4,599 research outputs found


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    This study presents a procedure for simultaneously addressing stochastic input demands and resource supplies for irrigated agriculture within a linear modeling framework. Specifically, the effect of stochastic crop net irrigation requirements and streamflow supplies on irrigation water management is examined. Irrigators pay a self-protection cost, in terms of water management decisions, to increase the probability that stochastic crop water demand is satisfied and anticipated water supply is available. Self-protection cost is lower when increasing the probability that anticipated water supplies are delivered, ceteris paribus, than when increasing the probability that the crop receives full net irrigation requirement in the study region.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,


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    The value of maintaining a minimum streamflow objective on average is lessened when there is considerable dispersion around the average. An integrated economic and hydrology model is presented which provides water policy planners with a way to accurately measure both the economic cost and hydrologic consequences of maintaining a minimum streamflow level in an irrigated river basin at alternative probabilities of maintaining the target flow level. Water markets for streamflow augmentation are shown to be the most cost-effective policy in the study area.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    The relationship between body shape, body size and locomotor mode in extant lepidosaurs.

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    Despite historic work, the mechanisms and evolutionary drivers associated with the adoption of a facultatively bipedal locomotor mode in extant lepidosaurs are unclear. Recent work has provided insights into the biomechanical triggers of bipedal locomotion, but the associated anatomies are yet to be fully understood, particularly with regard to body size across Lepidosauria. Using a dataset derived from museum specimens, representing a range of lepidosaur body shapes, we highlight the differences between obligate quadrupeds and facultative bipeds within this group and demonstrate the value of non-caudal skeletal material in identifying facultative bipeds using osteology alone. We use multiple statistical approaches to identify trends across locomotor modes relative to body size. Body size has a significant effect upon body proportions across the two locomotor modes, especially in the hindlimbs. Forelimbs lengths do not differ significantly across locomotor modes for animals of similar body size, but distal hindlimbs are significantly longer in facultative bipeds. Interestingly, femoral length does not differ across locomotor modes of a similar body size. Our findings contrast with historical tropes, and are significant for future work attempting to identify the factors driving the evolution of a facultatively bipedal locomotor mode in Lepidosauria


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    Three species of salmon in the Snake River Basin have been listed as endangered. Recovery efforts for these fish include attempts to obtain increased quantities of water during smolt migration periods to improve habitat in the lower basin. Agriculture is the dominant user of surface flows in this region. This study investigates farmer cost of a contingent water contract requiring the agricultural release of stored irrigation supplies in low flow years during critical flow periods. Results show that contingent contracts can provide substantial quantities of water at a relatively modest cost without significantly affecting the agricultural base of the area.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Testing for a facultative locomotor mode in the acquisition of archosaur bipedality

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    Bipedal locomotion is a defining characteristic of humans and birds and has a profound effect on how these groups interact with their environment. Results from extensive hominin research indicate that there exists an intermediate stage in hominin evolution—facultative bipedality—between obligate quadrupedality and obligate bipedality that uses both forms of locomotion. It is assumed that archosaur locomotor evolution followed this sequence of functional and hence character-state evolution. However, this assumption has never been tested in a broad phylogenetic context. We test whether facultative bipedality is a transitionary state of locomotor mode evolution in the most recent early archosaur phylogenies using maximum-likelihood ancestral state reconstructions for the first time. Across a total of seven independent transitions from quadrupedality to a state of obligate bipedality, we find that facultative bipedality exists as an intermediary mode only once, despite being acquired a total of 14 times. We also report more independent acquisitions of obligate bipedality in archosaurs than previously hypothesized, suggesting that locomotor mode is more evolutionarily fluid than expected and more readily experimented with in these reptiles

    Using the rDNA Internal Transcribed Spacer 1 to Identify the Invasive Pest Rhagoletis cerasi (Diptera: Tephritidae) in North America

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    The cherry-infesting fruit fly Rhagoletis cerasi Loew is a significant commercial pest in Europe that has recently invaded North America. To date, it has been trapped only in Canada and northwestern counties of New York. It has the potential to spread further and threaten production and movement of cherry commodities. Timely diagnosis of the pest will facilitate surveys and quick response to new detections. Adult morphology of the pest is distinct from other flies in North America. However, when flies are significantly damaged on traps or the immature life stages are found in fruits, molecular methods of identification are important to confirm presence and host-use records. Other than DNA sequencing of genes from flies which takes over a day to complete, there are no timely methods of molecular identification for this pest. In this study, we report the first sequence record of the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) from R. cerasi and develop two diagnostic tests for the pest based on ITS1 differences among species in North America. The tests use loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) and multiplex, conventional polymerase chain reaction (mcPCR) technologies that target the same region of the R. cerasi ITS1 sequence. Both tests performed well when tested against collections of R. cerasi from North America and Europe, generating Diagnostic Sensitivity estimates of 98.4–99.5%. Likewise, the tests had relatively high estimates of Diagnostic Specificity (97.8–100%) when tested against Rhagoletis Loew species present in North America that also use cherry as a developmental host

    An Evaluation of the Possible Protective Effects of Neonatal Striatal Transplants Against Kainic Acid-Induced Lesions

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    The present study examined the recent report that transplantation of neonatal striatal tissue into kainic acid (KA) lesioned striatum protected the contralateral striatum from a subsequent KA lesion. We did not find a significant difference in the survival rate of animals that received neonatal striatal transplants into a KA lesioned striatum followed by a subsequent lesion of the contralateral striatum compared to those animals that received bilateral KA-induced striatal lesions alone. The tissue transplants did not protect against the degeneration of striatal neurons induced by KA. Indeed, the survival rate was very low (25%) in the transplant groups. A second experiment was also performed to examine whether a neonatal striatal transplant might reduce the severe syndrome of aphagia and adipsia associated with KA lesions of the striatum. Animals that received the neonatal striatal transplants showed increased aphagia and adipsia compared to animals only receiving the KA lesion. Again, the transplant group had a very low survival rate (10%). The present study was unable to confirm that neonatal striatal transplants protect against KA lesions either by themselves or in conjunction with a recent KA lesion
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