159 research outputs found

    Remodeling of chromatin under low intensity diffuse ultrasound

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    A variety of mechanotransduction pathways mediate the response of fibroblasts or chondrocytes to ultrasound stimulation. In addition, regulatory pathways that co-ordinate stimulus-specific cellular responses are likely to exist. In this study, analysis was confined to the hypothesis that ultrasound stimulation (US) influences the chromatin structure, and that these changes may reflect a regulatory pathway that connects nuclear architecture, chromatin structure and gene expression. Murine fibroblasts seeded on tissue culture plates were stimulated with US (5.0 MHz (14 kPa), 51- s per application) and the thermal denaturation profiles of nuclei isolated from fibroblasts were assessed by dynamic scanning calorimetry (DSC). When compared to the thermal profiles obtained from the nuclei of non-stimulated cells, the nuclei obtained from stimulated cells showed a change in peak profiles and peak areas, which is indicative of chromatin remodeling. Independently, US was also observed to impact the histone (H1):chromatin association as measured indirectly by DAPI staining. Based on our work, it appears plausible that US can produce a remodeling of chromatin, thus triggering signal cascade and other intracellular mechanisms

    The Effect of Ultrasound Stimulation on the Cytoskeletal Organization of Chondrocytes Seeded In 3D Matrices

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    The impact of low intensity diffuse ultrasound (LIDUS) stimulation on the cytoskeletal organization of chondrocytes seeded in 3D scaffolds was evaluated. Chondrocytes seeded on 3D chitosan matrices were exposed to LIDUS at 5.0 MHz (~15kPa, 51-secs, 4-applications/day) in order to study the organization of actin, tubulin and vimentin. The results showed that actin presented a cytosolic punctuated distribution, tubulin presented a quasi parallel organization of microtubules whereas vimentin distribution was unaffected. Chondrocytes seeded on 3D scaffolds responded to US stimulation by the disruption of actin stress fibers and were sensitive to the presence of ROCK inhibitor (Y27632). The gene expression of ROCK-I, a key element in the formation of stress fibers and mDia1, was significantly up-regulated under the application of US. We conclude that the results of both the cytoskeletal analyses and gene expression support the argument that the presence of punctuated actin upon US stimulation was accompanied by the up-regulation of the RhoA/ROCK pathway

    Remodeling of chromatin under low intensity diffuse ultrasound

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    A variety of mechanotransduction pathways mediate the response of fibroblasts or chondrocytes to ultrasound stimulation. In addition, regulatory pathways that co-ordinate stimulus-specific cellular responses are likely to exist. In this study, analysis was confined to the hypothesis that ultrasound stimulation (US) influences the chromatin structure, and that these changes may reflect a regulatory pathway that connects nuclear architecture, chromatin structure and gene expression. Murine fibroblasts seeded on tissue culture plates were stimulated with US (5.0 MHz (14 kPa), 51- s per application) and the thermal denaturation profiles of nuclei isolated from fibroblasts were assessed by dynamic scanning calorimetry (DSC). When compared to the thermal profiles obtained from the nuclei of non-stimulated cells, the nuclei obtained from stimulated cells showed a change in peak profiles and peak areas, which is indicative of chromatin remodeling. Independently, US was also observed to impact the histone (H1):chromatin association as measured indirectly by DAPI staining. Based on our work, it appears plausible that US can produce a remodeling of chromatin, thus triggering signal cascade and other intracellular mechanisms

    Proyecto de desarrollo local : mejoramiento de la imagen de la mujer frente a la sociedad en el distrito de la Victoria – Chiclayo

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    El distrito de la Victoria ocupa el primer lugar en casos de violencia familiar en toda la región Lambayeque, en el presente año ya son más de 500 los casos denunciados ante la policía, presentándose la mayor cantidad de casos en los centros poblados de Chacupe Bajo, Chacupe Alto, Chosica del Norte, Pedro Ruiz, El Bosque, Cahuide entre otros sectores ubicadas en las zonas periféricas. Identificándose que una de las razones principales de los casos de violencia es la separación de los padres, es decir familias disfuncionales donde hay rebeldía por parte de los hijos y los menores quedan desamparados y mayormente incurren en hechos delictivos. Por lo tanto la violencia intrafamiliar es un problema social importante que afecta dramáticamente la calidad de vida de las familias que se encuentran en esa situación, sea cual fuere su condición social, cultural o económica. La finalidad del presente proyecto de desarrollo local es el “Mejoramiento de la imagen de la mujer frente a la sociedad en el Distrito de La Victoria - Chiclayo”. En la cual se incluirán acciones de promoción y prevención de violencia intrafamiliar así mismo se pondrá énfasis en la realización de talleres de fortalecimiento familiar, manejo de control de emociones, compartición de roles en la familia, parejas saludables y demostración de cariño. Al final del proyecto se habrá logrado fortalecer a las familias logrando disminuir la violencia en los hogares intervenidos en el distrito de la victoria así como también el maltrato físico y psicológico, el costo total de S/. 47,984.00

    La clase para pensar en la enseñanza de la geometría a través de la resolución de problemas

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    El siguiente curso tiene como propósito orientar a los docentes de matemática en la construcción y desarrollo de la clase de la “Clase para Pensar” en Geometría, como estrategia innovadora para la enseñanza de procesos cognitivos y metacognitivos y estrategias de resolución de problemas. En él se realizará una fundamentación teórica básica que debe conocer el docente de tal manera que pueda comprender, crear y aplicar una Clase Para Pensar en geometría al finalizar el mismo

    Glucosamine/L-lactide copolymers as potential carriers for the development of a sustained rifampicin release system using Mycobacterium smegmatis as a tuberculosis model

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    The present study aims at developing a new, ultrafine particle-based efficient antibiotic delivery system for the treatment of tuberculosis. The carrier material to make the rifampicin (RIF)-loaded particles is a low molecular weight starshaped polymer produced from glucosamine (core building unit) and L-lactide (GluN-LLA). Particles were made via electrohydrodynamic atomization. Prolonged release (for up to 14 days) of RIF from these particles is reported. Drug release data fits the Korsmeyer-Peppas equation, which suggests the occurrence of a modified diffusion-controlled RIF release mechanism in vitro and is also supported by differential scanning calorimetry and drug leaching tests. Cytotoxicity tests on Mycobacterium smegmatis showed that antibiotic-free GluN-LLA and polylactides (PLA) particles (reference materials) did not show any significant anti-bacterial activity. The minimum inhibitory concentration and minimum bactericidal concentration values obtained for RIF-loaded particles showed 2- to 4-fold improvements in the anti-bacterial activity relative to the free drug. Cytotoxicity tests on macrophages indicated that cell death correlates with an increase of particle concentration but is not significantly affected by material type or particle size. Confocal microscopy was used to track internalization and localization of particles in the macrophages. The uptake of GluN-LLA particles is higher than those of their PLA counterparts. In addition, after phagocytosis, the GluN-LLA particles stayed in the cytoplasm and showed favorable long-term drug release behavior, which facilitated the killing of intracellular bacteria when compared to free RIF. The present studies suggest that these drug carrier materials are potentially very attractive candidates for the development of high-payload, sustained-release antibiotic/resorbable polymer particle systems for treating bacterial lung infections

    Abordaje integral de la sexualidad en los contextos escolares : Experiencias y prácticas pedagógicas de docentes distritales /

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    El abordaje integral de la sexualidad en los contextos escolares ha sido foco de una investigación adelantada en los últimos años por la Secretaría de Educación del Distrito, SED, y el Instituto para la Investigación Educativa y el Desarrollo Pedagógico, IDEP. Parte de sus resultados se publican en la presente obra, la cual desarrolla en el primer capítulo la evolución conceptual frente a lo que ahora hace parte de la fundamentación de la línea de base para un programa socio-educativo de educación para la sexualidad. En el segundo capítulo se recogen los resultados del ejercicio de diálogo de saberes con maestros y maestras en cuyo marco compartieron sus experiencias y conocimientos generosamente

    El efecto del programa de formación de docentes “enseñando a pensar”, en el conocimiento del contenido pedagógico y la práctica en la enseñanza de la geometría a través de la resolución de problemas

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    El presente estudio determina el efecto del programa de formación de docentes “enseñando a pensar”, en torno al conocimiento del contenido pedagógico y la práctica en la enseñanza de la geometría a través de la resolución de problemas, el diseño metodológico de esta investigación es cuantitativo, con un enfoque explicativo y un diseño cuasi experimental