99 research outputs found
Technology and higher education: using e-learning tutorial as a pedagogy for innovation and flexible learning
The study was conducted to identify the use of an e-learning
tutorial by pre-service teachers in educational psychology at the Teacher Training Institutions in Malaysia. This
exploratory study involved 45 pre-service teachers, and the methods used to collect data were questionnaires and protocol interviews. Our preliminary study showed that the
adoption of the traditional tutorial, which was a face-to-face interaction, lacked detailed discussion, was less comprehensive and only partially fulfilled the pro-forma
and Teaching Learning Objectives (TLO) scheme. Therefore,
an e-learning tutorial was implemented as an alternative method in the teaching and learning processes. The results
showed that the use of the e-learning tutorial increased
the mastery of knowledge and enhanced the higher order thinking skills of the pre-service teachers in their educational psychology courses. The study also found that the teachers thought the learning process was more enjoyable, quicker and easier than the traditional tutorial.
Furthermore, the e-learning tutorial could be accessed anywhere and at any time, which in turn can reduce learning
costs. The pre-service teachers were more collaboratively creative and critical during the e-learning tutorial discussion than during the traditional tutorial
Jenis-Jenis Tanaman Herba Ubatan Tempatan Dan Nilai-Nilai Perubatannya
The purpose of this research is to produce a
documentation on various kind of medicinal plants that had been used and easily found,
and the medicinal values of each plants. Projek penyelidikan ini dijalankan untuk menghasilkan suatu dokumentasi
berkaitan jenis-jenis tanaman herba ubatan yang digunakan dan biasa ditemui serta
nilai-nilai perubatanny
Group cognitive behavioral therapy for aggression, self-control, and social support among first grade university students of China
The objective of this study was to determine the intervention effect of group cognitive behavioral therapy (G-CBT) for aggression, selfcontrol, and social support among first grade university students of China. This research was a randomized pre- and post-test with control group design. Through stratified random sampling, 1,469 first grade university students, age from 18- to 19-year-old, were obtained. The participants whose score achieved aggressive evaluation standard were selected, and in a random way, 60 subjects were averagely divided into two schemes - G-CBT and the control group. The subjects of G-CBT received 16 sessions of treatment, while subjects in the control group did not receive any intervention. All subjects completed the assessment for 3 times: Pre-test (1 week before intervention), post-test 1 (1 week after intervention), and post-test 2 (4 months after intervention). The results showed that the total score and the scores of all subscales of aggression had dropped significantly (P 0.05). Therefore, the G-CBT was effective in treating aggression and the effect was stable; the G-IPT was effective in improving social support, but the effect was not stable; and the self-control level of G-CBT group improved but did not reach significance degree in this study
Teaching strategies for cultivating preschoolers’ sharing behavior based on gender roles in Chinese culture
Chinese boys and girls manifest distinct sharing behavior compared with children of other nationalities following different cross-national pathways. Undoubtedly, the Chinese traditional culture projects distinct expectations of female and male roles. Kindergarten teachers are responsible for delivering cultural norm knowledge to children and shaping their behaviors and beliefs. This study aims to provide an insight into how kindergarten teachers cultivate preschoolers’ sharing behavior considering the traditional gender-role culture in China. This study adopted the multiple case study approach and involved six participants working in a Chinese public provincial kindergarten in Hebei Province. The data collection techniques used comprise semi-structured interviews and document analysis. This study’s findings showed teachers develop both boys’ and girls’ sharing awareness through an other-oriented strategy. They also elicit sharing practices through benefits-oriented and habits-forming strategies. However, different treatments of boys and girls could be observed in some respects. These findings demonstrate that children’s sharing behaviors are shaped through the same strategy with a subtle gender bias. They further imply that the gender-role knowledge of Chinese kindergarten teachers impacts how they cultivate preschoolers’ sharing behavior
Technology and Higher Education: Using an E-Learning Tutorial as a Pedagogy for Innovation and Flexible Learning
Abstract The study was conducted to identify the use of an e-learning tutorial by pre-service teachers in educational psychology at the Teacher Training Institutions in Malaysia. This exploratory study involved 45 pre-service teachers, and the methods used to collect data were questionnaires and protocol interviews. Our preliminary study showed that the adoption of the traditional tutorial, which was a face-to-face interaction, lacked detailed discussion, was less comprehensive and only partially fulfilled the pro-forma and Teaching Learning Objectives (TLO) scheme. Therefore, an e-learning tutorial was implemented as an alternative method in the teaching and learning processes. The results showed that the use of the e-learning tutorial increased the mastery of knowledge and enhanced the higher order thinking skills of the pre-service teachers in their educational psychology courses. The study also found that the teachers thought the learning process was more enjoyable, quicker and easier than the traditional tutorial. Furthermore, the elearning tutorial could be accessed anywhere and at any time, which in turn can reduce learning costs. The pre-service teachers were more collaboratively creative and critical during the e-learning tutorial discussion than during the traditional tutorial
Systematic review on digital transformation among teachers in public schools
Radical changes across almost all areas, including education, due to the COVID-19 outbreak. One of the rapid transformations is digital learning, also known as e-learning. Digital learning transformation has been taking place for more than a decade. However, little comprehensive analysis of digital transformation in teaching in public schools. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, no comprehensive analysis incorporates external and internal barriers and examines the prominent theories to study successful e-learning integration among teachers. The aim of this study was to provide a thematic and theoretical understanding of digital learning transformation among teachers in public schools. The data for the study was acquired from the Scopus databases. The study employed content and comparative analysis and advocated a grounded theory approach to inductively analyze and criticize the theme construction for answering two research questions. Based on a set of criteria to determine whether each derived study should be included or excluded, 42 articles were reviewed between 2010 and 2022. The analysis uncovered 10 themes of antecedents that were constructed as a framework based on the first-second-order barriers. Results also indicated that CHAT, TPACK, TAM, and UTAUT are the most prominent theories used to conduct digital transformation research. The findings offered significant implications for digital transformation and educational technology communities, especially for policymakers to strategize and reflect on the practice they implemented and improvised if necessary for future sustainable education and efficient teachers’ performance in teaching
Conceptualising Orientation and Mobility Practices within the Expanded Core Curriculum
This paper intends to examine the orientation and mobility practices within the Expanded Core Curriculum The study conceptualises and methodologically sheds light on the practices of orientation and mobility O M within the expanded core curriculum ECC for visually impaired learners O M practices have become significant as these are essential in independence and one of the main components of the expanded core curriculum of visually impaired learners The O M practices are done in the school boundaries by O M experts to facilitate and accommodate visually impaired learners for better independence However owing to these practices but not as part of the expanded core curriculum results are less responsive to visually impaired learner s needs Aziz 2007 Existing research has focused on O M practices which are the integral part of the expanded core curriculum for the independence of visually impaired as most were not conducted to address the O M within the expanded core curriculum for visually impaired learner s Therefore this study attempts to conceptualise the orientation and mobility practices within the expanded core curriculu
Adolescent learning support: relationship with burnout and achievement
This study primarily aimed to determine the effects of burnout as an intermediary link between student achievement and learning support on boys and girls and to ascertain the direct and indirect effects of learning support on student achievement. Study participants were adolescents aged 12 to 17 years (male N = 1170 and female N = 1189). Results indicated that both models produced between boys and girls were equal. Burnout emerged as an intermediary link between student achievement and learning support. Exhaustion and inadequacy of male students exhibited a significant relationship between the intermediary support of teachers, peers, and parents. The inadequacy of female students was also a significant intermediary. In terms of the direct effect, peer support significantly contributed to the student achievement of boys and girls. Moreover, burnout influenced student achievement. Based on the findings, this study recommended that the students must be taught to adapt themselves to teaching, learning, and academic achievement, thereby improve engagement and reduce burnout
Psychological capital and well-being among Malaysian teacher
This study through educational narratives aims to explore the well being of teachers in Malaysia school as well as the use of psychological capital (PsyCap) in this profession. It has been well documented in previous research that teaching as a high-stress profession that affect teacher’s well being and performance at work and to a greater consequence result to teacher’s turnover. While some teachers face those circumstances, there are those who are able to successfully overcome those challenges and retain positive commitment to the work. This could be very well explained by the model of Psychological Capital that underlies by four core constructs which is optimism; hope; self-efficacy; and resilience.
Previous study shows that these constructs have positive relationship with teacher’s well being (Stajkovic & Luthans, 1998). Focus has been given on this issue due to the fact that through the introduction of Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025, Education Ministry of Malaysia is serious in assuring teaching to become the career of choice. Hence, teacher’s welfare should be taken in consideration. The studies on psychological capital are mostly done in quantitative method and only limited number of studies was done qualitatively. This study attempts to contribute to the literature by adopting qualitative research paradigm. This study may be used to increase the understanding on which components of PsyCap teachers have and to what extent they give importance to the construct
Conceptualizing Basic Psychological Needs (BSPN) and motivation regulations as antecedents for guided teachers’ work commitment and satisfaction
Guided teachers in Malaysia is carefully selected by the school, district education agency and the state education department. The selection is based on their low teaching competency. The guided teachers or known as GDB will be guided through mentoring by the School Improvement Specialist Coach (SISC+). It is found that amongst the important element that determine teachers’ competency are work commitment and satisfaction. Although the
guided teachers programme has been conducted for 6 years (2014-2020), but the current literatures only focusing on the mentoring and the teachers’ perception on the SISC+. There is still limited study that focusing on the GDB work commitment and satisfaction after
receiving mentoring from the SISC+ even though those two elements are imperatives to be studied. Henceforth, the aim of this article is to provide arguments on potential solutions to tackle on the said problem. It is argued that motivational capacity is paramount in enhancing work commitment and satisfaction. This study embarks to describe and conceptualize the important of Self-Determination Theory (SDT) in affecting both the work commitment and satisfaction of the guided teachers. It includes the discussion on Basic Psychological Needs (BSPN) and Motivational Spectrum. Initially, the article will discuss on the guided teachers work commitment and satisfaction and follows by the discussion and conceptualization of SDT. The effect of SDT including BSPN and motivational spectrum on commitment and satisfaction will be discussed next. The article shall contribute to the discussion and deliberation on teachers’ motivation, work commitment and satisfaction
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