446 research outputs found


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    Di Era modern seperti sekarang, teknologi semakin berkembang dilingkungan kita sehari-hari. Karena dengan bantuan teknologi semua hal akan menjadi lebih mudah. Salah satu perkembangan teknologi yang sangat signifikan didalam kehidupan sehari-hari adalah internet. Dalam hal ini media berita online adalah salah satu wadah yang berkaitan dengan internet, salah satu media yang dibutuhkan oleh semua kalangan, guna mendapatkan informasi untuk menjalani kehidupan bersosial. Dengan bantuan teknologi internet yang semakin canggih, masyarakat dapat dengan mudah mendapatkan informasi dan komunikasi dimanapun dan kapanpun mereka berada. Babanews.co adalah salah satu dari sekian banyak media berita online yang menyajikan berita-berita viral yang bersifat humoris (lucu). Kendala yang dihadapi oleh babanews.co yaitu identitas visual yang sulit untuk diaplikasikan keberbagai media dan identitas visual masih belum menggambarkan karakter perusahaan, serta penyajian elemen-elemen visual didalam user interface yang masih belum menarik. Salah satu upaya untuk menjadikan perusahaan babanews.co mempunyai identitas yang dapat mewakilkan karakter perusahaan yaitu dilakukanlah perancangan ulang identitas visualnya berupa logo perusahaan beserta user interface pada media digital, seperti aplikasi smartphone dan website. Tujuannya adalah memeperlihatkan identitas visual berupa logo babanews.co yang dapat menggambarkan karakter humoris perusahaan dan dapat dengan mudah saat pengaplikasiaanya dimedia yang dibutuhkan yaitu aplikasi smartphone dan website. Data yang diperoleh menggunakan metode observasi, studi pustaka, wawancara narasumber, dan menyebarkan kuisoiner kepada responden yang menjadi target dari babanews.co yaitu remaja hingga dewasa. Lalu didapatlah suatu gagasan yang mendasari perancangan, kemudian dibuatlah analisis menggunakan matriks perbandingan dengan Kompetitor sejenis. Dari hasil kesimpulan analisis itulah didapatkan suatu konsep untuk perancangan ulang identitas visual dan user interface babanews.co. Kata Kunci : Teknologi, Media Online, Berita, Aplikasi, Vira

    Leadership style in knowledge-based culture: The competitive advantage approach

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    In nowadays economy, knowledge becoming the primary bases of core competency and key to superior performance. Several reasons are advanced for the implementation of knowledge management (KM) within companies. These includes of the widespread digitalisation of business environments; the rise of time-based competition that require firms to learn as much as possible in very short periods; the globalization of operations; and the high incidence of mergers and takeovers. Thus, for these reasons, it is crucial for a company to explore any factors that can enhance the knowledge-based organization. The proper way in managing the knowledge will lead to firm’s competitive advantage achievement. In this paper, the leadership styles as important factors in enhance the practices of knowledge-based culture will be the main focused. Specifically, this paper is to address three main objectives. First objective is to discuss the important of leadership styles in association to organizational learning culture, the most excellent principal in order to manage and value knowledge. Secondly, this paper will explain the important of leadership styles in firm’s competitive advantage achievement. And lastly, this paper will further discuss the important of leadership role in inter-firm settings and it relationship to competitive advantage

    Pemahaman pelajar matrikulasi tentang logaritma

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    Logarithm is a difficult topic for most students. Lacking the appropriate skills to apply logarithmic rules, a weak understanding of concepts in Logarithm and the way students are taught could cause the students to face difficulty in understanding the subject. Consequently, students‟ competence to solve logarithmic questions and their mathematics performance at higher educational levels will be affected. This study was carried out to explore and identify the issues involved in the understanding of Logarithm among Matriculation students. This study had adopted the sequential explanatory research design. A total of 138 students in the first semester 2011/2012 session of the Two-Year Matriculation Program at a Matriculation College in northern Peninsular Malaysia participated in this study. In the first phase of the study, the Student‟s Understanding of Logarithm (ToSUL) test was used to determine these students‟ achievement in Module I, II, and III Logarithm. In phase two, interviews were carried out using the interview protocol which was developed by the researcher. ToSUL was scored using the marking scheme which was developed by a group of experts. Students‟ scores for every item were recorded on a Microsoft Excel worksheet and the overall percentage scores were sorted in ascending order. The students‟ achievements in the ToSUL were categorized as “pass” or “fail” in accordance with the achievement standards set by the Matriculation Division, Ministry of Education. A total of 117 (84.78%) students failed the test. Results of the Post Hoc Gabriel test showed a significance difference in the achievement in ToSUL between Module II and Module III students. Five students were unable to provide the definition for "logarithm‟. Attention was given more to the procedures to obtain the answers instead. The inclination towards procedural and instrumental understanding of Logarithm was more prevalent. Four types of errors made were in algebra, the generalization of logarithmic rules, understanding the concept of indices, and the failure to follow the instructions about the questions. The research participants attributed three factors for their problems in using logarithmic rules, namely the instructor, the students themselves, and the questions. The instrumental or procedural understanding of Logarithm and the mismatch between teaching and learning appeared to have consequences on students‟ competence to solve logarithmic questions. This study contributes to the research findings in mathematics education and the formation of policy related to the development of mathematics education curriculum for matriculation students

    Kerangka konsep pembelajaran teradun dalam persekitaran visual-autentik bagi menyokong kemahiran insaniah pelajar

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    Pembelajaran yang melibatkan penggunaan teknologi menjadikan pelajar bersikap lebih aktif dan bertanggungjawab terhadap pembelajaran mereka. Konsep pembelajaran bertumpukan kepada pelajar menerusi penerapan elemen teknologi dijangka melahirkan graduan yang lebih bertanggungjawab, mempunyai keupayaan berkomunikasi dalam kalangan pelajar, menyokong pembelajaran berterusan, memupuk diri pelajar dalam menyelesaikan sesebuah masalah pembelajaran dengan lebih terbuka dan kritikal, berdikari, membentuk sikap proaktif, mendidik nilai beretika dan berintegriti serta menggalakkan pelajar untuk berkolaborasi dalam proses pembelajaran (Rafiza, 2013). Hal ini secara tidak langsung mampu membantu membentuk kemahiran insaniah dalam kalangan pelajar sebagaimana yang diperlukan semasa alam kerjaya mereka nanti

    A review of the literature on brand loyalty and customer loyalty

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    Brand Loyalty or Customer Loyalty? Brand Loyalty and Customer Loyalty are two concepts that have been delved into by researchers as they are two very important dimensions in marketing. Brand Loyalty is a biased behavioral response expressed over a period of time.It implies a consistent repurchase pattern of the brand as a result of positive affection towards the brand (Mellens, DeKimpe and Steenkamp, 1996).Brand loyalty theories suggested that loyalty to brands is the outcome of several factors comprising effective, behavioral and attitudinal dimensions.Customer loyalty as defined by Oliver is a deeply held commitment to re-buy or re-patronize a preferred product or service consistently in the future despite situational influences and marketing efforts having the potential to cause switching behavior.This article discusses the difference between Brand Loyalty and Customer Loyalty and the methods used by researchers in academic research. Brand Loyalty in marketing has been associated with a positive perception by consumers towards the brand while Customer Loyalty has been associated with the spending power of consumers induced by various loyalty programs.However research in both Brand Loyalty and Customer Loyalty uses the same multi-dimensional constructs of effective and behavioral approach

    Malaysian consumers' preference and willingness to pay for environmentally certified wooden household furniture

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    Demand for certified timber products (CTPs) is on the rise, with major markets currently in North America and Europe, where consumers are willing to pay price premiums for these wood products. It is reported that there is little or no local demand for CTPs in the developing producer countries as consumers are said to have little interest in the products and cannot afford to be environmentally ethical in their consumption. A survey was conducted in Kuala Lumpur to determine whether consumers in Malaysia, which is a tropical CTPs producing and exporting country, have a preference and willing to pay price premiums for environmentally certified wooden household furniture (ECWHF). The willingness to pay (WTP) was estimated with the contingent valuation method using the Turnbull lower-bound estimator. The results indicated that a majority (74%) of the respondents showed a preference for ECWHF when priced at similar bid level with its identical non-certified products. However, a much lower percentage of these respondents were found to be willing to pay a price premium for the products. Of the 994 respondents surveyed, only 40.7% indicated a positive WTP. On average, the respondents were willing to pay about 18% more for ECWHF over its identical non-certified competitor. CTPs may be appropriate for specific niche markets which should be identified by marketers of these wood products

    Pembentukan kemahiran insaniah pelajar menerusi pembelajaran teradun dalam persekitaran e-autentik bervisual

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    Perkembangan dunia ICT banyak mendorong kepada perubahan dalam corak pendidikan masa kini. Kaedah pembelajaran atas talian dengan pengintegrasian bersama elemen multimedia dan teknologi web 2.0 menjadi salah satu gaya (trending) dan medium penyampaian maklumat kepada pelajar seperti penggunaan e-Pembelajaran, laman sesawang, laman blog, aplikasi laman sosial seperti facebook, twitter sangat mendapat tempat dalam arus pembelajaran masa kini. Justeru, pengguaan medium teknologi secara atas talian dengan kaedah pembelajaran secara bersemuka hendaklah diseimbangkan menerusi kaedah pembelajaran teradun seharusnya dirangka, disusun dan dilaksana sebaiknya. Univeristi Teknologi Malaysia adalah merupakan salah satu universiti tempatan di Malaysia yang menyediakan ruangan pembelajaran menerusi aplikasi e-Pembelajaran yang mengandungi pelbagai elemen seperti aktiviti dan sumber. Aplikasi seumpama ini hendaklah dimaksimumkan penggunaannya dengan aktiviti yang bersesuaian. Penggunaan elemen pembelajaran dalam persekitaran autentik yang memberi penekanan kepada tiga aspek utama iaitu elemen pemikiran visual, elemen pembelajaran visual dan elemen komunikasi visual mampu membantu pelajar untuk meningkat dari sudut prestasi akademik seiring dengan perkembangan elemen kemahiran insaniah yang perlu diterapkan bagi memenuhi keperluan kerjaya. Kemahiran insaniah ini meliputi kemahiran berkomunikasi, pemikiran kritikal dan kemahiran penyelesaian masalah, kemahiran kerja berpasukan, pengurusan maklumat dan pembelajaran jangka hayat, kemahiran keusahawanan, kemahiran kepimpinan dan proaktif serta etika dan integriti. Justeru bagi menyokong kepada peningkatan kemahiran insaniah ini, pelajar diberi ruang bagi menjalankan aktiviti dalam beberapa keadaan seperti individu, berkumpulan, secara atas talian dan juga secara bersemuka sesuai dengan kemudahan yang terdapat dalam e-Pembelajaran@UTM. Oleh demikian, sebuah kajian menerusi pembelajaran teradun berdasarkan kepada persekitaran autentik bervisual bakal dilaksanakan bagi menyokong kepada pembentukan kemahiran insaniah pelajar melalui kemudahan e-Pembelajaran@UTM dan seterusnya membantu dalam perkembangan kontinum pemikiran visual dan prestasi akademik pelajar

    Willingness to pay a price premium for certified wood products among consumers in Malaysia

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    Consumers are assumed to be willing to pay price premiums for certified wood products. In this study, Malaysian consumers’ willingness to pay a price premium for certified wood products and factors influencing their willingness to pay were investigated. The study made use of the data obtained from 994 systematically selected mall-intercepted respondents. A binomial logit analysis was applied to determine the factors influencing the respondents’ willingness to pay. About 74% of the respondents indicated that they would choose wood products made from certified timbers. However, only 57% stated that they were willing to pay a price premium for the products. The respondents’ willingness to pay was found to be influenced by their knowledge and perceived importance of forest certification, as well as the inclination to choose wood products made from certified timbers. There is also a positive correlation between the willingness to pay and the respondents’ education, income, and current ownership of the wooden furniture items. The opportunity for further research includes determining the amount of premium the consumers are willing to pay and identifying consumer segments where certified wood products can be successfully marketed

    The influence of product quality and service quality on brand leadership: Empirical evidence from Malaysia

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    This study examined the effect of product quality and service quality on brand leadership.Automobile industry was selected to conduct this study due to its importance in driving the economy status of Malaysia.A survey questionnaire was administered personally to car users in North region of Malaysia at large shopping malls.The sample covered 470 respondents to obtain their feedback and perception on the car brand they use.The data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) on AMOS.The findings indicated that product quality and service quality have significant positive relationship with brand leadership.Finally, conclusion and future research directions are discussed

    A review of branding benefits among small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs)

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    Brand Management are very common in large company. Brand Management involves understanding all aspects of a brand and then devising a plan in order to build brand equity.However branding in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises has been relatively new subject.This is partly due to the lack of understanding of the real meaning of branding.It also caused by financial, expertise and resources constraints.Therefore, this study aims to reveal the general idea about SMEs in Malaysia and their growth potential in terms of brand commitment