1815). 1812 markierte fĂŒr beide den Beginn ihrer Laufbahn als Karikaturisten. Terebenev zeigte sich inspiriert von englischen Karikaturen des 18. Jhs und wandte sich diesem Genre zu, um einen russischen Patriotismus zu motivieren. Noch im Jahr 1812 kaufte Cruikshank Terebenevs anti-napoleonische Karikaturen, zeichnete sie nach und verkaufte sie mit englischen Übersetzungen. Die Tatsache, dass ein englischer und ein russischer KĂŒnstler die gleichen visuellen Mittel und Motive anwenden konnten, wenn sie sich mit dem Geschehen von 1812 auseinandersetzten, weist darauf hin, dass die nationalen Diskurse in England und Russland einander Ă€hnelten. Der Beitrag untersucht diese Ähnlichkeiten und stellt die Frage, welche Schlussfolgerungen sich daraus fĂŒr die Entstehung moderner Nationen ergeben, wie diese mit der Geburt der politischen Karikatur zusammenhĂ€ngt und welche transnationalen Verbindungen um 1812 in der europĂ€ischen Karikatur zu erkennen sind

    Construction and Transformation of a Thermotoga-E. coli Shuttle Vector

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    Background: Thermotoga spp. are attractive candidates for producing biohydrogen, green chemicals, and thermostable enzymes. They may also serve as model systems for understanding life sustainability under hyperthermophilic conditions. A lack of genetic tools has hampered the investigation and application of these organisms. This study aims to develop a genetic transfer system for Thermotoga spp. Results: Methods for preparing and handling Thermotoga solid cultures under aerobic conditions were optimized. A plating efficiency of similar to 50% was achieved when the bacterial cells were embedded in 0.3% Gelrite. A Thermotoga-E. coli shuttle vector pDH10 was constructed using pRQ7, a cryptic mini-plasmid found in T. sp. RQ7. Plasmid pDH10 was introduced to T. maritima and T. sp. RQ7 by electroporation and liposome-mediated transformation. Transformants were isolated, and the transformed kanamycin resistance gene (kan) was detected from the plasmid DNA extracts of the recombinant strains by PCR and was confirmed by restriction digestions. The transformed DNA was stably maintained in both Thermotoga and E. coli even without the selective pressure. Conclusions: Thermotoga are transformable by multiple means. Recombinant Thermotoga strains have been isolated for the first time. A heterologous kan gene is functionally expressed and stably maintained in Thermotoga

    Nazione nomade: cinema, nazione e memoria nel Kazakistan post-sovietico

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    L’articolo esamina il tentativo del nuovo stato-nazione kazako di fornire al suo popolo una storia e il modo in cui esso si articola come una sorta di «nazione nomade»: un vivace processo, tuttora in corso, per costruire allo stesso tempo un sentimento di identitĂ  nazionale ed un senso di memoria storica centrato sui nomadi. Lo stato ha assunto la guida di questo esercizio di nation-building, e il cinema kazako, spesso dipendente dal sostegno statale, ha giocato anch’esso un ruolo da protagonista. L’autore sostiene che i registi kazaki, rispondendo all’invito del presidente Nursultan Nazarbaev a creare delle narrazioni nazionali, si sono rivolti ai nomadi e al passato nomade come fonte per la memoria e la nazione kazake. La reazione dei cittadini kazaki Ăš stata variegata: molti hanno celebrato quello che vedevano come un «nuovo patriottismo kazako» articolato sul grande schermo. Altri hanno criticato in questo cinema certi aspetti della nazione nomade, in particolare il ruolo dello stato kazako nel promuoverlo e l’adattamento delle tecniche hollywoodiane da parte dei registi kazaki. Altri ancora si sono tenuti alla larga dal cinema kazako in generale. Di conseguenza, verso la fine del 2009 Nazarbaev ha dichiarato che i registi kazaki dovrebbero iniziare a prestare maggiore attenzione al presente e non solo al passato; al cinema perĂČ la nazione nomade non ha cessato di esistere. Il film Myn Bala («Mille ragazzi») del maggio 2012 scava nello stesso territorio storico di Nomad del 2005, il film che per molti aspetti ha segnato l’inizio della svolta del nuovo cinema kazako verso il passato nomade. This article examines the new Kazakh nation-state’s attempt to provide a history to its people and how this attempt functions as a sort of «nomadic nationhood»: an ongoing, vibrant process of building both a sense of national identity and a sense of historical remembrance that center on nomads. The state has taken the lead in this nation-building exercise, and Kazakh films, often relying on state support, have also played a starring role. The author argues that Kazakh filmmakers, responding to President Nursultan Nazarbayev’s calls to create national narratives, have turned to nomads and the nomadic past as the source for Kazakh nationhood and remembrance. The reception among Kazakh citizens has produced a mixed bag: many audience members have celebrated what they see as a «new Kazakh patriotism» articulated onscreen. Others have criticized certain aspects of the onscreen nomadic nationhood, particularly the Kazakh state’s role in promoting it and Kazakh filmmakers’ adaptation of Hollywood techniques. Still others have stayed away from Kazakh films entirely. As a result, Nazarbayev declared in late 2009 that Kazakh filmmakers should start to pay more attention to the present and not just the past, but the cinematic nomadic nationhood has not stopped. The May 2012 film Myn Bala («A Thousand Boys») mines the same historical territory as 2005’s The Nomad, the film that in many ways initiated the new Kazakh cinema’s turn to the nomadic past

    A Mean-Field Theory for Coarsening Faceted Surfaces

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    A mean-field theory is developed for the scale-invariant length distributions observed during the coarsening of one-dimensional faceted surfaces. This theory closely follows the Lifshitz-Slyozov-Wagner theory of Ostwald ripening in two-phase systems [1-3], but the mechanism of coarsening in faceted surfaces requires the addition of convolution terms recalling the work of Smoluchowski [4] and Schumann [5] on coalescence. The model is solved by the exponential distribution, but agreement with experiment is limited by the assumption that neighboring facet lengths are uncorrelated. However, the method concisely describes the essential processes operating in the scaling state, illuminates a clear path for future refinement, and offers a framework for the investigation of faceted surfaces evolving under arbitrary dynamics. [1] I. Lifshitz, V. Slezov, Soviet Physics JETP 38 (1959) 331-339. [2] I. Lifshitz, V. Slyozov, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 19 (1961) 35-50. [3] C. Wagner, Elektrochemie 65 (1961) 581-591. [4] M. von Smoluchowski, Physikalische Zeitschrift 17 (1916) 557-571. [5] T. Schumann, J. Roy. Met. Soc. 66 (1940) 195-207

    Story and Illustration Reconstituted: Children's Literature in Canadian Reading Programs

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    This study addresses the differences between literature in children's trade books and the literature in commercial elementary language arts reading programs used in Canada. Although the nature of the literature included in language arts programs has received considerable scrutiny in the United States, there is no parallel body of research in the Canadian context. Using a textual content analysis, all the literature selections contained in the three most extensively used reading programs in Canada were where possible compared with the corresponding trade books. Numerous differences between trade book literature and the corresponding selections in the reading programs suggest that the two are not equivalent in the reading experiences they provide for children. The changes included alterations to format such as omissions, additions, substitutions, and reordering of text and illustrations. Many of the original selections reconstituted in the reading programs were impoverished by the changes. Further research is needed on how these changes alter children's reading experiences.Cette Ă©lude se penche sur les diffĂ©rences entre la littĂ©rature pour enfants dans les publications commerciales et celle que l'on retrouve dans les cours de langues et littĂ©rature pour les Ă©lĂšves de l'Ă©lĂ©mentaire au Canada. Alors qu'aux États-Unis, la nature de la littĂ©rature Ă©tudiĂ©e dans les cours de langue et littĂ©rature a fait l'objet d'examens dĂ©taillĂ©s, au Canada, aucune recherche comparable n'a Ă©tĂ© entreprise. En s'appuyant sur une analyse de contenu approfondie, nous avons, dans la mesure du possible, comparĂ© toute la littĂ©rature Ă©tudiĂ©e au sein des trois programmes de lecture les plus populaires au Canada, aux textes correspondants dans les publications commerciales. Les nombreuses diffĂ©rences repĂ©rĂ©es entre les publications commerciales et les sĂ©lections correspondantes employĂ©es dans les programmes de lecture permettent de conclure que les deux ne fournissent pas Ă©lĂšves des expĂ©riences de lecture Ă©quivalentes. Parmi les Ă©carts notons des changements de format tels des omissions, des ajouts, des substitutions et une rĂ©organisation du texte et illustrations. Plusieurs des sĂ©lections originales qui avaient Ă©tĂ© reconstituĂ©es dans les programmes de lecture avaient Ă©tĂ© appauvries par les changements. Davantage d'Ă©tudes devraient porter sur la façon dont ces changements modifient l'expĂ©rience de lecture des enfants

    Assessment Techniques Corresponding to Scientific Texts in Commercial Reading Programs: Do They Promote Scientific Literacy?

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    This research is part of a larger study of commercial reading programs used in Canada in grades 1-6. The specific purposes of the results reported here were to identify and quantify the assessment techniques suggested for the selections that contain scientific content, to show how the assessments differ by grade, to evaluate the nature and quality of the assessments, and to examine the extent to which the assessments help foster scientific literacy. It was found that the assessments occurred in six major forms and employed about a dozen assessment tools that engage students in nearly 20 tasks. Such variety is endorsed in both literacy and science education position statements. The assessments showed some weak trends by grade, but primarily left the purpose of the assessments to teachers’ judgment. The consequence is that teachers probably will choose the assessments for formative rather than summative evaluation, an approach also endorsed by literacy and science education policy statements. Hardly any of the assessments focused on the specificities of learning to read texts that are scientific such as interpreting descriptions of methods and research findings and thus had limited use in promoting this particular aspect of scientific literacy

    Construction and transformation of a Thermotoga-E. coli shuttle vector

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    Abstract Background Thermotoga spp. are attractive candidates for producing biohydrogen, green chemicals, and thermostable enzymes. They may also serve as model systems for understanding life sustainability under hyperthermophilic conditions. A lack of genetic tools has hampered the investigation and application of these organisms. This study aims to develop a genetic transfer system for Thermotoga spp. Results Methods for preparing and handling Thermotoga solid cultures under aerobic conditions were optimized. A plating efficiency of ~50% was achieved when the bacterial cells were embedded in 0.3% Gelrite. A Thermotoga-E. coli shuttle vector pDH10 was constructed using pRQ7, a cryptic mini-plasmid found in T. sp. RQ7. Plasmid pDH10 was introduced to T. maritima and T. sp. RQ7 by electroporation and liposome-mediated transformation. Transformants were isolated, and the transformed kanamycin resistance gene (kan) was detected from the plasmid DNA extracts of the recombinant strains by PCR and was confirmed by restriction digestions. The transformed DNA was stably maintained in both Thermotoga and E. coli even without the selective pressure. Conclusions Thermotoga are transformable by multiple means. Recombinant Thermotoga strains have been isolated for the first time. A heterologous kan gene is functionally expressed and stably maintained in Thermotoga.</p

    Iris: an Extensible Application for Building and Analyzing Spectral Energy Distributions

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    Iris is an extensible application that provides astronomers with a user-friendly interface capable of ingesting broad-band data from many different sources in order to build, explore, and model spectral energy distributions (SEDs). Iris takes advantage of the standards defined by the International Virtual Observatory Alliance, but hides the technicalities of such standards by implementing different layers of abstraction on top of them. Such intermediate layers provide hooks that users and developers can exploit in order to extend the capabilities provided by Iris. For instance, custom Python models can be combined in arbitrary ways with the Iris built-in models or with other custom functions. As such, Iris offers a platform for the development and integration of SED data, services, and applications, either from the user's system or from the web. In this paper we describe the built-in features provided by Iris for building and analyzing SEDs. We also explore in some detail the Iris framework and software development kit, showing how astronomers and software developers can plug their code into an integrated SED analysis environment.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Computin
