77 research outputs found

    Surat Emas Raja-Raja Nusantara sebagai Cakrawala Pengetahuan Politik: Pemanfaatan Naskah Kuno di Tanjung Lesung Beach Hotel, Provinsi Banten

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    ABSTRAK Pengetahuan yang terkandung dalam naskah kuno dipandang penting untuk diwariskan kepada generasi selanjutnya. Semangat mewariskan pengetahuan ini acapkali terhambat oleh jarak waktu antara naskah dengan masyarakat masa kini—misalnya dari sistem aksara dan penggunaan bahasa yang berbeda dengan saat ini. Meskipun demikian, semangat tersebut tampak dari upaya tim manajemen Tanjung Lesung Beach Hotel yang memanfaatkan naskah kuno sebagai hiasan dinding yang terdapat hampir di setiap cottage-nya. Hiasan dinding tersebut dapat dinikmati sebagai karya seni sekaligus pemantik rasa ingin tahu pengunjung terhadap kandungan naskah. Naskah yang berupa repro surat emas raja-raja Nusantara ini berfungsi sebagai cakrawala pengetahuan politik untuk memahami relasi raja-raja Nusantara dengan kerajaan Inggris. Kata kunci: surat emas raja-raja nusantara, naskah kuno, cakrawala pengetahuan politi

    Analisis Pangan

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    Analisa pangan adalah disiplin ilmu yang berhubungan dengan pengembangan, penerapan, dan studi prosedur analitik untuk mengkarakterisasi sifat-sifat makanan dan konstituennya. Prosedur analitik ini digunakan untuk memberikan informasi tentang berbagai karakteristik makanan yang berbeda, termasuk komposisi, struktur, sifat fisikokimia dan organoleptik. Informasi ini sangat penting untuk pemahaman rasional kita tentang faktor- faktor yang menentukan sifat-sifat makanan, serta kemampuan kita untuk secara ekonomis menghasilkan makanan yang secara konsisten aman, bergizi dan diinginkan dan bagi konsumen untuk mendapatkan informasi pilihan tentang diet mereka

    The Effect of Crude Extract of Pandanus conoideus Lamb. var. Yellow Fruit on Apoptotic Expression of the Breast Cancer Cell Line (T47D)

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    A mechanism controlling a growing cancer cells is by a programmed cell death (apoptosis). The wildtype-p53 enable to stop cleaves that follow DNA repair or cell death (apoptosis). The mutation of wt-p53 caused loosing its ability to inhibit cancer cells proliferation. Healing methods like surgery, radiation, immunotherapy and chemotherapy still have some weaknesses, and clinical medicine to cancer is also still has any dissatisfactory. Much of chemotherapy was not given optimal result yet, because no specific action to cancer cells only, but also to the normal cells. These problems encourage important effort to find specific and sensitive anticancer. Empirical evidence indicates that the crude extract of Pandanus conoideus Lamb var. yellow fruit has potential effect as an anticancer. Method of Freshney was used in growing T47D cell line, counting cells was done by direct counting, and apoptotic evaluation was done by TUNEL enzymatic labeling assay. The results of the research demonstrated that the LC50 of yellow fruit extract are 0.25 µL/mL. The percentage of apoptotic of 0.125 µL/mL, 0.0625 µL/mL, and 0.03125 µL/mL are 34.38±2.26, 30.03±3.87 and 21.07±1.14 respectively

    Puisi dari balik jeruji besi: pemenuhan hak pendidikan bagi anak berkonflik hukum di Bandung

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    Saat seorang anak berkonflik dengan hukum sehingga dirinya harus mendekam di balik jeruji besi, proses belajar secara formal di sekolah otomatis terhenti. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan solusi aternatif agar mereka tetap mendapatkan pendidikan. Sastra memiliki peranan penting sebagai media pemenuhan hak pendidikan karena berfungsi sebagai media katarsis. Hal tersebut terbukti dari puisi yang mereka buat. Berdasarkan puisi tersebut, tampak bahwa mengapresiasi puisi dapat membantu mereka menyalurkan pandangan dan perasaan. Hal tersebut memotivasi mereka untuk menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik

    Model tata kelola klaster dalam rangka pengembangan industri rumput laut (Kajian Budidaya, Agribisnis dan Pengembangan Produk Karagenan Berbasis Rumput Laut di Kabupaten Sumenep, Provinsi Jawa Timur)

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    Kabupaten Sumenep merupakan daerah penghasil rumput laut terbesar di Jawa Timur, produksi rumput laut yang dihasilkan adalah 549.717,56 ton basah dari beberpa klaster.Pengklasteran rumput laut di Kabupaten Sumenep terbagi atas 3 zona Kecamatan yaitu : Zona I di Kecamatan Bluto, Saronggi, Talango, Giligenting dan Masalembu; Zona II di Kecamatan Gapura, Dungkek, Batuputih, Dasuk, Ambunten, Pasongsongan dan Ra’as; dan Zona III di Kecamatan Kangayan, Arjasa dan Sapeken. Masing-masing zona didasarkan atas perkembangan usaha perikanan dengan 4 sub sistem yaitu : sarana produksi, proses produksi, penanganan dan pengolahan hasil serta permodalan.Pengembangan klaster agribisnis rumput laut dilakukan guna mengembangkan tata kelola rumput laut yang dilakukan oleh petani yang meliputi jumlah petani, jumlah rakit, luas, produksi (basah dan kering), nilai produksi (basah dan kering) Tahapan pengembangan klaster industri rumput laut meliputi tahap diagnostik, kolaborasi, implementasi, sosialisasi dan mobilisasi, monitoring dan evaluasi.Produksi dari klaster selanjutnya dikembangkan dengan mengektraksi menjadi karagenan

    Strategy for Implementation of Carrageenan Quality Assurance System through ISO 9001:2015, HACCP and HrACCP

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    The research objective is to find out the preparation, implementation and evaluation of ISO 9001 2015 certification, Food Safety with HACCP and Halal Assurance System with HrACCP at PT. Galic Bina Mada. The data analysis used is descriptive qualitative, namely analyzing data in the form of data reduction, data presentation, conclusion drawing and verification. The results show that the preparation of ISO 9001 2015 certification, Food Safety with HACCP and Halal Assurance System with HrACCP at PT. Galic Bina Mada was categorized as good. This is indicated by the completeness of all documents and the sequence of steps taken to obtain certification. The implementation of the ISO 9001:2015 quality assurance system, HACCP, HrACCP at PT. Galic Bina Mada showed a good or appropriate result, which was indicated by achieving the standard of achievement to document completeness. The implementation of the quality assurance system at PT. Galic Bina Mada could increase the number of production and improve product quality (kappa carrageenan grade). The results of the evaluation which included internal and external audits provided assurance of the achievement of the quality standard system. Suggestions that the authors can give are for PT Galic Bina Mada to make continuous improvements to ensure the operation of an effective quality management system and for future researchers to conduct further research for the running of the HACCP system at PT. Galic Bina Mada Pasuruan, after the certification process

    Legenda makam keramat gunung batu sebagai sistem mitigasi bencana di Sesar Lembang

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    A legend is a folk story whose events are considered to have really happened. The characters in the story are believed to have lived in the past and the places where the events occurred can be referred to in real life. Events, characters, and places considered important by the community will be immortalized by the community to become legends. Those legends are told by people from generation to generation to deliver the knowledge they have. Related to that, this research was motivated by the existence of sacred tomb on Mount Batu, Lembang District, West Bandung Regency. The story about Mount Batu sacred tomb is believed by the local community as a legend. This research described the narrative structure of the legend, the context of the story, and the function of the legend for the native through the perspective of folklore. The results of the study show that the legend of Mount Batu sacred tomb is closely related to the knowledge system of the community, especially regarding the disaster mitigation system. The legend was delivered from generation to generation to warn the surrounding community about the threatening disaster in the area which is included in the Lembang Fault area

    Karakteristik Kimia Roti Manis Sourdough yang Menggunakan Ragi Alami dari Apel Manalagi (Malus sylvestris)

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    Sourdough adalah campuran terigu, air, dan atau komponen lain yang difermentasi dengan starter alami yang mengandung bakteri asam laktat (BAL) dan yeast. Campuran tersebut digunakan sebagai agen pengembang dalam produksi roti manis. Sourdough dalam penelitian ini menggunakan fermentasi air rendaman apel manalagi sebagai raginya. Sourdough dapat mengubah ketersediaan fraksi serat, protein, dan meningkatkan kandungan mineral pada tepung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan sourdough starter terhadap karakteristik kimiawi roti manis. Percobaan terdiri atas 6 level perlakuan yaitu perbedaan konsentrasi penambahan sourdough starter pada adonan yaitu 0% sebagai kontrol, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%. Parameter pengamatan yang digunakan meliputi kadar air, abu, protein, lemak, karbohidrat, dan serat pangan total. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perlakuan penambahan proporsi sourdough starter yang berbeda berpengaruh nyata terhadap kadar air dengan kisaran 25,09-31,20% (basis basah), kadar abu dengan kisaran 1,29-1,82%, protein dengan kisaran 6,57-18,22%, lemak dengan kisaran 1,85-8,39%, karbohidrat dengan kisaran 45,4458,67%, dan serat pangan total dengan kisaran 7,48-14,02%. Terjadi peningkatan kadar serat sebesar 2,4 kali lipat pada roti sourdough dibandingkan roti manis

    Implementing the Quality Function to Improve the Organic Vegetable Quality

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    This research delves into the pivotal role of quality management in sustaining organic vegetable production, underscoring its profound connection to consumer satisfaction and subsequent impact on purchasing decisions. Within the organic market, predominantly catering to the upper to middle-class demographic in Batu, East Java, Indonesia, consumer preferences dictate heightened product specifications and, consequently, necessitate a focus on quality. To fortify market presence, this study advocates for the direct involvement of organic farmers throughout the entire production-to-marketing continuum, transforming them into not just cultivators but entrepreneurs. In the face of escalating competition, product quality emerges as a paramount subsystem requiring prioritization. The study employs the quality function method for planning and developing pertinent organic vegetable products aligned with consumer interests, identifying areas for improvement. The primary objective is to ascertain consumer demands and devise corrective measures to augment satisfaction. Employing the online survey method, participants were limited to consumers who had purchased organic vegetable products from Batu-based farmers in East Java at least twice. Analyzing the data revealed that consumer prioritized quality attributes encompassed vegetable cleanliness, product pricing, and ease of accessibility. Notably, technical interventions such as the implementation of Good Handling Practices, Internal Control System (ICS), and enhancing service quality during organic vegetable cultivation significantly influenced consumer interest attributes, fostering heightened satisfaction. This study contributes valuable insights for organic farmers and stakeholders seeking to optimize product quality in response to evolving consumer demands
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