1,053 research outputs found

    Tentation esthétique et exigence éthique. Lévinas et l’œuvre littéraire

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    La position de Levinas vis-à-vis de l'art et de la littérature continue à intriguer par son ambivalence. L'expérience esthétique met tantôt hors jeu le rapport éthique, tantôt elle semble l'événement-même de ce rapport. Les textes théoriques et les essais consacrés à Proust et à Celan montrent que le statut de l'œuvre littéraire dans la pensée de Levinas oscille structurellement entre esthétique et éthique, nous renvoyant tantôt au règne impersonnel de l'" il y a ", tantôt au visage d'autrui. Mais l'exégèse imposée par Levinas à ces textes n'opère-t-elle pas une véritable " conversion éthique de l'esthétique ", laissant dans l'ombre tout ce qui, dans le texte littéraire, excède le rapport à autrui ?Levinas's position on art and literature keeps puzzling us by its ambivalence. Æsthetical experience now makes every ethical relation impossible, now it seems the very event of this relation. The theoretical texts and the essays on Proust and Celan show that the status of literary work in Levinas' thoughts structurally oscillates between aesthetics and ethics. It now makes us return to the impersonal reign of the "il y a", now opens up the face of the other. But does the exegesis imposed upon these texts by Levinas not operate an "ethical conversion of the aesthetic", disregarding all that is not the relation to the other

    Het spel met de vrije keuze

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    Indonesie gaat op maandag 7 juni naar de stembus. Het is dan voor het eerst sinds 1955 dat er sprake is van vrije verkiezingen. De Golkar van president Habibie zou uiteindelijk aan het langste eind trekken, meent Indonesie-kenner Nico Schulte Nordholt. Een analyse en een voorspelling

    The Political System of the Atoni of Timor

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    Environment, Trade and Society in Southeast Asia

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    This title is available online in its entirety in Open Access. In Environment, Trade and Society in Southeast Asia: A Longue Du

    An Interview with Thee Kian Wie:"I am an Indonesian of Chinese origin and am neither better nor worse than any other average Indonesian"

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    Thee Kian Wie is a prominent economic historian and economist in Indonesia who has known many of Indonesia’s leading economists personally. Despite his retirement in May 2000 and advanced age (74) he is still very active. He publishes several articles per year and visits his office at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences LIPI almost daily, provided he is not somewhere abroad or in Jakarta or somewhere else in Indonesia participating in or delivering a paper at one of the international or national workshops to which he is invited. During his career Thee Kian Wie developed a unique international network and gained a reputation as an expert on Indonesia’s modern economic history and comparative economic, industrial, foreign direct investment, and technological development in East Asia, with particular reference to Indonesia. For many years Thee Kian Wie has also been a kind mediator helping young foreign and Indonesian researchers to find their way to informants and information. He received an honorary doctorate from The Australian National University, Canberra, in December 2004. In 2008 KITLV awarded him an honorary membership. In August 2008 he received the Sarwono Prawirohardjo Award2 from Professor Umar Anggara Jenie, the Head of LIPI, for his achievements in economic research and many years of service to LIPI. Itinerario interviewed him in Leiden in late October 2008 and in early May 2009 in Jakarta.3 The languages we spoke were Dutch and English
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