5 research outputs found

    Gender analysis, scholarly productivity and collaboration of female university professors of Health Science in the Autonomous Region of Valencia (2003-2007)

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    [EN] The article presents an analysis of the scholarly output of female professors in the fi eld of Health Science in the Autonomous Region of Valencia from 2003 to 2007,through bibliometric techniques and the application of a gender variable. The work attempted to identify how many women became large producers of scholarly articles compared to those who did not reach the same levels of productivity and impact. A total of 3,739 articles were retrieved during this period and the gender of all authors with more than 2 articles was identifi ed. Of these authors 2,774 (60.41 %) were male and 1,818 (39.59 %) were female. Focusing solely on large producers, the percentage of women publishing more than 10 papers was reduced to 26.72 %. As regards to scientifi collaboration, it is significant to note that women are included in all clusters of at least 10 authors and in some cases their presence is comparable with that of men. Although women’s participation is lower than men’s in all areas of nowledge, it is noteworthy that in Health Sciences the difference is not as great as in other technical areas. Women’s contribution to the scientifi c fi eld is increasing, suggesting the possibility of a signifi cant improvement in gender parity in the coming years.[ES]Se presenta la producción científica de las profesoras universitarias en el área de las Ciencias de la Salud de la Comunitat Valenciana durante el quinquenio 2003-2007 aplicando técnicas bibliométricas y realizando un análisis de género con el fin de conocer cuántas llegan a ser grandes productoras de artículos científicos frente a las que no alcanzan estos niveles de productividad e impacto. Se han recuperado 3.739 artículos durante el período estudiado, identificando el género de todos los autores con más de 2 artículos. De estos autores, 2.774 (60,41 %) son hombres y 1.818 (39,59 %) son mujeres, pero si se analizan solamente a los grandes productores, las autoras con más de 10 trabajos únicamente llegan a ser el 26,72 %. Respecto a la colaboración científica hay que resaltar que las mujeres están presentes en todas las redes de al menos 10 autores y en algunos casos su presencia se equipara a la de los hombres. Pese a que la participación de la mujer en todas las áreas del conocimiento es inferior a los hombres, en las Ciencias de la Salud la proporción es menor que en otras áreas técnicas. La aportación de las mujeres al ámbito científico es cada vez mayor pudiendo alcanzar la paridad con el paso de los años.Peer reviewe

    The place and eplication of History of art and critics in plastic arts education

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    Sanat derslerini ve temel sanat eğitimi derslerini uygulamaya yönelik tek boyutlu biçimden kurtararak, çok yönlü ve karmaşık bir süreç olarak ele almak ve bu bütünlüğü her zaman göz önünde bulundurarak uygulamak gerekmektedir. Bireylerin, evrensel bir dil olan sanat alanında tanımlama, çözümleme yapabilme, yorumlar geliştirip, yargılarda bulunabilme becerilerini geliştirmek, kişilerin birer dünya insanı olmalarını sağlamak, sanat derslerinin görevlerindendir. Bu da sanat derslerinin kapsamının içine eğitsel sanat eleştirisi ve sanat tarihi disiplinlerinin uygulanmasıyla mümkündür. Yapılan araştırmanın amacı, ilköğretim yedinci sınıf görsel sanatlar dersinde uygulanan sanat tarihi ve sanat eleştirisi öğretiminin öğrenci kazanımlarına etkisini belirlemektir. Araştırmanın örneklemi, 2007-2008 öğretim yılında İzmir ilinde bulunan Karabağlar Nazire Merzeci İlköğretim Okulu'nun 7. sınıfında öğrenim gören toplam 40 öğrenciden oluşmaktadır. Araştırma kapsamında araştırmacının geliştirdiği, öğrencilerin başarı düzeylerini ölçmeye yönelik görsel sanat kültürü başarı testi uygulanmıştır. Aynı zamanda öğrencilerin uygulama çalışmalarının da değerlendirmeleri yapılarak deney ve kontrol grupları arasındaki farklılıklar belirtilmiştir. It' s always needed to apply the art classes and basic art education classes by changing the form of application from a single dimension and to handle the whole period as complex and multi-sided as always taking all these points in to consideration. Individuals' making descriptions, anylysis, developing the ability to make interpretaions, making judgements on the the subject of art, an international language, are the main duties of art classes. This is possible as applying the history of arts disciplines and educational art critics in to the art classes. The aim of the search done is to modify the impact of the history of art class and art critics' education to the studets'advantage applied in the seventh grade visual arts class. The example of the search consists of fourty students who are attending the 7th grade at Karabağlar Nazire Merzeci Primary Education school in İzmir province during 2007- 2008 training year. Within the context of the search, a success test about visual arts cultura developed by the searcher was applied to the students to measure their level of success. In addition to this, it was modified the differences between the control groups by evalmating the students' training works