930 research outputs found


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    The revisions have been performed by Miss M. S. van Meeuwen (Pycnospora, Smithia, Uraria), H. P. Nooteboom (Galactia, Moghania, Rhynehosia, Stylosanthes, Zornia), and C. G. G. J. van Steenis (Cyclocarpa, Neocollettia)

    Pricing in the hotel and catering sector

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    A model explaining gross margins in the hotel and catering sector is developed. A cost-mark-up model for the retail sector is used as a starting point. Although we have to reject the hypothesis of mark-up pricing in the hotel and catering sector, the model proves a useful instrument to discriminate between such influences as sales composition, costs and their various components, scale and demand conditions on price setting. Our empirical evidence stems from the Dutch hotel and catering sector (1977 through 1981)

    Labour productivity and profitability in the Dutch flower trade

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    This paper makes an attempt to illustrate the use of econometric models as frame of reference for diagnosing small firm performance. For this purpose, two models are developed explaining differences in labour productivity and profitability among Dutch flower exporters. In addition, we show how these models can be used for inter-firm performance comparisons

    Market Disequilibria and Their Influence on Small Retail Store Pricing

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    In this paper a quantitative model is developed to explain differences in average store price levels. We assume that stores may operate under different economic regimes, that is, under excess capacity or excess demand. Prices are expected to be higher than average in case of an excess demand regime and lower in an excess capacity situation. Actual information regarding the regime that applies to each individual store is not available. Therefore, we propose to use a so-called 'switching model' with endogenous regime choice to analyse the store price differences. The model developed m the paper is estimated using four largely differing types of stores from the Durch retail trade. These samples consist mainly of small stores

    Towards integrated youth care : a systematic review of facilitators and barriers for professionals

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    To overcome fragmentation in support for children and their families with multiple and enduring problems across life domains, professionals increasingly try to organize integrated care. However, it is unclear what facilitators and barriers professionals experience when providing this integrated care. Our systematic review, including 55 studies from a broad variety of settings in Youth Care, showed that integrated care on a professional level is a multi-component entity consisting of several facilitators and barriers. Findings were clustered in seven general themes: ‘Child’s environment’, ‘Preconditions’, ‘Care process’, ‘Expertise’, ‘Interprofessional collaboration’, ‘Information exchange’, and ‘Professional identity’. The identified facilitators and barriers were generally consistent across studies, indicating broad applicability across settings and professional disciplines. This review clearly shows that when Youth Care professionals address a broad spectrum of problems, a variety of facilitators and barriers should be considered. Registration PROSPERO, registration number CRD42018084527

    Paradox as invitation to act in problematic change situations

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    It has been argued that organizational life typically contains paradoxical situations such as efforts to manage change which nonetheless seem to reinforce inertia. Four logical options for coping with paradox have been explicated, three of which seek resolution and one of which ‘keeps the paradox open’. The purpose of this article is to explore the potential for managerial action where the paradox is held open through the use of theory on ‘serious playfulness’. Our argument is that paradoxes, as intrinsic features in organizational life, cannot always be resolved through cognitive processes. What may be possible, however, is that such paradoxes are transformed, or ‘moved on’ through action and as a result the overall change effort need not be stalled by the existence of embedded paradoxes

    An evolutionary stage model of outsourcing and competence destruction : a Triad comparison of the consumer electronics industry

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    Outsourcing has gained much prominence in managerial practice and academic discussions in the last two decades or so. Yet, we still do not understand the full implications of outsourcing strategy for corporate performance. Traditionally outsourcing across borders is explained as a cost-cutting exercise, but more recently the core competency argument states that outsourcing also leads to an increased focus, thereby improving effectiveness. However, no general explanation has so far been provided for how outsourcing could lead to deterioration in a firm‟s competence base. We longitudinally analyze three cases of major consumer electronics manufacturers, Emerson Radio from the U.S., Japan‟s Sony and Philips from the Netherlands to understand the dynamic process related to their sourcing strategies. We develop an evolutionary stage model that relates outsourcing to competence development inside the firm and shows that a vicious cycle may emerge. Thus it is appropriate to look not only at how outsourcing is influenced by an organization‟s current set of competences, but also how it alters that set over time. The four stages of the model are offshore sourcing, phasing out, increasing dependence on foreign suppliers, and finally industry exit or outsourcing reduction. The evolutionary stage model helps managers understand for which activities and under which conditions outsourcing across borders is not a viable option. Results suggest that each of these firms had faced a loss of manufacturing competitiveness in its home country, to which it responded by offshoring and then outsourcing production. When a loss of competences occurred, some outsourcing decisions were reversed

    Loslaten, maar niet overlaten. Succesvol regionaal water governance en de rol van rijkspartijen

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    SAMENVATTENDE CONCLUSIE: Aan de RMNO is gevraagd om een advies uit te brengen aan het Ministerie van Verkeer & Waterstaat, dat ingaat op het bestuurlijk vermogen rond watervraagstukken als onderdeel van gebiedsontwikkeling. In welke mate zijn de betrokken actoren in staat oplossingen voor watervraagstukken te realiseren? Hoe kan dit vermogen vergroot worden? Onze conclusie, aan de hand van een steekproef van zeven gebieden die we hebben onderzocht, is dat het bestuurlijk vermogen lijkt toe te nemen, maar de complexiteit van de vraagstukken ook. Er is een cumulatie van maatschappelijke wensen in gebieden, en het proces van integratie of synchronisatie van de doelen van verschillende gebiedspartijen wordt lastiger. De watergovernance is aangeland in een fase waar met name expliciet aandacht nodig is voor de manier waarop de communicatie en interactie tussen het nationaal waterbeleid en regionaal ruimtelijk beleid is vormgegeven...
