5 research outputs found

    Hydrogéochimie du Fluor dans les Eaux Souterraines Algériennes du Sahara Septentrional Oriental. Cas des Nappes du Complexe Terminal

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    Abstract In the Northern Algerian Sahara region, inhabitants of the Eastern one consume groundwater from the terminal complex whose fluoride concentration exceeds the standard 1,5 mg/l. Geology, Hydrogeology, and the Hydrodynamics of the water in these aquifers have been the subject of many studies. Our research concerns notably the fluoride HydrogĂ©ochemistry in the Eastern groundwater of Northern Sahara having in mind the aim at mapping the fluoride’s groundwater as well as understanding the origin and transportation conditions of fluoride in water. The study region belongs to the sector Northern Sahara under eastern one, including the regions of Ouargla, GhardaĂŻa, Touggourt, El Oued, Biskra and Hassi Messaoud. The climate of the region is hyper-arid. The terminal complex groundwater belongs to the “post-Paleozoic” in under basin oriental sedimentary “Mya”, of the Melrghir basin. Water converges towards the area of “Chotts” where the higher ages (> 40000 years). This confirms that the water of the chotts area is the most concentrated also by fluoride. Less deep water in the region of Touggourt and Ouargla is more concentrated in fluoride which implies an influence of climate on the content of salt in groundwater in this region. Evaporation is another important factor leading to the emergence of high fluoride in groundwater levels. The fluoride levels are higher in deep water, in the area to sodium facies (upstream of the sense of flow) including the Senonien, the Pontien and the Eocene. Water with the calcium facies is less concentrated in fluoride when it is under saturated in Fluorite (MiopliocĂšne in the regions of Ouargla and Biskra). Thermodynamic testing showed that the fluoride concentrations depended on the State of fluorite saturation, the development activities of items in the balance, depends directly on the balance of water with the calcite, gypsum and anhydrite, as well as the formation of calcium complexes. The presence of the gypsum in aquifers of the study region hampers fluoride between 2.3 and 3 mg/l levels increased according to the area and considered aquifer. The conveyed Fluoride in the form of complex MgF+ exists in significant quantities in groundwater in the study region

    Hydrochimie des eaux souterraines de la rĂ©gion orientale du Sahara septentrional algĂ©rien – Identification d’un risque de fluorose endĂ©mique

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    The main part of the water resources for the Algerian south provides for groundwater. This paper presents the various types of aquifers exploited in the area of the northern Algerian Sahara, as regards the problem of fluorine in particular. An outline of the concentrations and mineralisation of water are given, according to the various formations and/or geological structures, as well as food of the groundwater bodies. The presentation of the results obtained on the various groundwater bodies exploited in all the Eastern area of the septentrional Sahara, brings a reading as complete as possible of the chemistry of these water tables, for the drinking water supply as for the irrigation of the cultures. In fine the problems raised by the quality of this water are exposed, and various proposals to cure these problems respecting the public health

    Adoucissement des eaux souterraines de la région orientale du Sahara septentrional algérien : cas de la région de Biskra

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    Dans la ville de Biskra, l’alimentation en eau potable des habitants et l’irrigation des cultures reposent sur l’exploitation des eaux souterraines des aquifĂšres du Sahara Septentrional. L’un des enjeux majeurs pour la durabilitĂ© de l’utilisation de cette ressource est la qualitĂ© des eaux de certains aquifĂšres (PhrĂ©atique et MiopliocĂšne). Ces derniĂšres sont fortement minĂ©ralisĂ©es (entre 2 et 3 g∙L‑1 de sel dissous). Leur faciĂšs chimique dominant est le sulfatĂ©-chlorurĂ© avec un excĂšs de chlorures, supĂ©rieur Ă  la norme de l’Organisation mondiale de la SantĂ© (OMS) de 250 mg∙L‑1. Afin de remĂ©dier Ă  ce problĂšme de salinitĂ© et dans le but de dĂ©velopper une technique d’adoucissement fiable et Ă©conomiquement soutenable, nous avons dans ce travail expĂ©rimentĂ© deux procĂ©dĂ©s d’adoucissement partiel, la coagulation-floculation au sulfate d’aluminium d’une part et la prĂ©cipitation Ă  la chaux Ă©teinte Ca(OH)2 d’autre part. Les principaux rĂ©sultats confirment que l’élimination des ions chlorures est plus ou moins faible, pour les deux procĂ©dĂ©s testĂ©s et sont respectivement de 29,7 % et de 19,1 %. Nous avons Ă©galement mis en Ă©vidence que le traitement des eaux Ă  la chaux Ă©teinte Ă©tait plus efficace, les ions sulfates Ă©tant rĂ©duits Ă  73,3 %. Toutefois, ce procĂ©dĂ© a augmentĂ© le pH des eaux traitĂ©es, ce qui a nĂ©cessitĂ© en aval un ajustement de ce dernier. De mĂȘme, la concentration en ions bicarbonates a diminuĂ© d'environ 85 % car l'emploi de la chaux agit non seulement sur les chlorures et les sulfates associĂ©s aux ions calcium et magnĂ©sium, mais aussi sur les bicarbonates. Ces essais ont Ă©galement permis de justifier le choix de la mĂ©thode la plus adaptĂ©e techniquement et Ă©conomiquement pour l’adoucissement des eaux de la rĂ©gion d’étude.In Biskra drinking water supply for inhabitants and the irrigation of crops are based on the exploitation of the groundwater aquifers of the northern Sahara. One of the major challenges for the sustainability of use of this resource is water quality of some aquifers (phreatic and Miopliocene). These are highly mineralized (between 2 and 3 g∙L‑1 of dissolved salt), the dominant chemical facies being sulphate-chloride with an excess of chlorides higher than the World Health Organization (WHO) standard (250 mg∙L‑1). To remedy this problem of salinity and in order to develop a reliable and economically sustainable softening technique, we have tested two partial softening processes in this work, coagulation-flocculation with aluminum sulphate on the one hand and precipitation with slaked lime Ca(OH)2 on the other. The main results confirm that the removal of chloride ions is low for both tested processes, 29.7% and 19.1% respectively. We have also demonstrated that water treatment with slaked lime was more efficient, sulphate ions being reduced to 73.3%. However, this process increased the pH of the treated water and required a subsequent pH adjustment. Similarly, the concentration of bicarbonate ions decreased by about 85% because the use of slaked lime acts not only on chlorides and sulphates associated with calcium and magnesium ions, but also on the bicarbonate ions. These tests were also used to justify the choice of the most appropriate method technically and economically for softening water in the study are


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    L’objectif de cette Ă©tude est l'Ă©valuation du degrĂ© de la contamination inorganique par les mĂ©taux traces dans les sĂ©diments dans le cadre de la surveillance continue de la zone humide du « Barrage de la Fontaine des gazelles Â». Une carotte sĂ©dimentaire a Ă©tĂ© prĂ©levĂ©e et dĂ©coupĂ©e en 16 Ă©chantillons. L’identification des phases minĂ©ralogiques par DiffractomĂ©trie de Rayons X (DRX) montre une rĂ©partition presque identique le long de la carotte sĂ©dimentaire indiquant une mĂȘme origine des sĂ©diments.  La composition chimique dĂ©terminĂ©e par X-ray  fluorescence (XRF) confirme ces rĂ©sultats et met en relief la relation entre la richesse en matiĂšre organique et la prĂ©sence des oxydes dans le sĂ©diment. MalgrĂ© les teneurs Ă©levĂ©es de quelques mĂ©taux traces dans la carotte sĂ©dimentaire, le facteur d’enrichissement a montrĂ© que pour l’ensemble des mĂ©taux traces dosĂ©s, l’enrichissement par ces mĂ©taux est entre faible Ă  significatif. Les bonnes corrĂ©lations positives observĂ©es pour la majoritĂ© des couples de mĂ©taux, signifient que ces Ă©lĂ©ments Ă©voluent dans l’espace de cette zone humide par une interdĂ©pendance beaucoup plus naturelle