6 research outputs found

    Lifestyle dependent Parasitic diseases

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    Objective. Determine the presence of parasites in vulnerable groups and venture into the exploration regarding lifestyles and their correlation with contracting parasitic diseases. Material and methods. An exploratory study was conducted by project with medical students, for this investigation a survey was applied to 90 vulnerable people, as well as coproparasitoscopic analysis and fresh amiba to 20 more people from different social groups; students, housewives, workers and infants. Results. 1% of the sample presented Entamoeba histolytica, among others blastocysts was detected Giardia lamblia and as Endolimax nana 6 (6/20). Discussion. Governments invest a lot of resources in the construction of hospitals or health units and invest much less in working on the lifestyles of the population, which has a negative impact on the health of the community. the importance of building knowledge about improving lifestyles and the population understands the direct relationship that these lifestyles have on the health and disease process, spending on health institutions will continue to increase and vulnerable populations that do not have access to health services will continue to be isolated. Conclusions. There is a correlation between lifestyles and present amebiasis, with hand washing and the presence of Entamoeba histolytica with key symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea

    Satisfacci贸n de los usuarios sobre las fuentes de informaci贸n electr贸nica en un hospital de tercer nivel de atenci贸n m茅dica

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    Introducci贸n: Los servicios de la biblioteca deben actualizarse para mejorar la atenci贸n a sus usuarios tanto como cualquier servicio hospitalario o universitario. Objetivo: Conocer la satisfacci贸n del personal de la salud que utiliza los servicios y fuentes de informaci贸n electr贸nica de la biblioteca. Material y m茅todos: Estudio descriptivo realizado en una unidad m茅dica de alta especialidad. A 100 usuarios se les aplic贸 una encuesta de satisfacci贸n del servicio de consulta a fuentes de informaci贸n electr贸nica 2580021-010 del SIBIMSS constituida por 11 reactivos relacionados con la vigencia, disponibilidad, acceso, velocidad, condiciones del equipo de c贸mputo, calidad de las fuentes, calidad de la atenci贸n y asesor铆a por parte del personal bibliotecario. Resultados: Se obtuvieron 100 encuestas, con satisfacci贸n del 92% en cuanto a la vigencia de las fuentes de informaci贸n, del 93% respecto al tipo de fuentes disponibles para el uso, del 91% para disponibilidad de las mismas, del 89% para el acceso, del 84% para el tiempo asignado para el acceso, del 58% con respecto a la velocidad de la conexi贸n, del 71% en las condiciones del equipo de c贸mputo, del 95% con respecto a la calidad de atenci贸n brindada por el personal bibliotecario y del 94% para a la asesor铆a recibida por el personal. Conclusi贸n: Estos ejercicios de calidad deben ser continuos para monitorizar el servicio. Los usuarios muestran insatisfacci贸n mayor en la velocidad de la conectividad, seguida del tipo de equipo de c贸mputo y sus condiciones, y tiempo asignado para el acceso a las fuentes de informaci贸n. En los otros factores la satisfacci贸n fue mayor del 90%

    Enfermedades parasitarias dependientes de los estilos de vida

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    Objective. Determine the presence of parasites in vulnerable groups and venture into the exploration regarding lifestyles and their correlation with contracting parasitic diseases. Material and methods. An exploratory study was conducted by project with medical students, for this investigation a survey was applied to 90 vulnerable people, as well as coproparasitoscopic analysis and fresh amiba to 20 more people from different social groups; students, housewives, workers and infants. Results. 1% of the sample presented Entamoeba histolytica, among others blastocysts was detected Giardia lamblia and as Endolimax nana 6 (6/20). Discussion. Governments invest a lot of resources in the construction of hospitals or health units and invest much less in working on the lifestyles of the population, which has a negative impact on the health of the community. the importance of building knowledge about improving lifestyles and the population understands the direct relationship that these lifestyles have on the health and disease process, spending on health institutions will continue to increase and vulnerable populations that do not have access to health services will continue to be isolated. Conclusions. There is a correlation between lifestyles and present amebiasis, with hand washing and the presence of Entamoeba histolytica with key symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea.Objetivo. Determinar la presencia de par谩sitos en grupos vulnerables e incursionar en la exploraci贸n respecto a estilos de vida y su correlaci贸n para contraer enfermedades parasitarias. Material y m茅todos. Se realiz贸 un estudio exploratorio por proyecto con estudiantes de medicina. Para dicha investigaci贸n se aplic贸 una encuesta a 90 personas vulnerables, as铆 mismo se efectu贸 an谩lisis coproparasitosc贸pico y amiba en fresco a 20 personas m谩s de diferentes grupos sociales; estudiantes, amas de casa, trabajadores e infantes. Resultados. El 1% de la muestra present贸 Entamoeba histolytica, entre otros se detect贸 blastocitos y en Giardia lamblia as铆 como Endolimax nana en 6 (6/20). Discusi贸n. Los gobiernos invierten muchos recursos en la construcci贸n de hospitales o unidades de salud e invierten mucho menos en trabajar en los estilos de vida de la poblaci贸n; esto repercute negativamente en la salud de la comunidad. Al no generar conciencia a trav茅s de la educaci贸n sobre la importancia de construir conocimiento acerca de mejorar los estilos de vida y la poblaci贸n comprenda la relaci贸n directa que tienen dichos estilos de vida sobre el proceso de salud y enfermedad, el gasto en las instituciones de salud seguir谩 aumentando y las poblaciones vulnerables que no cuentan con acceso a los servicios de salud seguir谩n quedando aisladas. Conclusiones. Existe correlaci贸n entre estilos de vida y presentar amibiasis, con el lavado de manos y la presencia de Entamoeba histolytica, con s铆ntomas clave como v贸mitos y diarrea

    HELLP syndrome in relation to various clinical factors in a hospital in the State of Hidalgo

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    Objective. To determine the prevalence of HELLP syndrome in relation to several clinical factors in the State of Hidalgo. Material and methods. This is a study of cases. The population of study, is composed of women who during their pregnancy have suffered HELLP syndrome after having suffered preeclampsia in a Hospital of Pachuca. Results. Within the complications, all patients had hyperreflexia and thrombocytopenia. 3 of them suffered headache. There was no previous preeclampsia, no nausea, jaundice, hematuria, or eclampsia. Half of the patients with HELLP presented not very high arterial hypertension, even asymptomatic, and 2 of them showed edema. There was epigastralgia, cholecystitis and liver failure in only one patient of 4. Out of a total of 8436 outpatients in the Pachuca Obstetrical Hospital, 4 patients had HELLP syndrome, with an incidence of 0.04%. Of the total of 4 patients 2 presented severe preeclampsia. Conclusion. So far, no cases have been reported in the cases treated with this syndrome in the institution where the study was carried out

    S铆ndrome de HELLP en relaci贸n a diversos factores cl铆nicos en un hospital del Estado de Hidalgo

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    Objective. To determine the prevalence of HELLP syndrome in relation to several clinical factors in the State of Hidalgo. Material and methods. This is a study of cases. The population of study, is composed of women who during their pregnancy have suffered HELLP syndrome after having suffered preeclampsia in a Hospital of Pachuca. Results. Within the complications, all patients had hyperreflexia and thrombocytopenia. 3 of them suffered headache. There was no previous preeclampsia, no nausea, jaundice, hematuria, or eclampsia. Half of the patients with HELLP presented not very high arterial hypertension, even asymptomatic, and 2 of them showed edema. There was epigastralgia, cholecystitis and liver failure in only one patient of 4. Out of a total of 8436 outpatients in the Pachuca Obstetrical Hospital, 4 patients had HELLP syndrome, with an incidence of 0.04%. Of the total of 4 patients 2 presented severe preeclampsia. Conclusion. So far, no cases have been reported in the cases treated with this syndrome in the institution where the study was carried out.Objetivo. Determinar la prevalencia del S铆ndrome de HELLP en relaci贸n a diversos factores cl铆nicos en el Estado de Hidalgo. Material y m茅todos. Se realiz贸 un estudio de casos. La poblaci贸n objeto de estudio, se compone de mujeres que durante su embarazo han padecido S铆ndrome de HELLP tras haber sufrido preeclampsia en un Hospital de Pachuca. Resultados. Dentro de las complicaciones, todas las pacientes presentaron hiperreflexia y plaquetopenia. 3 de ellas sufrieron cefalea. En ninguna hubo preeclampsias previas, tampoco n谩useas, ictericia, hematuria o eclampsia. La mitad de las pacientes con HELLP presentaron hipertensi贸n arterial no muy alta, incluso asintom谩ticas, y de igual manera 2 de ellas mostraban edema. Hubo epigastralgia, colecistitis y falla hep谩tica solo en una paciente de un total de 8436 egresos que hubo en el Hospital obst茅trico de Pachuca, 4 pacientes presentaron S铆ndrome de HELLP, arrojando una incidencia de 0.04%. Del total de 4 pacientes 2 presentaron preeclampsia severa. Conclusi贸n. Hasta el momento, no se han informado decesos presentados en los casos tratados con este s铆ndrome en la instituci贸n donde se llev贸 a cabo el estudio