49 research outputs found

    The mediating effect of stakeholder influence capacity on the relationship between corporate social responsibility and corporate financial performance

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    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate financial performance (CFP) has been examined extensively in the literature.Majority of the studies suggested a positive relationship and few others found neutral, negative and/or curvilinear relationships.Hence this development calls for a mediating mechanism on the relationship between CSR and CFP.This paper proposes to provide a framework that explains how and why CSR leads to CFP by promoting a potential mediator namely stakeholder influence capacity (SIC).Based on the literature reviewed, this paper proposes three variables which can be used to implement the framework at firm level. The variables are corporate social responsibility, stakeholder influence capacity and corporate financial performance

    Corporate social disclosure quantity and quality as moderators between corporate social responsibility performance and corporate financial performance

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    Corporate social responsibility performance and corporate financial performance has been extensively examined without any consensus about the relationship.While some reported positive, others reported negative, neutral and even inconclusive findings on the relationship.These reasons make the topic an avenue for debates over a long period.This development call for the introduction of moderating variables to account for when and under what conditions is the relationship positive, negative or neutral/inconclusive.This study proposes to provide a framework that examines the association between CSR and CFP, promoting a potential moderator, CSR disclosure.Based on the literature reviewed, this paper proposes three variables which can be used to implement the framework within firm level.The variables are corporate social responsibility performance, corporate financial performance and corporate social disclosur

    Kecerdasan emosi sebagai faktor penyumbang kepada kepimpinan Ahli Majlis Eksekutif Pelajar Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk melihat trait kecerdasan emosi (KE) sebagai faktor penyumbang kepada kepimpinan Ahli Majlis Eksekutif Pelajar (MEP) UKM (n = 148). Bagi tujuan pemerolehan data, dua jenis instrumen digunakan sebagai alat kajian utama iaitu Inventori Kepintaran Emosi Malaysia (IKEM-MEQI) dan Malaysia Leadership Audit Trail Inventory (MLATI). Data yang diperoleh telah dianalisis menggunakan SPSS. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk (a) melihat profil kepintaran emosi Ahli MEP UKM (b) melihat profil kepimpinan Ahli MEP UKM (c) melihat adakah wujud hubungan antara kepimpinan dengan domain pengurusan personal dan sosial KE di kalangan ahli MEP UKM. Hasil dapatan kajian menunjukkan Ahli MEP UKM mempunyai Indeks Kepintaran Emosi dan Kepimpinan di tahap yang tinggi. Ujian regrasi yang dijalankan menunjukkan bahawa wujudnya hubungan positif yang signifikan antara kepimpinan dengan pengurusan personal dan sosial kecerdasan emosi dalam kalangan ahli MEP UKM

    Pengaruh kemahiran generik dalam kemahiran pemikiran kritikal, penyelesaian masalah dan komunikasi pelajar Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)

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    Purpose – The purpose of this study was to identify the contribution of generic skills on communication, critical thinking, and problem solving skills. Method – This study used the Generic Skills Instrument for Higher Education (GeSIHE) developed by a group of researchers from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). The GeSIHE instrument contains 13 constructs with 102 items, and was administered to 1,262 students in 12 faculties at UKM. The samples were clustered and randomly chosen. Findings – The reliability construct of GeSIHE was high i.e. 0.98 to 0.99. The multi-regression stepwise analysis showed that leadership skills or the capacity to lead and frequent brief interactions with others is the significant key index that shows a university student’s skill in communication. On the other hand, lifelong learning or life time learning potential and ability to generate ideas is the key index which shows that a university student is skilled in critical thinking and problem solving. Value – This study will render guidance to students, teaching staff, university and stakeholders of the importance of moulding generic skills in teaching and learning

    The development and validation of maternal spiritual characteristics scale.

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    The purpose of this study is to develop and validate a family counseling instrument that measures maternal spiritual characteristics. Particularly, the instrument aims to measure three domains of spirituality namely, Maternal Piety, Mercy and Accountability. These characteristics are considered as the characteristics for functional Muslim mothers. The study is designed into three phases. The first phase is a pilot study of a focus group from an Islamic Integrated Primary School (IIPS). In this phase, Cronbach’s alpha is employed to assess the reliability index. Accordingly, Principle Component Analysis is employed to explore the underlying dimensions of Maternal Piety, Mercy and Accountability. The second phase is an ex-post facto study that involved 12 IIPS in the Klang Valley of Malaysia. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) is utilized to examine the construct validity of the instrument. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is used to investigate the relationship between maternal spiritual characteristics and mother-child attachment as supporting evidence for the criterion-related validity. The third phase was a cross-sectional study that involved 1000 students (age 13-17) from various secondary schools (inclusive of religious and non religious schools) of 4 states in Malaysia. In this phase, multistage cluster sampling technique is employed to select 200 students from each age group of Form 1,2,3,4 and 5. The results provide evidence that the instrument has sound psychometrics properties. This instrument has succeeded the standard Cronbach’s alpha > .70 for internal consistency and proportion variance explained > 50 % for the dimensions of Maternal Piety , Mercy and Accountability . The goodness-of -fit measures GFI, AGFI, IFI, TLI, and CFI > .90 and RMSEA < .08 are evidences for construct validity. Moreover, the criterion-related validity is supported with the findings of significant positive relationship between maternal spiritual characteristics and mother-child attachment. In short, Maternal Spiritual Characteristics Scales (MSCS) is a reliable and valid instrument. Hence, it may be used for the assessment in family counseling and other related studies

    Kajian jatidiri dan tekanan isu sosio-emosi dalam kalangan pelajar pintar dan berbakat

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    Pembinaan jati diri generasi remaja amat penting bagi memacu kecemerlangan pembangunan negara. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tahap jati diri peribadi dan hubungannya dengan tekanan sosio-emosi pelajar Pintar dan Berbakat di Malaysia. Seramai 194 orang pelajar dari Pusat PERMATApintar Negara UKM dipilih secara rawak untuk memberi respon kepada dua soal selidik kajian, iaitu Instrumen Jati diri Pelajar mengandungi 72 item dan Instrumen Tekanan Sosio-emosi, mengandungi 60 item. Pelajar memberi respon menggunakan skala likert 5-mata. Analisis statistik deskriptif dan inferensi digunakan untuk menentukan skor min dan nilai korelasi di antara pemboleh ubah (SPSS versi 19.0). Hasil dapatan menunjukkan min Jati diri adalah tinggi (3.86, nilai sp 6.41) dan tekanan sosio-emosi adalah sederhana (2.71, nilai sp: 7.39). Daripada lima komponen jati diri yang dikaji, jati diri kerohanian memperoleh skor min tertinggi (4.13), manakala komponen jati diri kepimpinan memperoleh skor min terendah (3.63). Bagi tekanan sosio-emosi pula, tekanan keadilan sosial memperoleh min tertinggi (4.13) manakala komponen tekanan hubungan keluarga memperoleh min terendah (2.09). Analisis korelasi Person r menunjukkan terdapat hubungan negatif yang signifikan di antara jati diri dan tekanan sosio-emosi dalam kalangan pelajar pintar dan berbakat. Implikasi terhadap kecekapan peranan perkhidmatan Bimbingan dan Kaunseling untuk pelajar pintar dan berbakat turut dibincangkan

    Dimensions of Social Skills and their Relationship with Empathy among Gifted and Talented Students in Malaysia

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    AbstractGifted and talented students have always be considered as individuals who are absorb with their own world. Nonetheless, as part of the living community, they are required to interact with their environments. Concomitantly, they need the necessary social skills and empathic understanding to live comfortably within the society. This study examines six dimensions of social skills (the ability to influence others, to manage conflict, leadership, and ability to be a catalyst for change, to bond with others, to work collaboratively, to work as a team and to communicate effectively) and their relationship with empathy among gifted and talented students in Malaysia. Two hundred and forty (male = 81, female = 159) 15-year old gifted and talented students participated in the study. These students were identified as gifted and talented by the Malaysian National Gifted Centre and at present are studying at the centre as full time high school students. Data was collected using Malaysian Emotional Quotient Inventory (MEQI) developed by the researchers. A survey method was used and data was collected during a school holiday program that they have participated. Findings from the study show that all dimensions of social skills correlate positively with empathy (p < 0.00, n = 240) and the r values are more than 0.60. This article also discusses the findings in relation to counseling provision for the gifted and talented

    Measuring the unmeasurable: maternal piety scales

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    The purpose of this study was to develop an instrument that measures maternal spiritual characteristics. Particularly, the instrument aims to measure a domain of spirituality which is commonly regarded as “the un-measurable” i.e. Maternal Piety. The study was conducted in two phases. The first phase was a longitudinal study of a focus group from an Islamic Integrated Primary School (IIPS). In, this phase Cronbach’s alpha was employed to assess the reliability index. Accordingly, Principal Component Analysis was employed to explore the underlying dimensions of Maternal Piety. The second phase was an ex-post facto study that involved 12 IIPS in the Klang Valley area. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was utilized to examine the construct validity of the instrument. Finally, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was utilized to investigate the relationship between Maternal Piety (MP) and Maternal Quality Relationship (MQR) as supporting evidence for the criterion-related validity. The results provided evidence that the instrument achieved sound psychometrics properties. This instrument succeeded the standard Cronbach’s alpha > 0.70 for internal consistency and the proportion of variance explained was >0 50 % for the three dimensions of Maternal Piety. The goodness-of-fit measures GFI, AGFI, IFI, TLI, and CFI were > 0.90 and RMSEA was < 0.08 which were evidences for construct validity. Moreover, the findings supported the postulation that MP positively influenced MQR as evidence for the criterion-related validity. In short, Maternal Piety Scales is a reliable and valid instrument. From the practical standpoint, it suggests that spirituality is no longer remaining aloof in theoretical forms and neither exclusive for theologians only

    Profil Kecerdasan Emosi Guru-guru Sekolah Menengah Zon Tengah Semenanjung Malaysia

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk melihat profil kecerdasan emosi (EQ) guru-guru sekolah menengah Zon Tengah Semenanjung Malaysia. Seramai 174 orang guru yang berkhidmat di sebelas buah sekolah menengah telah dipilih sebagai sampel kajian. Data telah dikumpulkan menggunakan Inventori Kepintaran Emosi Malaysia (IKEM)/Malaysian Emotional Quoetient Inventory (MEQI) oleh Noriah Mohd Ishak et al (2003). Data dianalisis menggunakan perisian SPSS Versi 11.5 dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif seperti min, peratus dan sisihan piawai. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan, graf profil bagi guru-guru di kawasan Zon Tengah dan graf profil bagi guru-guru mengikut negeri didapati mempunyai skor min yang tinggi pada domain kerohanian dan kematangan, namun rendah pada domain kemahiran sosial. Dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan profil kecerdasan emosi (EQ) antara guru-guru di Malaysia dengan profil kecerdasan emosi guru-guru di kawasan Zon Tengah Semenanjung Malaysia. Kajian ini juga mendapati bahawa terdapat perbezaan profil kecerdasan emosi (EQ) berdasarkan faktor jantina dan faktor umur

    The mediating effect of stakeholder influence capacity on the relationship between corporate social responsibility and corporate financial performance

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    Abstract Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate financial performance (CFP) has been examined extensively in the literature. Majority of the studies suggested a positive relationship and few others found neutral, negative and/or curvilinear relationships. Hence this development calls for a mediating mechanism on the relationship between CSR and CFP. This paper proposes to provide a framework that explains how and why CSR leads to CFP by promoting a potential mediator namely stakeholder influence capacity (SIC). Based on the literature reviewed, this paper proposes three variables which can be used to implement the framework at firm level. The variables are corporate social responsibility, stakeholder influence capacity and corporate financial performance