23 research outputs found

    Anthropometry, physical performance, and motor coordination of medallist and non-medallist young fencers

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    Background and Study Aim: Fencing is a sport that relies on a complex intra play of numerous performance characteristics. Evaluation of these characteristics is important in the field of talent identification and talent development. Multidimensional test batteries have proven their value in different sports. The present study aimed to identify anthropometric, physical performance and motor coordination characteristics that discriminate medallist and non-medallist fencers. Material and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 83 young fencers (21 national medallists, 62 non-medallist) between 11 and 16 years old were tested in 2010-2015 using a test battery consisting of four anthropometrical, nine physical performance and three motor coordination tests. The fencers were divided into two groups (medallist and non-medallist at national youth championships). First, descriptive analysis explained their general score (means) for anthropometric, physical performance and motor coordination. Second, MANCOVA (multivariate analysis of covariance) was used to explain to what extent the two groups were different from each other, taking into account the effect of maturity (age at peak height velocity - APHV) and calendar age (CA). Results: Generally, the results showed no differences between medallist and non-medallist fencers in anthropometry, physical performance and motor coordination. APHV significantly affected anthropometry and several strength, speed and explosivity variables. Chronological age affected nearly all indicators of anthropometry, physical performance, and motor coordination. MANCOVA, correcting for APHV and CA showed no significant difference for anthropometric, physical performances and motor coordination between medallist and non-medallist fencers. Conclusions: This study a shows a significant effect of APHV and chronological age in anthropometric, physical performance and motor coordination among young fencers. The possibility that only taking into account anthropometry, physical performance, and motor coordination of young fencers in the talent identification process is limited due to the complexity of fencing is discussed

    Predicting judo champions and medallists using statistical modelling

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    Background and Study Aim: In the past decade, several studies have convincingly demonstrated that the identification of characteristics in young children can form a solid basis to identify those subjects with the most chance to excel at the international competition level. The present study aims to predict the performance of young male judo athletes with linear and non-linear predictive statistical models. It is hypothesized that a non-sport specific test battery will allocate athletes to their best achievement level at least three years past baseline. Material and Methods: In this retrospective cross-sectional study, 22 trained male Belgian judo athletes U14 (12.675 +/- 0.910 years) were tested in 2009-2011 using a generic test battery consisting of five anthropometrical, seven physical performance and three motor coordination tests. In 2016 they were allocated to one of three groups depending on their achievement level between 2013-2015. First, Kruskal-Wallis was used to discover indicators that significantly differ across the three groups sampled by achievements. Second, linear discriminant analysis (LDA) was applied to discriminate the participants and allocate them to their respective achievement level. Results: The Kruskal-Wallis test showed significant differences for three indicators (sitting height, weight, Body Mass Index). Using all indicators, discriminant analysis correctly classified 95.5% of the participants. Only 36.4% of cross-validated grouped cases were correctly classified based on all indicators. Therefore, a sequential discriminant analysis, containing the significant tests (three indicators) was applied to improve the cross-validated model from 36.4% to 59.1%. Using all indicators makes the model stronger but using a limited number of indicators makes it easier to assign athletes to the right group. Conclusions: Generic talent characteristics (anthropometry) included in the present study allow for a successful discrimination between drop out, sub-elite and elite judo athletes. In addition to the trainer's opinion and the individual screening of judo specific performance characteristics, this generic test battery provides opportunities for predicting judo performance of young athletes

    Different performance characteristics among students in Malaysia

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    The main aim of this study is to examine and define performance characteristics for the male students and female students in 3 types of school in Malaysia. A sample of 1083 students (male=625, Female 458) age between 13 years to 16 years participated in this study. The students are from 3 different types of school, namely National Sport School (n=300), State Sport School (n=333) and Normal School (n=450). There were 190 male and 110 female from National Sport School, 210 male and 123 female from State Sport School. Meanwhile, there were 225 male and 225 female from the Normal School. The students from National Sport School and State Sport School consists of young athletes. Meanwhile, the students from Normal School just ordinary students with various backgrounds. Height and weight measurement is to indicate students’ anthropometry measurement. Furthermore, the students have been tested with 6 physical fitness tests to indicate their physical performances (standing broad jump, sit and reach, 30-meter sprint, 7 level sit-up, 10-meter shuttle run, bleep test). The results of this study show that anthropometry measurement and physical performance test can be used to discriminate between students in the different type of school (NSS, SSS, NS). Besides that, this study showed that there were different performances in the physical test among students, which can help to discriminate students into the different school

    Relationship between parenting style and physical activity participation among adolescents

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    Parents play an important role in the development of healthy lifestyle behaviors in their children. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the relationship between parenting style and physical activity participation. A random 100 student’s aged range from 13 to 17 years old were selected as respondents of this study. The Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescences (PAQ-A) was used as the instrument to measure respondent's general level of physical activity meanwhile the Parenting Style Questionnaire (PSQ) was used to assessed respondent's perceived parenting style of their parents. The results showed that majority of adolescent were involved in moderate level of physical activity and only 29% reported to be very active during physical education class and 40% claimed that they did not active after school hour. Data analysis also showed that 60% of the respondents perceived the parents are using authoritative style, authoritarian style (31%) and permissive style (9%). Finally, the statistical analysis showed that there is a significant relationship between parenting style and physical activity participation thus conclude parenting styles play as a role in the promotion and involvement of physical activity among adolescents

    Perubahan prestasi fizikal dan tumbesaran dalam kalangan murid berumur di antara 9 hingga 12 tahun

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    Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti perubahan prestasi fizikal dan tumbesaran pelajar lelaki dan pelajar perempuan berumur antara 9 tahun hingga 12 tahun. Kajian ini adalah berbentuk rentas silang (cross-sectional) melibatkan sampel sebanyak 400 orang (murid lelaki=200, murid perempuan=200) yang dibahagikan kepada empat kumpulan umur (9 tahun, 10 tahun, 11 tahun, 12 tahun). Petunjuk tumbesaran didalam kajian ini adalah ukuran tinggi berdiri urid. Enam ujian prestasi fizikal dijalankan untuk menguji tahap prestasi fizikal murid iaitu ujian tekan tubi (TT), ujian lompat jauh berdiri (LJB), ujian lari pecut 30 meter (LP), ujian duduk jangkau (DJ), ujian lari ulang alik (LUA), dan ujian bleep (UB). Dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan tumbesaran puncak pelajar lelaki berlaku ketika berumur antara 9 tahun hingga 10 tahun iaitu meningkat sebanyak 9.1 cm. Manakala, tumbesaran pesat pelajar perempuan berlaku ketika berumur 10 tahun hingga 11 tahun dengan peningkatan sebanyak 7.6 cm. Perubahan prestasi fizikal pelajar lelaki meningkat seiring dengan proses tumbesaran dan perubahan prestasi fizikal pelajar perempuan menunjukkan kemerosotan prestasi seiring dengan proses tumbesaran. Selain itu, perubahan terhadap prestasi fizikal berlaku pada umur yang berbeza bagi pelajar lelaki dan pelajar perempuan. Secara keseluruhannya, tumbesaran (tinggi) pelajar lelaki dan pelajar perempuan mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dengan prestasi fizikal bagi kumpulan umur 9 tahun hingga 12 tahun

    COVID-19 Malaysia overview: evaluate driving awkward posture and muscle fatigue through RULA and Electromyography (EMG) analysis on health problem among older taxi drivers

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    Driving taxis is one of the alternative jobs older people took up during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study evaluated driving posture and muscle fatigue among older taxis drivers in Malaysia during COVID-19 using Rapid Limb Assessment and Electromyography. The Rapid Upper Limb Assessment questions were used to assess awkward driving posture and Electromyography to measure muscular fatigue. RULA analysis body score at value score 7 (23.5%)- required change immediately and value score 5/6 (61.9%) - required investigation and change soon. There is a significant decrease in energy (p<0.05) on EMG analysis. Ergonomic education on driving posture may improve the lifestyle and well-being of older Malaysian taxis driver

    Effects of Post-Activation Potentiation (PAP) warm-up on vertical jump performance among volleyball players

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    This study aims to examine the effects of resistance versus complex exercise with the retention of post-activation potentiation (PAP) on vertical jump among volleyball players. A total of 30 volleyball players (mean age = 16.5 ± 1.106 years old) were recruited as participants of this study. The participants were requested to attend two different testing sessions, with two days between each session. Each session had a different exercise routine, namely, resistance and complex. A one-way repeated measure was used to analyse the performance of the vertical jump, while a pairwise comparison was applied to compare the retention of PAP between the resistance and complex exercises. The findings show that there is a significant interaction for both warm-up exercises; [(F(1,29)=1275.57, p=0.000] for resistance exercise and [(F(1,29) = 1456.83, p= 0.000] for complex exercise. The retention analysis for PAP effect also indicates that there is a significant difference between the two warm-up activities in vertical jump performance. In conclusion, this study reveals that both exercises managed to increase PAP among volleyball players. However, complex exercise is suggested to be combined with the warm-up method as it can maintain a longer retention than resistance exercise

    Profiles of physical fitness and fitness enjoyment among children : associations with sports participation

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    Purpose: The present study examined whether groups of children with different physical fitness and fitness enjoyment profiles could be identified and, if so, whether the different groups varied from one another in terms of organized sports participation. Method: Five hundred and fifty-eight 8–11-year-olds (56.99% boys) participated in this cross-sectional study. Physical fitness and fitness enjoyment were assessed with seven items from a standardized test battery and a pictorial scale containing pictures referring to the enjoyment in those seven physical fitness tests, respectively. To examine whether groups with different fitness and enjoyment profiles could be identified, we conducted cluster analyses based on children’s standardized physical fitness and fitness enjoyment scores. A two-way ANCOVA (sex*cluster) was conducted to investigate differences in weekly organized sports participation among each of the identified groups while controlling for age. Results: Cluster analyses revealed two groups with aligned levels of physical fitness and fitness enjoyment (i.e., relatively low-low and relatively high-high) and two groups with unaligned levels (i.e., relatively low-moderate and relatively high-moderate), respectively. Both groups with relatively high fitness scores were found to spend significantly more time in organized sports (M = 2.01 h and 2.29 h, respectively) than the two groups with relatively low fitness scores (M = 1.08 h and 0.98 h, respectively), irrespective of their enjoyment levels. Conclusion: Increasing physical fitness levels (especially among those children with suboptimal enjoyment levels) may lead to increased organized sports participation, while increased organized sports participation in its turn may lead to higher fitness levels. As such, participation in sports programs should be promoted in children of all age groups

    A coaches’ perspective on the contribution of anthropometry, physical performance, and motor coordination in racquet sports

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    Differences and similarities between table tennis and other racquet sports exist, but are not well documented in the literature, in spite of the relevance for talent identification. In this study we aimed at identifying the key characteristics of table tennis in comparison with tennis and badminton based upon a survey in coaches. A total of 177 licensed coaches from all across the world and with diverse professional backgrounds completed a survey on anthropometric measures, physical performance, and motor coordination skills. On a scale from 1 to 10, coaches indicated to what extent a talent characteristic was important for their sport. MANOVA identified key differences as well as similarities between all three racquet sports and a subsequent discriminant analysis allocated coaches correctly for table tennis, tennis, and badminton 81.01%, 55.6%, and 71.4% respectively. Our results show that table tennis and other racquet sport coaches are well aware of differences between the racquet sports and also the importance and value of testing and assortment of skill components. These findings can assist coaches in future talent orientation and transfer in racquet sports

    Does mental fatigue affect skilled performance in athletes? a systematic review

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    Background: Mental fatigue is a psychobiological state induced by a prolonged duration of demanding cognitive tasks. The effects of mental fatigue on physical performance have been well investigated in the literature. However, the effect of mental fatigue on skilled performance in sports remains unclear. Objective: This study aimed to report a comprehensive systematic review investigating the carryover effects of mental fatigue on skilled performance among athletes. Methods: A thorough search was conducted on PubMed, Web of Science, EBSCOhost (CENTRAL, SPORTDicus), and Scopus to select relevant literature, as well as on Google Scholar and sources of reference for grey literature. The selected literatures are centred on a mental fatigue protocol in which cognitive tasks are performed prior to athletic tasks. Only studies that used an experimental design to test two conditions, namely mental fatigue and non-mental fatigue, were selected. Results: Eleven articles were chosen based on the selection criteria. Mental fatigue affects skilled performance in three sports: soccer, basketball, and table tennis. A decline in skilled performance (decreased accuracy, increased performing time etc) is relevant to impaired executive functions. Seven studies focus on offensive skills, whereas only two studies are associated with defensive skills. Conclusion: Mental fatigue has a negative effect on various sports skills of high-level athletes, including their technical and decision-making skills; however, the impact is greater on offensive skills than that of defensive skills in terms of the role of athletes. Impaired executive functions may be responsible for the negative effects of mental fatigue on skilled performance