13,719 research outputs found

    Model checking probabilistic and stochastic extensions of the pi-calculus

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    We present an implementation of model checking for probabilistic and stochastic extensions of the pi-calculus, a process algebra which supports modelling of concurrency and mobility. Formal verification techniques for such extensions have clear applications in several domains, including mobile ad-hoc network protocols, probabilistic security protocols and biological pathways. Despite this, no implementation of automated verification exists. Building upon the pi-calculus model checker MMC, we first show an automated procedure for constructing the underlying semantic model of a probabilistic or stochastic pi-calculus process. This can then be verified using existing probabilistic model checkers such as PRISM. Secondly, we demonstrate how for processes of a specific structure a more efficient, compositional approach is applicable, which uses our extension of MMC on each parallel component of the system and then translates the results into a high-level modular description for the PRISM tool. The feasibility of our techniques is demonstrated through a number of case studies from the pi-calculus literature

    Female impersonation as an alternative reproductive strategy in giant cuttlefish

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    Out of all the animals, cephalopods possess an unrivalled ability to change their shape and body patterns. Our observations of giant cuttlefish (Sepia apama) suggest this ability has allowed them to evolve alternative mating strategies in which males can switch between the appearance of a female and that of a male in order to foil the guarding attempts of larger males. At a mass breeding aggregation in South Australia, we repeatedly observed single small males accompanying mating pairs. While doing so, the small male assumed the body shape and patterns of a female. Such males were never attacked by the larger mate-guarding male. On more than 20 occasions, when the larger male was distracted by another male intruder, these small males, previously indistinguishable from a female, were observed to change body pattern and behaviour to that of a male in mating display. These small males then attempted to mate with the female, often with success. This potential for dynamic sexual mimicry may have played a part in driving the evolution of the remarkable powers of colour and shape transformation which characterize the cephalopods

    Temperature-dependent quantum pair potentials and their application to dense partially ionized hydrogen plasmas

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    Extending our previous work \cite{filinov-etal.jpa03ik} we present a detailed discussion of accuracy and practical applications of finite-temperature pseudopotentials for two-component Coulomb systems. Different pseudopotentials are discussed: i) the diagonal Kelbg potential, ii) the off-diagonal Kelbg potential iii) the {\em improved} diagonal Kelbg potential, iv) an effective potential obtained with the Feynman-Kleinert variational principle v) the ``exact'' quantum pair potential derived from the two-particle density matrix. For the {\em improved} diagonal Kelbg potential a simple temperature dependent fit is derived which accurately reproduces the ``exact'' pair potential in the whole temperature range. The derived pseudopotentials are then used in path integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to obtain thermodynamical properties of strongly coupled hydrogen. It is demonstrated that classical MD simulations with spin-dependent interaction potentials for the electrons allow for an accurate description of the internal energy of hydrogen in the difficult regime of partial ionization down to the temperatures of about 6000060 000 K. Finally, we point out an interesting relation between the quantum potentials and effective potentials used in density functional theory.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figure

    Inconsistency in 9 mm bullets : correlation of jacket thickness to post-impact geometry measured with non-destructive X-ray computed tomography

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    Fundamental to any ballistic armour standard is the reference projectile to be defeated. Typically, for certification purposes, a consistent and symmetrical bullet geometry is assumed, however variations in bullet jacket dimensions can have far reaching consequences. Traditionally, characteristics and internal dimensions have been analysed by physically sectioning bullets – an approach which is of restricted scope and which precludes subsequent ballistic assessment. The use of a non-destructive X-ray computed tomography (CT) method has been demonstrated and validated Kumar et al., 2011); the authors now apply this technique to correlate bullet impact response with jacket thickness variations. A set of 20 bullets (9 mm DM11) were selected for comparison and an image-based analysis method was employed to map jacket thickness and determine the centre of gravity of each specimen. Both intra- and inter-bullet variations were investigated, with thickness variations of the order of 200 um commonly found along the length of all bullets and angular variations of up to 50 um in some. The bullets were subsequently impacted against a rigid flat plate under controlled conditions (observed on a high-speed video camera) and the resulting deformed projectiles were re-analysed. The results of the experiments demonstrate a marked difference in ballistic performance between bullets from different manufacturers and an asymmetric thinning of the jacket is observed in regions of pre-impact weakness. The conclusions are relevant for future soft armour standards and provide important quantitative data for numerical model correlation and development. The implications of the findings of the work on the reliability and repeatability of the industry standard V50 ballistic test are also discussed

    Symbolic Magnifying Lens Abstraction in Markov Decision Processes

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    In this paper, we combine abstraction-refinement and symbolic techniques to fight the state-space explosion problem when model checking Markov decision processes (MDPs). The abstract-refinement technique, called "magnifying-lens abstraction" (MLA), partitions the state-space into regions and computes upper and lower bounds for reachability and safety properties on the regions, rather than the states. To compute such bounds, MLA iterates over the regions, analyzing the concrete states of each region in turn - as if one was sliding a magnifying lens across the system to view the states. The algorithm adaptively refines the regions, using smaller regions where more detail is required, until the difference between the bounds is below a specified accuracy. The symbolic technique is based on multi-terminal binary decision diagrams (MTBDDs) which have been used extensively to provide compact encodings of probabilistic models. We introduce a symbolic version of the MLA algorithm, called "symbolic MLA", which combines the power of both practical techniques when verifying MDPs. An implementation of symbolic MLA in the probabilistic model checker PRISM and experimental results to illustrate the advantages of our approach are presented

    Nuclear gas dynamics in Arp 220 - sub-kiloparsec scale atomic hydrogen disks

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    We present new, high angular resolution (~0.22") MERLIN observations of neutral hydrogen (HI) absorption and 21-cm radio continuum emission across the central ~900 parsecs of the ultraluminous infrared galaxy, Arp220. Spatially resolved HI absorption is detected against the morphologically complex and extended 21-cm radio continuum emission, consistent with two counterrotating disks of neutral hydrogen, with a small bridge of gas connecting the two. We propose a merger model in which the two nuclei represent the galaxy cores which have survived the initial encounter and are now in the final stages of merging, similar to conclusions drawn from previous CO studies (Sakamoto, Scoville & Yun 1999). However, we suggest that instead of being coplanar with the main CO disk (in which the eastern nucleus is embedded), the western nucleus lies above it and, as suggested by bridge of HI connecting the two nuclei, will soon complete its final merger with the main disk. We suggest that the collection of radio supernovae (RSN) detected in VLBA studies in the more compact western nucleus represent the second burst of star formation associated with this final merger stage and that free-free absorption due to ionised gas in the bulge-like component can account for the observed RSN distribution. (Abridged)Comment: 26 pages including 8 figures and 1 table; accepted for publication in Ap

    Onset of phase correlations in YBa2Cu3O{7-x} as determined from reversible magnetization measurements

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    Isofield magnetization curves are obtained and analyzed for three single crystals of YBa2Cu3O{7-x}, ranging from optimally doped to very underdoped, as well as the BCS superconductor Nb, in the presence of magnetic fields applied both parallel and perpendicular to the abab planes. Near Tc, the magnetization exhibits a temperature dependence \sqrt{M} [Ta(H)-T]^m. In accordance with recent theories, we associated Ta(H) with the onset of coherent phase fluctuations of the superconducting order parameter. For Nb and optimally doped YBaCuO, Ta(H) is essentially identical to the mean-field transition line Tc(H). The fitting exponent m=0.5 takes its mean-field value for Nb, and varies just slightly from 0.5 for optimally doped YBaCuO. However, underdoped YBCO samples exhibit anomalous behavior, with Ta(H)>Tc for H applied parallel to the c axis, suggesting that the magnetization is probing a region of temperatures above Tc where phase correlations persist. In this region, the fitting exponent falls in the range 0.5 < m < 0.8 for H\parallel c, compared with m~0. for $H\parallel ab planes. The results are interpreted in terms of an anisotropic pairing symmetry of the order parameter: d-wave along the ab planes and s-wave along the c axis.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    On the Maximum Luminosity of Galaxies and Their Central Black Holes: Feedback From Momentum-Driven Winds

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    We investigate large-scale galactic winds driven by momentum deposition. Momentum injection is provided by (1) radiation pressure produced by the continuum absorption and scattering of UV photons on dust grains and (2) supernovae. UV radiation can be produced by a starburst or AGN activity. We argue that momentum-driven winds are an efficient mechanism for feedback during the formation of galaxies. We show that above a limiting luminosity, momentum deposition from star formation can expel a significant fraction of the gas in a galaxy. The limiting, Eddington-like luminosity is LM(4fgc/G)σ4L_{\rm M}\simeq(4f_g c/G) \sigma^4, where σ\sigma is the galaxy velocity dispersion and fgf_g is the gas fraction. A starburst that attains LML_{\rm M} moderates its star formation rate and its luminosity does not increase significantly further. We argue that ellipticals attain this limit during their growth at z1z \gtrsim 1 and that this is the origin of the Faber-Jackson relation. We show that Lyman break galaxies and ultra-luminous infrared galaxies have luminosities near LML_{\rm M}. Star formation is unlikely to efficiently remove gas from very small scales in galactic nuclei, i.e., scales much smaller than that of a nuclear starburst. This gas is available to fuel a central black hole (BH). We argue that a BH clears gas out of its galactic nucleus when the luminosity of the BH itself reaches LM\approx L_{\rm M}. This shuts off the fuel supply to the BH and may also terminate star formation in the surrounding galaxy. As a result, the BH mass is fixed to be MBH(fgκes/πG2)σ4M_{\rm BH}\simeq (f_g \kappa_{\rm es}/\pi G^2)\sigma^4, where κes\kappa_{\rm es} is the electron scattering opacity. This limit is in accord with the observed MBHσM_{\rm BH}-\sigma relation. (Abridged)Comment: 21 pages, emulateapj, accepted to ApJ, minor changes to discussio

    The Construction and Validation of an Arithmetical Computation Test

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/67909/2/10.1177_001316445301300206.pd