3 research outputs found
Influencing the challenging behaviour by implementing the PBIS system at elementary school
The thesis Influencing Challenging Behaviour of Pupils by Implementing PBIS in elementary schools aims to provide the reader with a theoretical summary of the link between wellbeing support and its impact on challenging behaviour, and at the same time to introduce evidence-based system the Positive Behaviour Intervention and Support (PBIS). The thesis research, which aims to find out the opinion of pupils and teachers on the introduction of PBIS and its impact on challenging behaviour, was conducted in cooperation with three elementary schools in the Czech Republic which use elements of PBIS in their teaching from 2020. Data for the research was collected using two hundred and eighty-eight questionnaires from second grade elementary school students and three interviews with representatives of the school PBIS teams. Data collection was conducted online, the survey was administered in February 2023, and the interviews were conducted in April 2023. The thesis research revealed that the impact of school-wide PBIS on challenging behavior is perceived by teachers, primarily in the ability to create a safe environment for students and provide positive behavior support that leads to minimizing challenging behavior. According to the data, the opinion of educational stakeholders towards the implementation of..
Influencing the challenging behaviour by implementing the PBIS system at elementary school
The thesis Influencing Challenging Behaviour of Pupils by Implementing PBIS in elementary schools aims to provide the reader with a theoretical summary of the link between wellbeing support and its impact on challenging behaviour, and at the same time to introduce evidence-based system the Positive Behaviour Intervention and Support (PBIS). The thesis research, which aims to find out the opinion of pupils and teachers on the introduction of PBIS and its impact on challenging behaviour, was conducted in cooperation with three elementary schools in the Czech Republic which use elements of PBIS in their teaching from 2020. Data for the research was collected using two hundred and eighty-eight questionnaires from second grade elementary school students and three interviews with representatives of the school PBIS teams. Data collection was conducted online, the survey was administered in February 2023, and the interviews were conducted in April 2023. The thesis research revealed that the impact of school-wide PBIS on challenging behavior is perceived by teachers, primarily in the ability to create a safe environment for students and provide positive behavior support that leads to minimizing challenging behavior. According to the data, the opinion of educational stakeholders towards the implementation of...Diplomová práce s názvem Ovlivnění náročného chování žáků implementací systému PBIS na ZŠ si klade za cíl v rámci teoretického shrnutí čtenáři přiblížit souvislost mezi podporou wellbeingu a jeho vlivu na výskyt náročného chování žáka a současně blíže představit čtenáři systém pozitivní podpory chování Positive Behaviour Intervention and Support (PBIS, v České republice známého jako Pozitivní podpora chování), který dle mnoha výzkumů náročné chování ovlivňuje. Výzkum diplomové práce, který si klade za cíl zjistit názor aktérů vzdělávání na zavedení systému PBIS, probíhal ve spolupráci se třemi základními školami v České republice, které v rámci výuky využívají prvků systému Pozitivní podpory chování od roku 2020. Data pro výzkum byla získána za pomoci dvě stě osmdesáti osmi dotazníků od žáků druhého stupně základních škol a tří rozhovorů se zástupci školních PBIS týmů. Sběr dat proběhl online, dotazníkové šetření v únoru 2023, rozhovory se uskutečnily v dubnu 2023. Výzkum diplomové práce ukázal, že vliv celoškolního systému Positive Behaviour Intervention and Support na výskyt náročné chování učitelé vnímají, a to především ve schopnosti systému vytvořit pro žáky bezpečné prostředí a zajistit pozitivní podporu chování, která vede k minimalizaci chování náročného. Názor aktérů vzdělávání na zavedení...Katedra speciální pedagogikyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult
Strategy oriented to support positive behavior at lower secondary school
The bachelor thesis Strategies oriented to support positive behavior at lower secondary school aims to present strategies that these schools use to prevent problem behavior. The theoretical part of the thesis defines the psychosocial development of an individual in the period of early adolescence, the concepts of problem behavior, class climate and the PBIS system. The research sample was created by eight respondents who teach at lower secondary school. Four respondents started implementing some elements of the PBIS system in year 2020/2021. Data for the research were collected by interviews in spring 2021 using Microsoft Teams. In our research we focused on preventive precaution and rulemaking. We found that the most common forms of preventive precaution are training course, classroom hours and correctly set rules. We found that rules have an important place in preventing problem behaviors and that all schools used strategies to support positive behavior. The research helped us to fulfil the goal. KEYWORDS problematic behavior, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, preventive precaution, adolescenc