482 research outputs found

    Reflections on the Social Psychologists\u27 Video Camera

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    Sacagawea’s Nickname, or The Sacagawea Problem

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    Building on earlier arguments, I propose a civic, publicly responsable [auto] ethnography that addresses the central issues of self, race, gender, class, society, and democracy.  I begin with pedagogies of hope and the sociological and ethnographic imaginations.  I turn then to the ethnographer and cultural studies, reviewing several models of critical ethnography. I next examine critical performance pedagogy, politics, and critical race theory, and conclude with a brief discussion of the practices of a performative cultural politics.Basado en argumentos previos, propongo una [auto] etnografía civil, públicamente responsable, que aborde las temáticas centrales de self, raza, género, clase, sociedad y democracia. Comienzo con la pedagogía de la esperanza y la imaginación sociológica y etnográfica.  Paso entonces al etnógrafo y los estudios culturales, revisando varios modelos de etnografía crítica. A continuación, examino la pedagogía performativa crítica, la política y la teoría racial crítica, concluyendo con una breve discusión sobre la práctica de una política cultural performativa

    Handbook of Qualitative Research

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    Handbook of Qualitive Research merupakan mahakarya dari berbagai buku metode penelitian yang ada, baik itu berbahasa Indonesia maupun berbahasa asing. Buku ini selalu dirujuk, dipelajari dan senantiasa konseptual serta digunakan dalam literatur kajian-kajian kualitatif. Kehadiran buku ini merupakan hasil dari refleksi dan pengamatan penerbit selama bertahun-tahun yang melihat bahwa dalam kenyataan dunia perbukuan kita, baik itu karya ilmiah yang berupa skripsi, tesis dan disertasi, maupun buku-buku riset dan terjemahan serta buku-buku teks kualitatif- buku Handbook ini selalu menjadi salah satu di antara sekian referensi pustaka yang ada. Oleh karenanya, sebagai komitmen kami untuk tetap berpegang teguh pada penerbitan buku teks, dengan segala daya upaya, kami menghadirkan buku ini dihadapan pembaca. Bagian I dari buku ini membahas bidang kajian kualitatif, dimulai dengan sejarah, disusul dengan tradisi penelitian kualitatif terapan, mengkaji "the other",dan strategi serta etika penelitian lapangan (field research). bagian II membahas secara khusus tema yang kita pandang sebagai paradigma utama historis dan kontemporer yang kini membentuk dan mempengaruhi penelitian kualitatif dalam disiplin ilmu humaniora. Bagian III mengkaji strategi utama metode penelitian yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh peneliti dalam penelitian nyata. Persoalan metode dimulai dengan desain proyek penelitatif (qualitative research project). Bagian IV mengkaji metode pengumpulan dan analisis data-data empiris. Pembahasan pada bagian ini bergerak dari wawancara ke observasi, pemanfaatan artefak, dokumen, dan catatan masa lalu, rekaman visual, pengalaman pribadi, pengolahan data, dan metode-metode analisis terkomputerisasi, naratif (tuturan), isi, dan semiotik. Bagian V memaparkan seni interpretasi, meliputi kriteria penilaian terhadap kelayakan data-data kualitatif, proses penafsiran, teks tertulis, dan penelitian kebijakan serta evaluasi kualitatif. bagian VI membicarakan masa depan penelitian kualitatif. Selamat menikmati dan menyelami dunia kualitatif

    Visually narrating post-colonial lives: ghosts of war and empire

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    This paper is about two journeys: the first through the memories of an old soldier captured by the Japanese in the Second World War; the second through the present life to which this past gave rise, in which the old soldier tends the graves of his fellow soldiers as part of his current navigation by bus and taxi of the post-colonial landscape of Hong Kong

    Revealing the news: How online news changes without you noticing

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    This paper describes an ongoing design project relating to online news and how alterations to news stories are hidden from the reader. As the delivery and consumption of news content online continues to overtake other channels in reader numbers and market penetration, so methods of transparency and reliability developed over centuries continue also to be tested by digital media. We have conducted content analysis on existing stories and examined how news organisations and channels handle rapidly evolving news stories. We have proceeded to develop low-fidelity prototypes and an interaction model to test our design approach. The outcomes are in production and will result in a digital artifact that reveals editorial changes to news items (the News Inspector). These changes will be made visible within the browser. The implications of the project relate to the wider question of news truth-telling, trust and online news credibility

    Vacation posts on Facebook:A model for incidental vicarious travel consumption

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    Vicarious consumption of travel is ubiquitous. However little is known about the psychological processes this initiates or the potential for resultant behaviors beyond direct steps toward patronage. We address this gap through developing and testing the incidental vicarious travel consumption model (IVTCM), which draws from well-established knowledge of the self-concept and compensatory consumption. In the context of vicariously consuming idyllic vacation posts on Facebook, the model identifies the following: individuals’ travel-related self-discrepancies may become active, leading to feelings of dejection, initiating five possible compensatory consumption behaviors (Direct, Symbolic, Dissociation, Escapism, Fluid). A sequential mixed-method design (total n=860) provides support for the IVTCM. The primary contributions of the paper are as follows: first the IVTCM can be used to understand different forms of vicarious travel consumption. Second, specific understanding on the impact of idyllic vacation posts is contributed, furthering knowledge on the role of social media within touris