7 research outputs found
Penggunaan bone China menurut perspektif syarak / Norhidayah binti Pauzi
Bone china adalah produk porselin yang mengandungi abu tulang (bone ash), kaolin, dan Cornish stone. Campuran ketiga-tiga bahan ini menghasilkan bone china yang amat
berkualiti. Adanya abu tulang haiwan dalam produk bone china menimbulkan keraguan masyarakat Islam terhadap kehalalan penggunaannya. Produk-produk yang berasaskan
haiwan sememangnya banyak menimbulkan keraguan. Hal ini kerana ia bersangkutan kepada dua perkara yang utama, iaitu jenis haiwan yang disembelih dan cara penyembelihan haiwan tersebut. Penyelidikan ini menghuraikan konsep bone china, prosesproses pembuatannya secara terperinci, dan lebih pentingnya membincangkan kaedah-kaedah syarak yang sesuai diguna pakai dalam penentuan hukum ke atas penggunaan bone
china. Kajian ini juga seterusnya merumuskan hukum yang bersesuaian terhadap isu-isu penggunaan bone china berasaskan kepada prinsip-prinsip hukum syarak. Untuk mencapai objektif kajian ini, metodologi kajian yang telah digunakan hasil daripada kajian perpustakaan adalah metode dokumentasi dan metode historis. Tambahan itu juga, kajian
ini menggunakan kajian lapangan iaitu metode temu bual dan metode observasi, serta analisis data menggunakan metode induktif dan metode deduktif. Hasilnya, hukum penggunaan bone china dapat dirumuskan berpandukan dua pandangan utama. Pandangan pertama, mazhab Hanafi dan mazhab Maliki mengharuskan penggunaan bone china bagi pengguna-pengguna Islam kerana mereka menerima kaedah istihalah sebagai instrumen penyucian dalam Islam. Namun demikian, menurut pandangan kedua, yakni pandangan yang didominasi oleh mazhab Syafii dan Hanbali, keduanya tidak mengharuskan
penggunaan bone china. Ini kerana mereka menganggap tidak berlaku istihalah dalam penghasilan bone china
Analisis terhadap faktor-faktor pengaplikasian konsep talfiq menurut ulama mu’asirin
Talfiq secara amnya merujuk kepada menghimpunkan beberapa pandangan sehingga terhasilnya satu pandangan yang tidak diakui oleh mana-mana mujtahid. Sebahagian besar fuqaha muta’akhirin menolak keras pengaplikasian konsep talfiq dalam menyelesaikan sesuatu permasalahan hukum berikutan kesan-kesan negatif yang terhasil daripada konsep tersebut. Namun realiti semasa sebaliknya, keperluan kepada konsep talfiq merupakan perkara yang tidak dapat dielakkan dalam pelbagai keadaan. Oleh yang demikian kajian bertujuan mengkaji faktor-faktor pengaplikasian konsep talfiq disisi ulama mu’asirin berasaskan realiti semasa. Kajian ini bersifat kualitatif data-data dikumpul melalui metode kepustakaan dan temubual. Seterusnya dianalisis melalui metode tematik. Kajian mendapati faktor-faktor yang mendorong kepada penggunaan konsep talfiq dalam pengaplikasian semasa adalah berasas namun pengaplikasiannya mestilah berpandukan dawabit hukum yang betul dalam memastikan ia tidak disalah guna sehingga terjerumus kepada tatabbu’ rukhas di dalam hukum
Tradisi intelektual Melayu-Islam: daripada metafora kepada saintifikisme
Makalah ini berusaha menonjolkan proses dinamika tradisi intelektual Melayu-Islam dalam menangani persoalan kehidupan. Sumber analisis adalah terdiri daripada pepatah petitih dan pengamatan terhadap realiti kehidupan Melayu-Islam zaman silam dan kontemporari. Dibahaskan bahawa tradisi intelektual Melayu-Islam mengalami dinamika yang berbeza sama sekali daripada tradisi intelektual Barat. Sementara tradisi intelektual Barat berkembang dalam paradigme Sekularisme, tradisi intelektual Melayu-Islam pula bertitiktolak daripada pengamatan mendalam terhadap alam yang kemudiannya disaring oleh penghayatan berteraskan wahyu (al-Qur’an dan al-Hadis). Hasil saringan itu
diungkapkan dalam bentuk metafora yang disebut pepatah petitih itu. Berlandaskan paradigme inilah berlakunya saintifi kisme dalam peradaban Melayu-Islam.Ini membawa natijah yang berbeza daripada dua Barat. Sementara dinamisme
intelektual Barat membawa kerosakan, dinamisme intelektual Melayu-Islam pula membawa kebaikan, baik kepada manusia mahupun alam
Ethanol standard in halal dietary product among Southeast Asian halal governing bodies
Background: The term halal has been associated with Islam in various areas including services, foods, and product. One of the main focus of halal research is halal certification and standard. The certification process involves verification of halal authenticity of the foods and adherence to Islamic principles. Despite the growing issuance of halal accreditation and efforts in uniting of halal certification, there are significant differences in determining the standard of halal accreditation and halal food regulation particularly between Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei and Malaysia, regardless of being neighbouring nations. Such instance is the variability of standards in determining the content of ethanol in the foods products. Thus, this review endeavours to study the standards in determining the permissible content of ethanol products and to investigate the reasons behind the contradiction in halal food regulation. Scope and approach: The review is conducted through the literature regarding the dissimilarities of ethanol permissibility in halal dietary standard between the four countries, and at the same time, in-depth interviews with the corresponding from halal authorities in each country were also carried out. Key findings and conclusions: Findings from the analysis suggest that authorities in those four countries differ their judgement based on these four factors; the material of preference for ethanol content; the technique of preference in ethanol detection laboratory; the undetermined constant in Blood Alcoholic Concentration calculation; and Islamic worldview on the usage of Alcohol. This review will be able to provide clarification and future references in constructing universal halal standard of ethanol content in the dietary product
Asymptomatic primary biliary cholangitis in a young patient: an incidental finding
Primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) is an autoimmune disease that is increasingly recognized as an important cause of chronic liver disease. Incidental diagnoses are not uncommon. We report a case of a middle-aged female with persistently elevated ALP activity. During the investigation of cholestasis, anti-mitochondrial antibodies (AMA) were detected in her serum. Ductular reaction with cholestasis was observed in the liver biopsy sample. Based on these findings, a diagnosis of PBC was established and ursodeoxycholic acid therapy was commenced. After several weeks of treatment, biochemical improvement was noted
The emergence of halal food industry in non-Muslim countries: a case study of Thailand
Purpose: The paper aims to explore the development of the halal industry in Thailand. It endeavours to investigate the main factors behind the country’s success as one of the largest exporters of halal-certified foods and products in the Southeast Asian region, in spite of the fact that Thailand is a non-Muslim-majority country. Only 4.3 per cent of the 69-million population of Thailand is Muslims. Design/methodology/approach: In articulating the issue objectively, qualitative research method was adopted. This paper used structured literature study by analysing various subjects of halal pertaining to Thailand’s halal sector. At the same time, several in-depth interviews with the corresponding halal authorities in Thailand, as well as site visits, were also conducted. We also undertook observations in several sites in Thailand to analyse the issue further. Findings: Findings from the research show that the strong presence of Thailand in the global halal industry is because of its bustling tourism industry that helps to bolster the country’s halal branding, its uniformity of halal definition and standards and effective support to the local SMEs. Practical implications: This research implies that the standardisation of halal in a country is imperative in the Muslim-majority or Muslim-minority countries. This study gives a benchmark for the non-Muslim-majority countries which endeavour to embark on the halal industry. Muslim-minority counties that envision to succeed in the global halal market could emulate Thailand’s approach in branding itself as a recognised non-Muslim-majority country in producing certified halal foods and products. Originality/value: The paper provides guidelines and standards for Muslim-minority countries that envision success in the global halal market
Abstracts of the International Conference on Business, Accounting and Finance 2023: Embracing New Business Paradigm Shifts
This book presents the abstracts of the selected contributions to the second International Academic Conference 2023, held on 25-26 February 2023 by the International University of Malaya-Wales (IUMW), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. IAC 2023 is the coming together of researchers and industry. It’s a place to gather and share groundbreaking ideas, discoveries, and experiences on a variety of thought leadership topics covered under this year’s conference theme, “Embracing New Business Paradigm Shifts".
Conference Title: International Academic Conference 2023Conference Acronym: IAC 2023Conference Theme: Embracing New Business Paradigm ShiftsConference Date: 25-26 February 2023Conference Venue: IUMW, MalaysiaConference Organizer: International University of Malaya-Wales, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysi