81 research outputs found

    Contemporary treatment of single missing tooth — systematic literature review

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    Rezumat. Revizuirea sistematică a literaturii de specialitate contemporană analizează tipurile, rata de supravieţuire, rata de succes, incidenţa complicaţiilor biologice și tehnice ale implanturilor, restaurărilor protetice pe implanturi și protezelor parţiale fixe, calitatea vieţii legată de sănătatea orală la pacienţii cu tratament implanto-protetic sau cu proteze parţiale fixe în edentaţiile unidentare. Deși protezele parţiale fixe sunt larg folosite în ultimele 6 decenii, s-a demonstrat că acestea prezintă o rată scăzută de supravieţuire: 90- 92% la 10 ani și 74-75% la 15 ani de încărcare funcţională. Cele mai frecvente complicaţii biologice în timp la pacienţii cu edentaţii unidentare trataţi prin metoda tradiţională (punţi protetice convenţionale) sunt: cariile dinţilor stâlpi, pierderea vitalităţii dinţilor stâlpi, resorbţia osului crestei alveolare, recesiuni gingivale, iritaţia parodontală profundă și fractura dinţilor stâlpi. Cele mai frecvente complicaţii tehnice la acest grup de pacienţi sunt: pierderea de retenţie, cu sau fără pierderea de reconstrucţie, și fracturi ale materialului de faţetare, cu sau fără pierderea de reconstrucţie. Mai multe studii publicate arată că termenele și tipul de instalare a implantului, restaurării protetice pe implant și încărcării funcţionale a implantului pentru edentaţia unidentară nu este decisiv pentru supravieţuirea şi succesul implantului. Deși protocolul convenţional reprezintă încă ”standardul de aur”, restaurarea şi încărcarea funcţională imediată a implanturilor instalate în alveolele post-extracţionale proaspete ale zonei estetice prezintă un prognostic excelent și este adoptată cu succes pentru minimizarea timpului de tratament cu beneficiu imediat și impact relevant asupra calităţii vieţii și satisfacţiei pacientului. Rezultatul estetic nu este încă inclus sistematic în criteriile de succes ale terapiei prin implant, cutoate că o tendinţă pentru acest lucru este mai frecventă în publicaţiile recente, în special în lucrările care evaluează reabilitările protetice pe suport de implant în sectoarele anterioare maxilare și mandibulare.Summary. The systematic review of the contemporary literature analyzes the types, survival rate, success rate, the incidence of the biological and technical complications of implants, prosthetic restorations on implants and fixed partial prostheses, the quality of life related to oral health in implanto-prosthetic or fixed partial prostheses in single missing tooth. Although fixed partial prostheses have been widely used over the past 6 decades, they have been shown to exhibit a low survival rate: 90-92% at 10 years and 74-75% at 15 years of functional load. The most common biologic complications over time in patients with single missing tooth treated by the traditional method (conventional prosthetic bridges) are tooth decay, loss of vitality tooth poles, alveolar crest bone resorption, gingival recession, deep periodontal irritation, and tooth fracture fracture. The most common technical complications in this group of patients are: loss of retention, with or without loss of reconstruction, and fracture of the veneer with or without loss of reconstruction. Several published studies show that the timing and type of implant installation, prosthetic restoration on the implant and functional loading of the implant for a one-day editorial are not decisive for the survival and success of the implant. Although the conventional protocol is still the „gold standard“, the immediate restoration and immediate loading of implants installed in the fresh postextraction areas of the aesthetic area have excellent prognosis and are successfully adopted to minimize treatment time with immediate benefit and impact on quality life and patient satisfaction. The aesthetic result is not yet systematically included in the success criteria of mediciimplant therapy, although a trend for this is more common in recent publications, especially in works evaluating prosthetic rehabilitation on implant support in anterior maxillary and mandibular sectors

    Materials Used for Diagnostic and Treatments in Dental Practice

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    . Early detection of peri-implantitis and monitoring of therapy outcome can be performed using ELISA test


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    40 patients with implant-prosthetic restorations and diagnosed with at least one implant affected by moderate or severe peri-implantitis were selected from Learning Centre “M.Kogalniceanu” of Dental Medicine Faculty, U.M.F.”Grigore T.Popa” Iasi and a private practice. Patients were randomly divided in test group (laser-assisted treatment, flap procedure) and control (mechanical debridement, flap procedure). In the test group, the conventional treatment protocol was assisted by laser therapy (2940nm Er,Cr:YAG laser) . It was recorded (for 7 days post-operatively) the evolution of the next clinical parameters: VAS indices (pain intensity); patients’ disconfort; healing time. Results. In the laser-irradiated group, VAS indices decreased from 2,8 (T0), to 2,4 at 24 h post-operatively, and 0,6 at 48 hours post-operatively. The mean values of healing time are significantly lower (6,5 days) comparing with control (8,5 days). Conclusion. Laser bio-stimulation in peri-implantitis has positive effects on inflammatory processes in peri-implant tissues and accelerate healing processes


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    The proper rehabilitation of the partially extended edentulous patient should lead to a state of balance between the elements of the stomatognathic system and the therapeutic option selected, for a period of time as long as possible. Aim of the study Through the present study we aim at outlining the importance of a general biological perspective on the entire organism, the interrelation between the organism and the stomatognathic system and the necessity of a complex rehabilitation in view of reaching positive and long lasting balance. Material and methods 4503 individuals from the urban and rural areas of Iasi were evaluated. The modality of evaluation was the correlation of the clinical exam with the data from the specially drafted questionnaire in view of determining the behavioral pattern regarding the oral health, a sine-qua-non condition for a clear reflection of the oral pathology that is specific to the environment of origin. Results With regard to the general condition of the investigated subjects, one can notice a prevalence of a poor general condition in the urban area in proportion of 72.1% as compared to 27.9% in the rural area.The first position in the sphere of general affections is taken by cardiovascular diseases, in both environments, the higher percentage belonging to the urban area. In the urban area, the oral pathology has a prevalence plus in 2013 for the odontal lesions, unlike the previous years, this first pathology being followed by the periodontal lesions with the same ascending dynamic for 2013. Conclusions We need to underline the fact the we need continuity with regard to the prophylaxis of the general and or al condition in Iasi county, both in the rural and the urban environment, the necessity for sanitary education being an essential condition for the increase of the degree of population’s health


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    The 6th Edition of General and Oral Prophylactics Days, which took place at Iasi between May 30th– 31st, 2014, became already a tradition in Iaşi and a good occasion to make sanitary education, to distributeproducts of oral hygiene and to collect new data regarding the population general and oral status of health through data screening. This year a record number of 5444 people participated at this event and used the services offered by the “Caravan of Prophylactics”, in 5 working points from the city of Iasi. The article presents the results obtained with the occasion of this special event


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    The oral rehabilitation represents that integrative concept which re-establishes each segment of the stomatognat system, affected by edentation with different clinical forms, without eluding the induced complications and the influence which such a general state has within the selected therapy algorithm. The aim of this study is to evaluate the election therapeutic solution during the rehabilitation of particularly type of edentulous, identifying the causes which lay at the basis of failure, as well as the required support, multiple factorial which lies at the basis of the successful clinical verdict according with the particularities of the implants typ

    Current Status of Finite Element Analysis Based Studies on Optimal Dental Implant Length and Diameter in the Posterior Mandible Bone: A Review of the Literature

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    The scope of this article is to review the current status of finite element analysis based studies on the matter of optimal dental implant length and diameter in the posterior mandible bone and discuss the findings in relation to 3D models used, materials used, type and magnitude of loading. The search of the literature was carried out using electronic databases PubMed, EbscoHost, as well as a manual search of finite element analysis based studies on dental implant diameter and length published between 2000 and 2018, using the terms: finite element analysis, dental implants, implant diameter an implant length. Current finite element analysis studies on the influence of diameter and length of implants present high variability due to the bone models used, material properties assigned, magnitude and type of loading, design of implants and dimensions investigated. However, a clear result is that the diameter of the implant has a great influence on crestal bone stress, an increase in the diameter leading to a decrease in stress. Increase in length leads to a decline in stress values in the bone tissue, but a clear consensus has not been reached yet concerning the extent of its influence on the cortical bone or cancellous bone

    The Contribution Of Medical Robots To Clinical Performance: Up-To-Date

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    The paper presents several theoretical aspects regarding the current stage of robots’ performance in the medical field. While robots have the potential and ability to improve the precision, movements, skills and capacities of the human hand, their presence in clinics is rather reduced, although their use is necessary in a variety of branches of the medical “industry”. Medical robots are made of almost rigid connections which comprise articulations that allow relative movements from one connection to another, robots being controlled by a computer system towards any point and in the orientation desired inside the working space

    Direct Lateral Window Approach Sinus Augmentation Procedure

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    The aim of the present study was to assess long-term changes in sinus-graft height after maxillary sinus floor augmentation. A total of 32 patients who underwent maxillary sinus floor augmentation were radiographically followed for up to about 2 years. The dental implants were applied in each case 6 months after the sinus augmentation. A 2:1:1 mixture of autogenous bone and bovine xenograft (PepGenP15 and PepGenFlow) was used as the graft material. Sinus-graft height was measured using 72 panoramic images immediately after augmentation and up to 24 months subsequently. Changes in sinus-graft height were calculated with respect to the marker diameter, the implant length and original sinus height. After 2 years, the grafted sinus floor was level with or slightly below the implant apex. This relationship was maintained over the long term. Sinus-graft height decreased significantly and approached original sinus height. The clinical survival rate of implants was 94.2%. All implant losses occurred within 2 years after augmentation. We conclude that progressive sinus pneumatization occurs after augmentation with a 2:1:1 autogenous bone/xenograft mixture of PepGenP15 and PepGenFlow, and long-term stability of sinus-graft height represents an important factor for implant success

    Non-Invasive Methods Of Paraclinical Evaluation Involved In Oral Rehabilitation

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    The age interval of 18-35 brings together a lot of patients with morpho-functional particularities which decisively influence the therapeutic approach in the field of partial edentation, aspect which includes the correlation of these parameters with the general condition. The aim of this study quantifies the contribution of the non invasive and minimally invasive methods of paraclinical evaluation corroborated with the clinical aspects, a particularly important element being represented by the inter-relation between the general condition – oral pathology. The study group was represented by patients with ages between 18 and 35 years, diagnosed with partial edentation, with various problems of the general condition. The non-invasive therapy and the minimally invasive therapy of diagnostic govern the territory of the adolescent stomatology, determining statistically significant correlations between the general condition reflected in the thermographic trajectories and the oral pathology supported by the classic paraclinical examinations in dental medicine