128 research outputs found

    Moralvidenskab, normatik etik og metaetik

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    It is the purpose of this paper to introduce the three usual ways of analysing the normative ethical phenomena, i.e. as science of morals, normativ ethics and metaethics. The paper presents in three sections the viewspoint, methods and most important theories of these three disciplines. The last section discusses some central problems concerning the relationships between the three disciplines, and it is stressed that normative ethical considerations take a fundamental position.Det er artiklens formål at give en introduktion til de tre måder, man normalt har analyseret de moralske fænomener på - nemlig moralvidenskaben, den normative etik og metaetikken. Artiklen omtaler i tre på hinanden følgende afsnit disse tre områders synsvinkler, arbejdsmetoder og vigtigste teorier. I et sidste afsnit diskuteres nogle centrale problemer om forholdet mellem de tre områder, og det fremhæves, at normative etiske betragtninger altid er fundamentale

    Den antipædagogiske udfordring

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    Following the Student Revolt in Western Germany in the 1970s an educational movementwas created with the name of »Anti-pädagogik«, i.e. »The Movement Against Education«. This movement is even today still active and discussed. The article analyses some of the movement's central ideas and tries to expose the rationale behind them. First, the inspiration which »die Anti-pädagogen« received from the antipsychiatric movement is considered. To illustrate how the Movement Against Education perceives an ordinary educational context an example of a day-to-day educational interferenceis discussed. This example shows which of the educational elements the Movement Against Education considers as outrageous, and motivates its demand on abolition of all educational activity.It is concluded that the Movement Against Education raises questions about the general understanding of educational theory and practice today, in particular: How do we justify educational interference and compulsion when we cannot any longer referto »natural asymmetry of the educational relationship«, »natural development«, »absolute values« or a belief in »predictability of the future«? - This is the challenge of the Movement Against Education.Artiklen behandler spørgsmålet om, hvad det er, den tyske »antipædagogiske bevægelse«, der opstod i studenteroprørets kølvand, men stadig lever i bedste velgående, egentlig erindre os om? - Hvad er denne retnings »rationelle kerne«? Det gøres ved først at omtale den inspiration, som »antipædagogikken« fik fra »antipsykiatrien«, dernæst vise, hvorledes en antipædagog vil analysere en typisk pædagogisk situation. Herudfra præciseres, hvilke træk ved pædagogikken antipædagogerne anser for utålelige, og som motiverer dem til at kræve opdragelse afskaffet. Undervejs noteres det, at udviklingspsykologiens dominerende indflydelse i vortår-hundrede har sløret vor indsigt i opdragelsens tvangsmæssige og værdimæssige karakter. Artiklen konkluderer, at antipædagogikken rejser et problem for den almindelige opfattelse af pædagogikkens virken, nemlig: Hvorledes begrunder vi opdragelsens indgreb og tvang, når vi i dag ikke længere kan undskylde os ved at henvise til den pædagogiske relations»naturlige asymmetri«, »udviklingstanken«, »absolutte værdier« eller »troen på fremtidens forudsigelighed«? -Dette fremhæver antipædagogikken og heri består dens udfordring

    Den pædagogiske grundfortælling, den pædagogiske relation og pædagogisk paternalisme: - identificering af et moralsk problem i pædagogikken

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    I det sidste tiår er der vokset et krav frem om, at der mellem den, der opdrager/underviser og den, der opdrages/undervises, bør etableres en særlig intim-forpligtende relation, en egentlig "pædagogisk relation". Det er artiklens påstand, at denne relatfon rummer et moralsk problem, og det er artiklens formål mere præcist at identificere, hvori det består. Dette gøres ved at omtale tre teoretiske tilgange, der alle belyser aspekter ved den pædagogiske relation, nemlig en tilgang fra den narratologiske tradition, der analyserer, hvad der betegnes den "pædagogiske grundfortælling", en tilgang fra den åndsvidenskabelige tradition, der analyserer "der pädagogische Bezug", og en tilgang fra den analytiske, praktiske filosofi, der behandler den paternalistiske problematik. I et sidste afsnit vises det, at lige netop i kraft af den pædagogiske relations særlige natur opstår der - ud fra et anti-paternalistisk synspunkt - et moralsk problem.Within the last two decades an increasing demand has grown for establishing an intimate and binding relationship between the educator/teacher and the person being educated/taught - a genuine 'pedagogical relationship'. It is claimed that this relationship hides a moral problem, and it is the purpose of the paper to identify its nature. Three theoretical approaches which discuss aspects of the 'pedagogical relationship' are considered, i.e. an approach from the narratological tradition which analyzes what here is denoted as the 'fundamental educational story', an approach from the 'Geistenwissenschaftliche' tradition, which analyzes the phenomena 'der pädagogische Bezug', and an approach from the analytical philosophy, which discusses the problem of paternalism. It is shown in the last section that due to the special nature of the educational relationship, a moral problememerges from an anti-paternalistic wiewpoint

    Bringing me more than I contain … Discourse, Subjectivity and the Scene of Teaching in Totality and Infinity

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    This paper explores the relationship between language, subjectivity and teaching in Emmanuel Levinas’s 'Totality and Infinity.' It aims to elucidate Levinas’s presentation of language as always already predicated on a relationship of responsibility towards that which is beyond the self, and the idea that it is only in this condition of being responsible that we are subjects. Levinas suggests that the relation with the Other through which I am a subject as one uniquely responsible is also the scene of teaching. Through examining these ethical conditions of subjectivity, I suggest that this notion of the self as oriented towards the Other in a relation of passivity presents a challenge to many of the standard topoi of teaching and learning and invite us to consider the nature of teaching in a provocative new manner

    Ex auditorio - 13.09.1991

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    The article presents the author's oral opposition presented at Bo Jacobsen's defence of his dissertation for the doctorate. It contains »three main criticisms« and three »diagnostic remarks«. First, it is shown that the dissertation is based on an »educational model« which is, in fact, a model of educational evaluation. It is shown that the model cannot work by the candidate's analyses of the concept of need. Secondly, it is claimed that the candidate in an irregular way employs incoherent concepts from heterogeneous theories. And thirdly, that the candidate applies Karl R. Popper's philosophy of science in an improper way.The three »diagnostic remarks« draw attention to some general lessons which can be learned from the present work: (1) educational theory cannot take over day-to-day educational paradigmes; (2) it is at present in educational research not profitable,theoretically, to cover a very broad section of the educational world as this approach tends rather to become an educational programme than an educational analyses; and (3) that we have first and foremost in research on adult education to analyse subjectcontent and instruction rather than adult education »in general«.i anledning afBo Jacobsen: Studier i dansk voksenundervisning og folkeoplysning. Socio-psykologiske analyser.København: Akademisk Forlag, 1991, 366 sider. Artiklen gengiver den ordrette opposition ved Bo Jacobsens disputatsforsvar. Oppositionen rummer tre hovedkritikker, samt tre diagnosticerende bemærkninger.Det konstateres for det første, at disputatsen bygger på en »pædagogisk grundmodel«, der reelt er en model for pædagogisk evaluering. Det søges vist, at denne mode~ grundet præses' bestemmelse af behovs-begrebet, ikke vil kunne fungere som ønsket. Det hævdes for det andet, at præses på utilladelig milde i disputatsen sammenblander teoretiske elementer fra forskelligartede teorier. Og for det tredie, at præses anvender Poppers videnskabsteoretiske anvisninger på en fejlagtig måde.De tre diagnosticerende bemærkninger fremdrager, hvad vi i al almindelighed kan lære af det foreliggende arbejde, nemlig: ( 1) atden pædagogiske teoridannelse er nødt til at distancere sig fra de paradigmer, man almindeligvis diskuterer pædagogik inden for ioffentligheden, (2) at forsøg på fastholde en meget omfattende del af den pædagogiske virkelighed videnskabeligt på den pædagogiske videnskabs nuværende udviklingstrin er ufrugtbart, fordi en sådan tilgang snarere rummer et pædagogisk program frem for en pædagogisk analyse, og (3) at en frugtbar forskning i voksenpædagogiske forhold indtil videre først og fremmest bør ske på et fagdidaktisk grundlag