8 research outputs found

    Modulation of apoptosis by V protein mumps virus

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Urabe AM9 vaccine strain of mumps virus contains two variants of V protein: VWT (of HN-A1081 viral population) and VGly (of HN-G1081). The V protein is a promoting factor of viral replication by blocking the IFN antiviral pathway.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>We studied the relationship between V protein variants and IFN-α2b-induced apoptosis. V proteins decrease activation of the extrinsic IFN-α2b-induced apoptotic pathway monitored by the caspase 8 activity, being the effect greater with the VWT protein. Both V proteins decrease the activity of caspase 9 of the intrinsic apoptotic pathway. In a system without IFN, the VWT and VGly proteins expression promotes activation of caspases 3 and 7. However, when the cellular system was stimulated with IFN-α, this activity decreased partially. TUNEL assay shows that for treatment with IFN-α and ibuprofen of cervical adenocarcinoma cells there is nuclear DNA fragmentation but the V protein expression reduces this process.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The reduction in the levels of caspases and DNA fragmentation, suggesting that V protein, particularly VWT protein of Urabe AM9 vaccine strain, modulates apoptosis. In addition, the VWT protein shows a protective role for cell proliferation in the presence of antiproliferative signals.</p

    Interaction of mumps virus V protein variants with STAT1-STAT2 heterodimer: experimental and theoretical studies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mumps virus V protein has the ability to inhibit the interferon-mediated antiviral response by inducing degradation of STAT proteins. Two virus variants purified from Urabe AM9 mumps virus vaccine differ in their replication and transcription efficiency in cells primed with interferon. Virus susceptibility to IFN was associated with insertion of a non-coded glycine at position 156 in the V protein (VGly) of one virus variant, whereas resistance to IFN was associated with preservation of wild-type phenotype in the V protein (VWT) of the other variant.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>VWT and VGly variants of mumps virus were cloned and sequenced from Urabe AM9 vaccine strain. VGly differs from VWT protein because it possesses an amino acid change Gln<sub>103</sub>Pro (Pro<sup>103</sup>) and the Gly<sup>156 </sup>insertion. The effect of V protein variants on components of the interferon-stimulated gene factor 3 (ISGF3), STAT1 and STAT2 proteins were experimentally tested in cervical carcinoma cell lines. Expression of VWT protein decreased STAT1 phosphorylation, whereas VGly had no inhibitory effect on either STAT1 or STAT2 phosphorylation. For theoretical analysis of the interaction between V proteins and STAT proteins, 3D structural models of VWT and VGly were predicted by comparing with simian virus 5 (SV5) V protein structure in complex with STAT1-STAT2 heterodimer. <it>In silico </it>analysis showed that VWT-STAT1-STAT2 complex occurs through the V protein Trp-motif (W<sup>174</sup>, W<sup>178</sup>, W<sup>189</sup>) and Glu<sup>95 </sup>residue close to the Arg<sup>409 </sup>and Lys<sup>415 </sup>of the nuclear localization signal (NLS) of STAT2, leaving exposed STAT1 Lys residues (K<sup>85</sup>, K<sup>87</sup>, K<sup>296</sup>, K<sup>413</sup>, K<sup>525</sup>, K<sup>679</sup>, K<sup>685</sup>), which are susceptible to proteasome degradation. In contrast, the interaction between VGly and STAT1-STAT2 heterodimer occurs in a region far from the NLS of STAT2 without blocking of Lys residues in both STAT1 and STAT2.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results suggest that VWT protein of Urabe AM9 strain of mumps virus may be more efficient than VGly to inactivate both the IFN signaling pathway and antiviral response due to differences in their finest molecular interaction with STAT proteins.</p

    Comparative Review of the State of the Art in Research on the Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus and SARS-CoV-2, Scope of Knowledge between Coronaviruses

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    This review presents comparative information corresponding to the progress in knowledge of some aspects of infection by the porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) coronaviruses. PEDV is an alphacoronavirus of great economic importance due to the million-dollar losses it generates in the pig industry. PEDV has many similarities to the SARS-CoV-2 betacoronavirus that causes COVID-19 disease. This review presents possible scenarios for SARS-CoV-2 based on the collected literature on PEDV and the tools or strategies currently developed for SARS-CoV-2 that would be useful in PEDV research. The speed of the study of SARS-CoV-2 and the generation of strategies to control the pandemic was possible due to the knowledge derived from infections caused by other human coronaviruses such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and middle east respiratory syndrome (MERS). Therefore, from the information obtained from several coronaviruses, the current and future behavior of SARS-CoV-2 could be inferred and, with the large amount of information on the virus that causes COVID-19, the study of PEDV could be improved and probably that of new emerging and re-emerging coronaviruses

    Taraxacum officinale and Urtica dioica extracts inhibit dengue virus serotype 2 replication in vitro

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    Abstract Background Urtica dioica, Taraxacum officinale, Calea integrifolia and Caesalpinia pulcherrima are widely used all over the world for treatment of different illnesses. In Mexico, these plants are traditionally used to alleviate or counteract rheumatism and inflammatory muscle diseases. In the present study we evaluated the activity of aqueous and methanolic extracts of these four plants, on the replication of dengue virus serotype 2 (DENV2). Methods Extraction process was carried out in a Soxtherm® system at 60, 85 and 120 °C; a chemical fractionation in silica gel chromatography was performed and compounds present in the active fractions were identified by HPLC-DAD-ESI/MSn. The cytotoxic concentration and the inhibitory effect of extracts or fractions on the DENV2 replication were analyzed in the BHK-21 cell line (plaque forming assay). The half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) and the selectivity index (SI) were calculated for the extracts and fractions. Results The methanolic extracts at 60 °C of T. officinale and U. dioica showed the higher inhibitory effects on DENV2 replication. After the chemical fractionation, the higher activity fraction was found for U. dioica and T. officinale, presenting IC50 values of 165.7 ± 3.85 and 126.1 ± 2.80 μg/ml, respectively; SI values were 5.59 and 6.01 for each fraction. The compounds present in T. officinale, were luteolin and caffeoylquinic acids derivatives and quercertin diclycosides. The compounds in the active fraction of U. dioica, were, chlorogenic acid, quercertin derivatives and flavonol glycosides (quercetin and kaempferol). Conclusions Two fractions from U. dioica and T. officinale methanolic extracts with anti-dengue activity were found. The compounds present in both fractions were identified, several recognized molecules have demonstrated activity against other viral species. Subsequent biological analysis of the molecules, alone or in combination, contained in the extracts will be carried out to develop therapeutics against DENV2

    Effectiveness of PCR primers for the detection of occult hepatitis B virus infection in Mexican patients.

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    BACKGROUND:Occult hepatitis B infection (OBI) is defined as the presence of hepatitis B virus (HVB) DNA in the liver of HBsAg negative individuals with or without detectable viral DNA in serum. OBI is a diagnostic challenge as it is characterized by a very low viral load, intermittently detectable through time. Individuals with OBI can develop chronic hepatic disease, including liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The aim of this work was to produce tools to improve OBI detection of the HVB genotypes prevalent in Mexico. METHODS:We designed and tested primers to detect OBI in serum samples by nested and real-time PCR. Conserved sites in the viral genome were determined by alignment of the most frequent HBV genotypes in Mexico (H, G/H, F and D) and primers spanning the entire viral genome were designed for first round and nested PCR. Primers were tested in serum samples of 45 patients not co-infected with hepatitis C virus or with HIV, out of a group of 116 HBsAg (-)/anti-HBc (+) individuals. Primers were also tested in a control group with chronic HBV. Nested PCR products obtained from HBsAg (-)/anti-HBc (+) were sequenced and used to design primers for real-time PCR (SYBR Green). RESULTS:The most effective primer pairs to detect HBV products by nested PCR targeted ORF regions: PreS2/P, S/P, X/PreC, and C; while by real-time PCR they targeted ORF regions PreS2/P, S/P, X, and C. Out of the 45 HBsAg (-)/anti-HBc (+) patients tested, the viral genome was detected in 28 (62.2%) and 34 (75.5%), with nPCR and real-time PCR respectively. CONCLUSION:Primers designed for real-time PCR detected up to 75.5% of suspected OBI Mexican patients, with or without liver disease, which represents an improvement from previous PCR strategies