8 research outputs found

    The movement of midwifery education and a future challenge

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    我が国における助産学教育は看護学教育の4年制化に伴い,大きな影響を受けている。即ち,短大専攻科の4年制大学への移行により選択枠は減少し,講義および実習時間の短縮化を余儀なくされた。さらに,専門学校の閉廃校も進んで助産師の養成数は減少し,その教育の質にも大きな問題を包含するようになった。一方,少子化が進展し,地域社会や家庭における子育て力の低下等に伴う育児不安や児童虐待が大きな社会問題となっている。このような社会情況の中で,助産師の果たすべき役割は益々増大し,助産師に対する期待は高まる一方である。そこで,助産学教育の動向と取り巻く環境を概観することにより,その問題点を検討した。その結果,1) 4年制看護学教育の中で保健師・助産師・看護師の3つの国家試験受験資格を得ることは容易ではないこと。 2) 社会の要請に応えうる人材育成のための専門的教育課程への移行が急務であることが示唆された。Recently, nursing education entered the four year college system; midwifery education in Japan has come to have serious problems, not only in the decline in the number of midwives training but also in the quality of the education due to abolition of the professional training school and the junior college's advanced midwifery training course. Then, lectures and the clinical training period have been shortened in midwifery education in four year colleges because of the crowded curriculum. On the other hand, the birth rate has been declining, and the anxiety of child care and child abuse are serious social issues in that child care in the community and at home is declining in Japan. The role of midwives has increased all the more, and midwives are indispensable for mothers, babies and families in such social conditions. Also, the problem was examined by surveying the environment surrounding the direction of midwifery education. It is not easy to get three state qualifications of public health nurse, midwife and nurse in the nursing education program within four years. It was suggested that change in the educational system of midwifery was a pressing need to train educated and skilled midwives to meet a social need

    Nighttime Cooling Is an Effective Method for Improving Milk Production in Lactating Goats Exposed to Hot and Humid Environment

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    Heat production in ruminants follows a diurnal pattern over the course of a day peaking 3 hours following afternoon feeding and then gradually declining to its lowest point prior to morning feeding. In order to clarify the cooling period most effective in reducing decreases in feed intake and milk production, experiments were carried out based on the diurnal rhythm of heat production and heat dissipation. In experiment 1, the effects of hot environment on milk production were investigated. The animals were kept first in a thermoneutral environment (20.0°C, 80.0%) for 12 days, they were then transitioned to a hot environment (32°C, 80.0%) for 13 days before being returned to second thermoneutral environment for a further 12 days. In experiment 2, the effectiveness of daytime cooling or nighttime cooling for improving milk production in hot environment was compared. While ten lactating Japanese Saanen goats (aged 2 years, weighing 41.0 kg) during early lactation were used in experiment 1, ten lactating goats (aged 2 years, weighing 47.5 kg) during mid-lactation were used in experiment 2. The animals were fed 300 g of concentrated feed and excessive amounts of crushed alfalfa hay cubes twice daily. Water was given ad libitum. The animals were milked twice daily. When exposed to a hot environment, milk yield and composition decreased significantly (p<0.05). Milk yield in the hot environment did not change with daytime cooling, but tended to increase with nighttime cooling. Compared to the daytime cooling, milk components percentages in the nighttime cooling were not significantly different but the milk components yields in the nighttime cooling were significantly higher (p<0.05). The results indicate that nighttime cooling is more effective than daytime cooling in the reduction of milk production declines in lactating goats exposed to a hot environment

    A Rac GTPase-Activating Protein, MgcRacGAP, Is a Nuclear Localizing Signal-Containing Nuclear Chaperone in the Activation of STAT Transcription Factors▿ †

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    In addition to their pleiotropic functions under physiological conditions, transcription factors STAT3 and STAT5 also have oncogenic activities, but how activated STATs are transported to the nucleus has not been fully understood. Here we show that an MgcRacGAP mutant lacking its nuclear localizing signal (NLS) blocks nuclear translocation of p-STATs both in vitro and in vivo. Unlike wild-type MgcRacGAP, this mutant did not promote complex formation of phosphorylated STATs (p-STATs) with importin α in the presence of GTP-bound Rac1, suggesting that MgcRacGAP functions as an NLS-containing nuclear chaperone. We also demonstrate that mutants of STATs lacking the MgcRacGAP binding site (the strand βb) are hardly tyrosine phosphorylated after cytokine stimulation. Intriguingly, mutants harboring small deletions in the C′-adjacent region (βb-βc loop region) of the strand βb became constitutively active with the enhanced binding to MgcRacGAP. The molecular basis of this phenomenon will be discussed, based on the computer-assisted tertiary structure models of STAT3. Thus, MgcRacGAP functions as both a critical mediator of STAT's tyrosine phosphorylation and an NLS-containing nuclear chaperone of p-STATs


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    本研究の目的は,小児看護学で使用されている教科書・参考書から「小児の食事援助」に関する内容を分析し,その特色や共通点,基礎教育で重視している教育内容を明らかにすることである.インターネットでシラバスを公表している看護系4年制大学21校で使用している教科書・参考書6出版社(8冊)を対象として内容を分析した.その結果は,以下のとおりである.1)「小児の食事」に関する内容構成では,(1)小児各期,(2)各系統器官別,(3)日常生活援助技術の3つのパターンがみられた.2)「離乳食」,「経管栄養」,「間食・補食」,「栄養所要量」の内容は共通して記述され,基礎教育において重視されている.3)「冷凍母乳の取り扱い」,「経管栄養の種類」,「治療食・特別食」と虐待の1つである「ネグレクト(食事を与えない)」は,1社のみで,簡単な内容の記述であることが明らかとなった.The purpose of this study is to analyze the contents of [Child feeding assistance] described in the textbooks and references applied for pediatric nursing science and clarifies the characteristics, the similarities and the educational points emphasized by fundamental education. The textbooks and the references (8 books published by 6 publishers) applied by 4-year nursing colleges releasing syllabus through Internets were subjected to this analysis. The results are as follows : 1) The content of [Meals for children] was consisted of (1) each pediatric period, (2) each organ systems, (3) skills for daily life assistance. 2) All books describe [Baby food], [Tube feeding], [Snacks and supplemental meals] and [Nutritional requirements], all of which are emphasized in fundamental education. 3) It has become clear that only one publisher briefly describes [Procedure for how to take care of frozen breast milk], [types of tube feeding] [Therapeutic diet and special diet] and one of abuse, [Neglect (without feeding)

    Additional file 2: of Latitude and HLA-DRB1*04:05 independently influence disease severity in Japanese multiple sclerosis: a cross-sectional study

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    Table S1. Phenotypic frequencies of HLA-DPB1 alleles in patients with MS. Table S2. Phenotypic frequencies of HLA-DRB1 alleles in MS patients from northern Japan. Table S3. Phenotypic frequencies of HLA-DRB1 alleles in MS patients from southern Japan. Table S4. Phenotypic frequencies of HLA-DRB1 alleles in HCs. Table S5. Demographic features of patients with MS, excluding SPMS, according to region. Table S6. Comparison of MS demographic features between northern and southern patients using clinical data from southern patients followed up until January 2013. Table S7. Comparison of MS demographic features between northern and southern patients using clinical data from southern patients followed up until January 2013, excluding SPMS. Table S8. Comparison of MSSS between MS patients with and without Barkhof brain lesions, and between those with and without CSF IgG abnormalities. Table S9. Comparison of clinical features in patients with MS according to the presence or absence of HLA-DRB1*15:01. Table S10. Clinical characteristics of MS patients with the HLA-DRB1*15:01 allele. (DOCX 54 kb