36 research outputs found
Pembuatan Minyak Kemenyan (Minyak Obat Tradisional Khas Aceh) dengan Variasi Jenis Bahan Baku Minyak dan Konsentrasi Bahan Pewangi
“Minyak kemenyan” is one of Aceh’s unique products made from “pliek u” oil that is coconut oil produced traditionally from fermented coconut. Process in making minyak kemenyan is still traditional using main raw material pliek u oil, benzoe, and pleasant smell herbal which resulted in specific scent of minyak kemenyan. The oil is believed by Acehnese can cure some diseases and often use as a medicinal oil.The aim of this research is to study effects of using variety of vegetable oils (pliek u oil, hot extracted copra oil, and palm oil), and scented herbal concentration on the quality of minyak kemenyan. A randomized block design arranged factorially with three replicates was used. Product analysis were acid value, peroxide value, ester value, and sensory evaluation on smell and color of minyak kemenyan.Traditional purifying process of pliek u oil, and copra oil decreased the acid, peroxide, and iodine values of the oils. Whereas scented herbal concentration caused no significant effect on any quality values of minyak kemenyan. Processing the vegetable oils into minyak kemenyan caused slightly increased in the acid and iodine values, but significantly decreased the peroxide value of that made from pliek u oil. The best treatment was minyak kemenyan produced using pliek u oil with acid value of 6.20 mg KOH/g, peroxide value of 18,20 mgO2/100g sampel, iodine value of 4.53 Iod/100 g, ester value of 173.96 mg NaOH/g, smell and color prefered by panelist with scores of 3.0 (=ordinary) and 3.6 (=like), respectively.Keywords: traditional product, “minyak kemenyan”, “pliek u oil”, benzoe, scented herba
Extraction and Properties of Gelatin from Spotted Oceanic Triggerfish (Canthidermis maculata) Skin and Bone
Effects of pretreatments with different alkali and acid concentrations, and extraction temperatures on fish gelatin extraction and properties was studied. The resultant fish gelatins were evaluated in terms of extraction yield, viscosity, gel strength, and pH. The combination of higher acid pretreatment concentrations and extraction temperatures removed the noncollagenous protein and provided proper pH extraction condition which resulted higher gelatin extraction yield. However, the gel strength decreased with the increase of acid concentration. The gel strength and pH of gelatin increase proportionally to the increase in alkali concentration and extraction temperature. No significant effects of the three treatments on the gelatin viscocity. The recommended gelatin extraction process conditions was using alkali concentration (NaOH) of 0.55 N, acid (HCl) of  0.95 N, and a temperature of 60 °C. The optimal solution formula had optimization targets of 79.5% and was predicted to produce a gel with 11.21% yield and pH 3.
Peningkatan Kualitas dan Kuantitas Produk Olahan Kelapa U Neulheu (Kelapa Sangrai Giling) sebagai Bumbu Masakan Khas Aceh
Salah satu bentuk olahan kelapa yang berasal dari Aceh adalah kelapa sangrai giling (kelapa gongseng) atau u neulheu. U neulheu ini digunakan sebagai bumbu masak untuk menambah rasa, aroma dan kekentalan dari masakan khas Aceh. Hampir sebagian besar masakan Aceh menggunakan u neulheu seperti aneka gulai ayam, gulai itik, gulai daging, dan lain-lain. Permintaan u neulheu meningkat tajam pada bulan Maulid dan hari raya Islam. Prospek usaha u neulheu sangat menjanjikan, namun u neulheu hanya dapat dibeli di kedai atau pasar tradisional. Kemasan menggunakan plastik tipis yang sudah mudah rusak, tanpa indentitas apapun dan diikat dengan karet. Seringkali pada saat transportasi untuk dipasarkan ke kedai-kedai di pasar tradisional, beberapa bungkus u neulheu pecah sehingga minyaknya keluar dan mengotori bungkusan-bungkusan lain yang masih bagus. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan transfer ilmu dan teknologi terhadap pengemasan u neulheu dengan melibatkan 3 mitra yang berlokasi di Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Melalui kegiatan pengabdian, tim pengabdi melakukan perbaikan kemasan, desain label kemasan, merancang plat penggongseng u neulheu. Mendesain label kemasan yang menarik yang menjadi identitas dari produk yang dihasilkan oleh ketiga mitra. Penggunaan kemasan cup dan pouch untuk pemasaran u neulheu di pasar modern dan pemasaan ke luar daerah telah dilakukan. Dari hasil kegiatan, terjadi peningkatan produksi u neulheu pada mitra 2 dan 3. Peningkatan jumlah produksi mitra 2 adalah 3 kali lebih banyak dibanding sebelum kegiatan, sedangkan mitra 3 adalah 6 kali lebih banyak dibanding sebelum kegiatan. Dengan peningkatan jumlah produksi u neulheu maka jumlah pendapatan mitra juga meningkat
Optimization of Glucose as Source of Bioethanol from Reed (Imperatacylindrica) Using Cellulase Enzyme at Various pH and Substrate Particle Size
Due to increasing demand of petroleum and limited source of fossil fuel, it isneeded to explore and find source of a renewable energy. The biomass from agricultural residues, forest and farm waste has been known as a great source of energy and can be converted into biogas, bioethanol, biodiesel, etc. Reed which is abundant in Indonesia is one of potential sources of lignocellulose biomass that can be utilized as (Imperata cylindrica) a source of renewable energy such as bioethanol. The aim of this study was to optimize yield of glucose from reed using cellulose enzyme. Factors used in this research werepH and substrate particle size. Reed particle sizes were 80 and 100 mesh and pH of the solution were 4.2, 4.8 and 5.5. The results showedthat dried reedwith100 meshes in particle size which hydrolysed in enzyme solution with pH 5.5 at 37oC for 72 hours, producedthe highest yield of glucose in the amount of 80.2 mg/ml (8.02 %). When the incubation time was extended, glucose yield increased to 121.8 mg/ml (12.1%) at 96 hours and then decreased as the incubation time was extended furthe
Ekstraksi Oleoresin dari Limbah Penyulingan Pala Menggunakan Ultrasonik
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh ukuran partikel limbah penyulingan pala (Myristica fragrans Houtt.) dan suhu ekstraksi terhadap rendemen dan mutu oleoresin pala yang dihasilkan pada proses ekstraksi pelarut menggunakan bantuan ultrasonik. Etanol mutu teknis (technical grade) digunakan sebagai pelarut. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) Faktorial dengan ulangan sebagai kelompok yang terdiri dari ukuran partikel bahan (P) yaitu P1= 10 mesh, P2= 40 mesh dan P3= 60 mesh dan suhu ekstraksi (S) yaitu S1= 40oC, S2= 50oC dan S3= 60oC. Analisis oleoresin pala yang dilakukan meliputi analisis awal (kadar air dan kadar abu) dan analisis akhir (bobot jenis, indeks bias, dan sisa pelarut). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ukuran partikel dan suhu ekstraksi berpengaruh terhadap rendemen dan mutu oleoresin yang dihasilkan. Rendemen tertinggi sebesar 7,16% diperoleh pada  ukuran partikel 10 mesh dan suhu 60oC. Hasil analisis bobot jenis oleoresin menunjukkan bahwa bobot jenis tertinggi yaitu 1,250 dihasilkan pada suhu ekstraksi 50oC. Sementara itu, hasil analisis indeks bias oleoresin menunjukkan bahwa ukuran partikel dan suhu ekstraksi memberikan pengaruh yang sangat nyata terhadap oleoresin pala dimana ukuran partikel 40 mesh pada suhu ekstraksi 40oC dan 60oC  serta ukuran partikel 60 mesh pada suhu 50oC memiliki nilai indeks bias yang lebih tinggi yaitu berkisar antara 1,476 hingga 1,480. Hasil analisis sisa pelarut juga menunjukkan bahwa ukuran partikel dan suhu ekstraksi berpengaruh terhadap tingginya sisa pelarut, dimana ukuran partikel 10 mesh mengandung sisa pelarut 0,229% dan suhu ekstraksi 40oC mengandung sisa pelarut 0,265%
Kajian Pembuatan Cokelat Batang dengan Metode Tempering dan Tanpa Tempering
This research is aimed to improve stability of milk chocolate bars by tempering process. The making of chocolate bars consisted of two formulations, namely a higher fat bar (40%) and low fat bar (21.5%).The study includes the chocolate bar preparation with and without tempering results. The melting point of milk chocolate bars that use cocoa butter tempering (L1) is higher than the milk chocolate bars that use fat without tempering (L2) for all treatments. Solid fat content (SFC) of F1 has higher solid phase at room temperature (55-60%) in all treatments compared with milk chocolate bar F2 (40-43%) and chocolate produced by UKM (Malaysia) 40-48 % and soccolatte 35-38% at the same temperature (350C). Blooming was not formed on the milk chocolate bars containing cocoa butter L1, while the milk chocolate bars showed blooming with L2 treatment.Keywords: chocolate bar, tempering, moulding, melting point, solid fat content, bloomin
Appearance, Texture and Flavour Improvement of Chocolate Bar by Virgin Cococnut Oil (VCO) as Cocoa Butter Substitute (CBS)
The purposes of using CBS in this research is to improve the physical properties and quality of appereance and structure stability of chocolate bar. Based on chemical composition, CBS and Cocoa butter have different profile, but they have similar physical properties due to high lauric acid content. The advantage of lauric acid is to affect shinny appreance of chocolate surface, and also soapy taste that closely related to rancidity reduction. Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) is one of lauric fat that easily found in Aceh. In this research, chocolate bar is formulated comprising various concentration of CBS (0,1,2,3,4,5%) with respect to cocoa butter, and cocoa mass composition (200 g and 300 g). It was found that melting point was affected by CBS concentration. The higher CBS concentration, the lower melting point of chocolate bar. An increase in VCO concentration reduced significantly the melting point of chocolate bar. Melting point was comparable to other chocolate bar commercial (29-32oC). The unblooming, snap, best texture and better taste was observed for the chocolate bar containing 4-5% of VCO concentration and 27,5% of cocoa mas